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by Epsilon Delta » Thu Nov 17, 2022 6:08 am
- Motto: "Slag 'em all and let Primus sort 'em out"
- Weapon: Photon Cannon
DeathAura wrote:I have been to several targets and they are all sold out but I found 3 of the yellow G2 paint scheme Tonka Devestators at the target on Val Vista and Warner in Gilbert.
I've seen a few of these in Goodyear, and I wanted to get this exact style when my son was into construction vehicles when he was younger. Unfortunately he no longer is into them, and $100+ is too much for me to bite on now. It's a pretty cool set.
Who says Cybertron Optimus can't hold his matrix with two hands?

Epsilon Delta
- Minibot
- Posts: 192
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- Joined: Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:57 pm
- Alt Mode: ChoochooTrain
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