Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store


TFanPage101 wrote:Really? Deluxe Wave 4 and 5 hasn't even shown up here and I'm still waiting for Chopper Dropkick.
Optimus-Primal wrote:I searched walmart on Southern and found nothing
LordPrime99 wrote:So I was strolling through walmart on the hunt for some plastic, when suddenly I see the g1 reissue of soundwave and his different cassette boys on shelf. There were no tags but upon scanning I learned soundwave was $49 and his cassette 2 packs ar $19 each. Found in Surprise, AZ
DeathAura wrote:I am seeing the latest Headmaster reissues on the shelves right now.
I can't remember the waves, but I was able to find the following headmasters:
Autobots: Brainstorm, Highbrow, Chromedome, and Hardhead.
Decepticons: Mindwipe, Skullcruncher, Weirdwolf.
Did I miss any?
DeathAura wrote:I remember seeing highbrow and skullcruncher at the super Walmart on mckellips and val vista like 4 hours ago. I think there was a chrome dome too.
Here is a photo of mine on display with some others I picked up a while ago.
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