Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Emerje wrote:Yes! Love that figure, it's such a unique stylized mold. Looking back, it's almost an early version of movie Nemesis Prime.
Rodimus Prime wrote:D-Max, I'm astounded by the volume of your collection. It was something I strove for years ago, before Combiner Wars made me realize I would have neither the space or financial means to achieve it.
The only drawback to this manner of display that I can think of is that since they're jammed together so much maybe the details of the individual bots get lost in the crowd. Perhaps they look different in person.
Regardless, congrats on the collection, I'm sure it will just keep growing, and I'm glad I was able to contribute to it.
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:That is an awesome looking group!
triKlops wrote:Agreed with DMax.
Awesome looking group and shots, EMB!
Whifflefire wrote:I picked up some new old figures recently that I'm very happy about. I'd been looking to get an ROTF Thrust to pair with my Dirge, who I got in 2010. I finally found one for an acceptable price. They make nice pair! I will get a ROTF Ramjet to complete the sort-of trio.
triKlops wrote:Whifflefire wrote:I picked up some new old figures recently that I'm very happy about. I'd been looking to get an ROTF Thrust to pair with my Dirge, who I got in 2010. I finally found one for an acceptable price. They make nice pair! I will get a ROTF Ramjet to complete the sort-of trio.
Really nice scores there!
I still enjoy my Thrust and Dirge, as well.
Very nice choice on the SWave!
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