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ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Technically there was one other new mold for the Predacons, among the non-show characters: Bruticus. But that was by accident - obvious delayed Beast Machines mold is obvious.
Ugh, I continue to kick myself for selling off my Midnight Express, especially since a shipping mistake ate into the profits. I need to get all the Trainbots thanks to that. The trick will be to ideally find a gun-less Takara Railspike (since I have Railspike's gun).
Someone really needs to do repro sockets that can be glued onto the Autobot Brothers.
o.supreme wrote:When the final Unite Warrior release was announced as Baldigus, that was a no brainer for me, I have it along with all the others. I'd definitely pick up modern interpretations of any of the other combiners as well, just not sure how they could be improved upon despite being 20+ years old now.
Well, if you did some mix-and-matching (including some disassembly to swap Mega Octane chestplates) between the standard and desert versions you could get fairly close.o.supreme wrote:I never got any of the Hasbro variants of "Ruination" because the colors were never animation accurate (and they released 3 of them).
I dunno that he'd hold up, honestly - seems like he'd be dwarfed. Do you have the original?D-Maximal_Primal wrote:and on the bad guy side I just need Scourge once he's out in the netflix line
He really is... Unfortunate, since in his case he fixes a size issue.D-Maximal_Primal wrote:and Baldigus, but that UW toys is unreasonably expensive nowadays
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:I dunno that he'd hold up, honestly - seems like he'd be dwarfed. Do you have the original?D-Maximal_Primal wrote:and on the bad guy side I just need Scourge once he's out in the netflix line
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:I dunno that he'd hold up, honestly - seems like he'd be dwarfed. Do you have the original?D-Maximal_Primal wrote:and on the bad guy side I just need Scourge once he's out in the netflix line
OUCH. Hopefully you'll have a shot at a similar listing.D-Maximal_Primal wrote:This thread pops up right after I missed a Prime/Magnus complete in very nice shape set on a facebook group for $130. that was a painful miss
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:OUCH. Hopefully you'll have a shot at a similar listing.D-Maximal_Primal wrote:This thread pops up right after I missed a Prime/Magnus complete in very nice shape set on a facebook group for $130. that was a painful miss
Somehow managed to score Scourge on eBay for a really sweet price, complete except for the disks. He is awesome!
Could use some advice on working the air-powered launcher though. And on storing the second rocket.
Been trying that with little success, but I'll keep at it. Hopefully I don't have to replace the hose...Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Slide the missile all the way in, then hit the air bellow really hard in order to have it shoot the missile a reasonable distance. Make sure there are no kinks in the cable.
That much, I figured out already, it was pretty easy (same for storing the quintuple launcher with the other 5 small misiles loaded in).Jelze Bunnycat wrote:The missiles store inside the tanker, there are indents for them on the sides. The smaller missiles go on one side (5 max), the larger air missile on the other.
I think so too, he's 1 of my favorite Primes, so much so that I used to own 2 of him to display in super mode and as Omega Prime. My 1 and only complaint with the figure is the rubber wheels which are prone to cracking.Nemesis Destron wrote:I totally think IMHO Fire Conoy/OP is one of greatest Primes still. The mold is an epic one weather it's the fire red or the piss yellow...'nuff said!
So, this?ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Rollbar, a bootleg I really need to replace one of these days... He makes G2 Slingshot look durable by comparison. I wish I was kidding.
Hopefully it doesn't damage the paint or anything.Emerje wrote:I took down all my shelves to replace them with new closed ones because I'm sick of dust. Somehow my trains yellowed TERRIBLLY despite not being in direct sunlight. Going to be giving them the peroxide treatment.
Well, he's not hard to come by.Emerje wrote:I have that Baldigus bootleg only because I wanted to use the accessories on Ruination, but I never did get Mega Octane. Really need to rectify that sometime soon.
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