Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

hanauta wrote:New board eh? Thanks.
Union City Wal-Mart - 5 Arcee, plenty of Ratchet, 3 Ironhides, 3 Starscream, 2 packs of Dreadwing, Overbite and Snarl, plenty of RealGear
Newark TRU - 1 WW Titanium Prime and Megatron, many Robot Heroes packs...0 Deluxe figures.
Dublin TRU - Plenty of Robot Heroes packs, Ironhide, Starscream, and WW Titanium Prime and Megatron sets, 3 each of Cybertron Optimus Prime and Demolisher (July 21, around 12pm)
Robinson wrote:hanauta wrote:New board eh? Thanks.
Union City Wal-Mart - 5 Arcee, plenty of Ratchet, 3 Ironhides, 3 Starscream, 2 packs of Dreadwing, Overbite and Snarl, plenty of RealGear
Newark TRU - 1 WW Titanium Prime and Megatron, many Robot Heroes packs...0 Deluxe figures.
Dublin TRU - Plenty of Robot Heroes packs, Ironhide, Starscream, and WW Titanium Prime and Megatron sets, 3 each of Cybertron Optimus Prime and Demolisher (July 21, around 12pm)
These cities are in California?
hanauta wrote:Robinson wrote:hanauta wrote:New board eh? Thanks.
Union City Wal-Mart - 5 Arcee, plenty of Ratchet, 3 Ironhides, 3 Starscream, 2 packs of Dreadwing, Overbite and Snarl, plenty of RealGear
Newark TRU - 1 WW Titanium Prime and Megatron, many Robot Heroes packs...0 Deluxe figures.
Dublin TRU - Plenty of Robot Heroes packs, Ironhide, Starscream, and WW Titanium Prime and Megatron sets, 3 each of Cybertron Optimus Prime and Demolisher (July 21, around 12pm)
These cities are in California?
The Bay Area. Not everyone lives in SoCal
tom brokaw wrote:Pacoima target is southern cali got a fresh stock of movie figs....i believe they got four cases. this was as of 10 am this morning, not sure what you ca find now.... sorry for the late post but i just found about this thread. great thread by the way, it seems to prove to be beneficial and helpful to everyone on the forums.
Tallgeese wrote:Robinson wrote:hanauta wrote:New board eh? Thanks.
Union City Wal-Mart - 5 Arcee, plenty of Ratchet, 3 Ironhides, 3 Starscream, 2 packs of Dreadwing, Overbite and Snarl, plenty of RealGear
Newark TRU - 1 WW Titanium Prime and Megatron, many Robot Heroes packs...0 Deluxe figures.
Dublin TRU - Plenty of Robot Heroes packs, Ironhide, Starscream, and WW Titanium Prime and Megatron sets, 3 each of Cybertron Optimus Prime and Demolisher (July 21, around 12pm)
These cities are in California?
The Bay Area. Not everyone lives in SoCal
twee wrote:I saw one for $45 there. They were also selling Voyager Starscream for $60.
EDIT: Oh, and I hate how Target restocks so late. I make the rounds at around 11:30, and they haven't even begun to restock stuff in the toys section.
Is there anything worth looking at at the KB in UTC?
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