Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Tfcollector23 wrote:FYI, the Target in Oxnard, CA has the SS Leader Class DOTM Megatron and wavemate Jetfire on the shelf. I would have bought them both, but my wife gave me the guilt trip routine. We don't have enough money, we have to buy more household stuff, bla bla bla, lol.
Sjeng wrote:AutobotDad is from the Bay Area SF. Any news on Siege products?
Z3ROhour wrote:Tfcollector23 wrote:FYI, the Target in Oxnard, CA has the SS Leader Class DOTM Megatron and wavemate Jetfire on the shelf. I would have bought them both, but my wife gave me the guilt trip routine. We don't have enough money, we have to buy more household stuff, bla bla bla, lol.
i hear you, brother.
after 26 years
my wife has found
i dont drink, smoke, cheat, do drugs, care for sports, muscle cars or strippers
that a fig
here and there
is a decent caveat
gotta love my Solluminous
(her Cybertronian persona)
or what?
Needler56 wrote:Two Siege Seeker Ion Storm sets at Coleman Target in San Jose as of 3pm today.
For anyone looking for Marvel Legends, they had a couple 80 Years Colossus/Juggernaut two packs, a few Infinity War Iron Man/Iron Spider two packs, and a few Ant Man & Wasp Luis/Ghost two packs.
o.supreme wrote:I've only spotted siege wave 3 deluxes at one walmart here in Sacramento (thought I haven't been traveling nearly as much to get to the 15 or stores around here...) I got the Brunt I wanted, and stopped paying attention after that. The 2 stores closest to me are clearance everything out though, hopefully to do a reset, and not to sit empty as they did last summer for almost 2 months.
I saw shelf space for rainmakers at one target close by, but actually haven't seen them yet. Other targets have nothing new, but seem to have a decent stock of Siege wave 2 and studio series.
*Stargrave- I think we may have actually talked about this previously but...I'm taking a trip up to Magalia on Saturday August 11th to deliver some items to a family getting back on their feet after the Paradise fire.
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