Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

RhA wrote:Jullie weten dat geen Amerikaan dit leest, hè?
Maar goed, BOMBSHELL! Ik ga dapper op zoek. Goed nieuws, goed nieuws.
Sjeng wrote:Wow, that Prowl is a steal! €20,- is the cheapest I've ever seen him. Good haul.
And for a "kid" (dunno how old you are), your English is great!
Which Rescue Bots did they have, and how much were they? My son loves those
Sjeng wrote:Well, he already has a bunch of them (Prime, Bee, Quickshadow, Blades, Hoist, Medix, Blurr, Chase, Boulder truck, Brushfire) but he doesn't have Boulder bulldozer yet (he has a Boulder that's a loading truck / kiepwagen), and there's a cool Heatwave firetruck with carriage (he has a Heatwave boat), and I'm not sure he has Salvage yet. And the police/fire bases are nice, but they'd have to be REAL cheap lol.
Just shoot a picture if you can. I'm gonna have to check my local Kruidvat too. They didn't have anything TF last time, only some star wars things, and Hero Mashers.
Sjeng wrote:Great idea! You may get a few strange looks though lol.
And thanks too!
Star Prime wrote:I recorded some of the stores, but I tried to do it kinda undercover. I still find it awkward to record in the first place, but recording Transformers shelves is more akward. xD
Sjeng wrote:Star Prime wrote:I recorded some of the stores, but I tried to do it kinda undercover. I still find it awkward to record in the first place, but recording Transformers shelves is more akward. xD
I can imagine lol. But pictures are just fine too. And I think a 15 y/o guy interested in TF's isn't that strange.
I'm turned 40 this week on the 4th of july, but I have a son haha, which is a great excuse, even if he can't play with my CW and TR bots yet. He can play with them Rescue Bots for now, and when he's older, he can have my entire collection. Untill then, I'll happily display them.
I do like those Rescue Bots though, they have some VERY clever transformations. So simple, but elegant, and they don't look half bad as bots and vehicles. MUCH better than most G1 toys I had.
At least these guys look like their animated cartoon versions. Most G1 toys were a stretch. I mean take Ironhide and Ratchet lol. But I digress.
Post your video when you finish it, very curiousAnd gratz on Mirage!! 2 more and a voyager and you can make a combiner. (The only Voyagers I still see on occasion are Cyclonus and sometimes HotSpot, €30,- at ToyChamp belgium. They also have Deluxes, but still at €20,- although I did see Ironhide for €15,- at Intertoys, which isn't bad. They also has Sunstreaker, but it sold out.)
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