Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Streets, I mean.Primeultimus wrote:North Tampa , South Tampa , St Petersburg , Pinellas Park.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Goodness, gracious, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE! I FOUND SKYQUAKE!!!!!!!!!
Walked into TRU this afternoon not expecting to find anything. Noticed that the TF section of the toy aisle had finally gotten the later wave PRID toys (this TRU had previously been notorious for having mostly just Bumblebees, Cliffjumpers, Wheeljacks, and little else, but they were usually good with the Voyagers), which were right next to the Prime Beast Hunters toys, so I took a look at what they had.
Looking at the Voyagers, I saw three PRID ones: Thundertron, Ultra Magnus, and Optimus Prime... the same three that Voyager Skyquake was said to have shipped with. Sadly, though, the Skyquake that had likely come with these three looked to be already long gone.
...Or so I thought! Just as I was about to walk away with my head slumped in disappointment, I noticed a particularly large amount of unsold Cyberverse Optimus Maximus toys that were just sitting there shelfwarming like normal. Then I thought, "You know, it's possible that there could be more stuff behind those things. Wouldn't hurt to take a peak." So, thanks to curiosity getting the best of me, I pulled out on of those "Obnoxious Maximus" sets off the shelf and looked to see what lay beyond in the back of the shelf.
There were some more Optimus Maximus toys, some unsold DOTM sets, a Generations Voyager Blitzwing someone had likely stashed away to purchase at a later time (even though there was already another Blitzwing, as well as a Springer, out in the open two shelves up -- I already got these two previously, so I didn't bother with them), and... something green stashed even further towards the back.
It caught my eye. I recognized the packaging as a PRID Voyager box. It wasn't Bulkhead, it was SKYQUAKE!!!!!![]()
Like the Blitzwing, someone must have hidden it behind all the "Shelfwarmus Maximus" to pay for later. My conscience considered this, but then I thought "It's SKYQUAKE!!! I've been the victim of scalpers too often in the past! Time for me to play the 'first come, first serve' game!"![]()
He is mine and he is gorgeous! His paint apps are even better than Dreadwing's, and he's even got MORE paint than his brother!
And with how hard he is to find, I'm thinking of keeping him stored in his packaging. I'm gonna open it to play with, but when not playing with him, he'll go back into his box, just like I do for my other special figures. I'm gonna preserve and maintain this bad boy, as he is the last PRID toy I was looking to get and now he is mine.![]()
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Sabrblade wrote:I wrote this two days ago:Goodness, gracious, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE! I FOUND SKYQUAKE!!!!!!!!!
Walked into TRU this afternoon not expecting to find anything. Noticed that the TF section of the toy aisle had finally gotten the later wave PRID toys (this TRU had previously been notorious for having mostly just Bumblebees, Cliffjumpers, Wheeljacks, and little else, but they were usually good with the Voyagers), which were right next to the Prime Beast Hunters toys, so I took a look at what they had.
Looking at the Voyagers, I saw three PRID ones: Thundertron, Ultra Magnus, and Optimus Prime... the same three that Voyager Skyquake was said to have shipped with. Sadly, though, the Skyquake that had likely come with these three looked to be already long gone.
...Or so I thought! Just as I was about to walk away with my head slumped in disappointment, I noticed a particularly large amount of unsold Cyberverse Optimus Maximus toys that were just sitting there shelfwarming like normal. Then I thought, "You know, it's possible that there could be more stuff behind those things. Wouldn't hurt to take a peak." So, thanks to curiosity getting the best of me, I pulled out on of those "Obnoxious Maximus" sets off the shelf and looked to see what lay beyond in the back of the shelf.
There were some more Optimus Maximus toys, some unsold DOTM sets, a Generations Voyager Blitzwing someone had likely stashed away to purchase at a later time (even though there was already another Blitzwing, as well as a Springer, out in the open two shelves up -- I already got these two previously, so I didn't bother with them), and... something green stashed even further towards the back.
It caught my eye. I recognized the packaging as a PRID Voyager box. It wasn't Bulkhead, it was SKYQUAKE!!!!!![]()
Like the Blitzwing, someone must have hidden it behind all the "Shelfwarmus Maximus" to pay for later. My conscience considered this, but then I thought "It's SKYQUAKE!!! I've been the victim of scalpers too often in the past! Time for me to play the 'first come, first serve' game!"![]()
He is mine and he is gorgeous! His paint apps are even better than Dreadwing's, and he's even got MORE paint than his brother!
And with how hard he is to find, I'm thinking of keeping him stored in his packaging. I'm gonna open it to play with, but when not playing with him, he'll go back into his box, just like I do for my other special figures. I'm gonna preserve and maintain this bad boy, as he is the last PRID toy I was looking to get and now he is mine.![]()
For the former, check Toys "R" Us. Look to see if they have the Prime RID Voyager Optimus, Ultra Magnus, and Thundertron, as those are Skyquake's wave mates. If you come across a TRU with those figures, chances are it also has or at least had a Skyquake.Primeultimus wrote:I am on the lookout for a Skyquake Prime Voyager and Sandstorm Generations Voyager if anyone can help out?
Thank you ahead of time.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Sabrblade wrote:For the former, check Toys "R" Us. Look to see if they have the Prime RID Voyager Optimus, Ultra Magnus, and Thundertron, as those are Skyquake's wave mates. If you come across a TRU with those figures, chances are it also has or at least had a Skyquake.Primeultimus wrote:I am on the lookout for a Skyquake Prime Voyager and Sandstorm Generations Voyager if anyone can help out?
Thank you ahead of time.
For Sandstorm, he just came out, so it might take a while for him to become ubiquitously available in the stores. There's a reason my profile calls Florida the "Neglected State", as it seem to take forever for new stuff to get down here.
That_Guy wrote:Spotted Beast Hunters Optimus Prime Ultimate class today at the TRU in Clearwater, Only two, one was on shelf the other was in a basket with other items they I guess were going to put back onto the shelves.
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