Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

ZedzDead wrote:tru in buckhead had payload, dreadwing, final jazz, arcee, 2008 BB, longarm, brawl, barricade, bonecrusher, some replicas, protoforms, voyager prime and megs.
Collector Maximus wrote:ZedzDead wrote:tru in buckhead had payload, dreadwing, final jazz, arcee, 2008 BB, longarm, brawl, barricade, bonecrusher, some replicas, protoforms, voyager prime and megs.
You gotta be kidding! I was there last Wednesday, they had crap for Deluxe figures. That's how it goes I guess.
jezones wrote:which kohls did you go to?
ttman wrote:I went to KOHLs in Duluth. Another GA member just bought a bunch of deluxes there including 2 BBees. I believe they are now out of BBees. U may wanna try other KOHLs.jezones wrote:which kohls did you go to?
avalon_sinclaire wrote:ttman wrote:I went to KOHLs in Duluth. Another GA member just bought a bunch of deluxes there including 2 BBees. I believe they are now out of BBees. U may wanna try other KOHLs.jezones wrote:which kohls did you go to?
I was just at the Duluth Kohl's... there are at LEAST 8 or 9 BB 08's, 5 Arcees, and a few Dreadwings.
The Kohl's on Peachtree Pkwy (near Johns Creek) - same story. They have a LOT of BB 08's and I found the one lone BB74 and bought it. It's like they can't give the deluxes away at the stores. I hope they get in the newest wave soon.
Here are pics from the Duluth store I took on my phone. That's four different BB's in the shots. A Dreadwing can be seen in there too. And in the second pic, you can see the Arcee behind Dreadwing.
ttman wrote:yeapDevastaTTor wrote:Is that the one off 85N at Steve Renolds?
schisamo wrote:Picked up 1 of each of the following from Edgewood Target last night:
Movie Deluxe Jazz (G1 Deco)
Target DPCI: 087-06-0682
Movie Voyager Starscream (G1 Deco)
Target DPCI: 087-06-0006
I gave the toy lady the DCPI numbers and she pulled them from the back. The 2 Buckhead Targets also have stock but they are holding until arrive early!
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