Time for the Sergeants duo to be reviewed!
The price of the set is a cheaper than Megatron but more expensive than Bee. For that money, you get two Joes, Leatherneck and Sgt Slaughter. The Triple-T is Kup this time around.
The colors works well for the bot.

The "vintage" Joes are great as usual.¸As for Kup, he's absolutely fantastic! The best so far from the line.
How? Lemme explain.

Compared to Megatron, Bumblebee, and even Soundwave, Kup feels like a REAL Transformers. He feels FULL and SOLID in hand. Not like ice cubes trays and tupperwares strung together like the rest.

There's also NO HOLLOWS whatsoever, appart a tiny one under his hands.

His backpack is also reasonable.

Kup is lacking wrists rotations, but he's fairly poseable.

At his back, a panel can be lowered to reveal a console.

Kup can carry his children to school on his back.

The vehicle is compact and solid.

Even from under, you'd have no clue this thing can transform.

With his crew and armaments, the Triple-T looks magnificent.
By the way, you can put the Joes foot-platforms in the hollow space in front of the vehicle's seat. The driver will have to lift his knees a bit if you do so.

The back of the vehicle (or the bot's) have storage spaces for the Joes weapons and accessories.

Overall, Kup is the very BEST Joe X TF set. Solid, no hollows, and an excellent value for the price. Yes, even at full price.