Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store


Example wrote:
CLASSICs Skywarp and Ultra Magnus two pack, TARGET, XXXXXXXXXX
TFWIKI wrote:According to Hasbro, toys that represent flying characters are given more stringent drop tests and rounded/collapsible bits, as children (and the kind of adults who buy Transformers, actually) are more prone to throwing these figures around or ramming them into things (or people).
Autobot032 wrote:Wal-Mart:
They use UPCs, so any UPC on your receipt, or on the package itself can be used for tracking purposes. Here's a Bumblebee UPC to help you: 6 53569 23760 0
tigertracks 24 wrote:Autobot032 wrote:Wal-Mart:
They use UPCs, so any UPC on your receipt, or on the package itself can be used for tracking purposes. Here's a Bumblebee UPC to help you: 6 53569 23760 0
What Bumblebee, Ultimate, Concept, 74', Cyber Stompin', Slammer, or what?
Autobot032 wrote:
Deluxe Class, Concept Camaro. (I edited the first post with this information. Can't believe I forgot to mention which version...
PrimeSuspect wrote:If anyone can get me the WalMart Number for 20th Prime that'd be awesome.
KoH4711 wrote:And this is my personal rule... if I ever hear a kid in a store who is looking for something I have in my hands, I always give it up. This past Christmas, I snuck a Cybertron Soundwave to a mom after her son was upset they couldn't find it. She said it probably just made her son's Christmas, and that was worth more to me than having him on the shelf ever could be. (*end warm fuzzy moment*)
JTKranix wrote:PrimeSuspect wrote:If anyone can get me the WalMart Number for 20th Prime that'd be awesome.
Autobot032 wrote:JTKranix wrote:PrimeSuspect wrote:If anyone can get me the WalMart Number for 20th Prime that'd be awesome.
JT, can you get the Wal-Mart number and the UPC for Masterpiece Starscream? Please? Thanks in advance.
Fortress_Maximus wrote:This is a great thread guys. Thanks.
Just wish there is a way we could block this from hoarders and scalpers.
Tangent wrote:I think he may just be slighlty confused at you two arguing over which FF7 guy is sexier...
Dealer wrote:Don't worry Frimal, you'll always be useless to me
JTKranix wrote:Autobot032 wrote:JTKranix wrote:PrimeSuspect wrote:If anyone can get me the WalMart Number for 20th Prime that'd be awesome.
JT, can you get the Wal-Mart number and the UPC for Masterpiece Starscream? Please? Thanks in advance.
If I can find it, I'll post it for sure.
Optimus Frimal wrote:Aargh! Never jump into a store and scream 'Ye be boarded maties, hand over yer treasures, yer woman and yer rum!' That be thar biggest tip that I be able to hand along, as thar stores be rather fond of their rum Aargh!
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