Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

william-james88 wrote:Anyway, one of the best tips I can give collectors is to check their local thrift shops and salvation army outlets. You will almost never find a complete transformer there (I never did) but its a great place to find parts and placeholders. There is a junk market not too far from where I am which I visit once a month, and its made up of a bunch of small stalls where people sell the junk they find. I was able to find a nearly complete ROTF Leader Megatron for 5$ and a 90% complete Leader Deep Dessert Brawl for 10$.
Rainmakers wrote:Look behind the back of the shelves, I found a Masterpiece Bumblebee hiding there!
Also I found a Generations Jetfire in the store today as a 30th anniversary special, if anyone still needs it...
william-james88 wrote:Rainmakers wrote:Look behind the back of the shelves, I found a Masterpiece Bumblebee hiding there!
Also I found a Generations Jetfire in the store today as a 30th anniversary special, if anyone still needs it...
Ha! That's maybe someone hiding it to find it later. That brings up a good point and tip. A few fans hide toys away for getting them later (either for friends, because they dont have the money or because they want to validate some info before purchasing it).They usually hide them nearby but not in a evident way, so, like Rainmakers said, look behind the shelves, or on the opposite wall behind some other toys.
mooncake623 wrote:Question for anyone that hunts for toys at Local TRU, Target and Walmart. When do they restock the shelves? Do they do so in the mornings? Whenever I visit a TRU I would see a new wave less the figure I'm looking for. I usually go at night after work.
Rainmaker wrote:Does anyone know the best time to visit TRU? When do they stock?
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