Di Bonaventura Doesn't Understand Why People Love the 86 Transformers Movie So Much
Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 10:30AM CDT
Categories: Cartoon News, Movie Related News, InterviewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 87,247
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This is the first animated Transformers movie in 40 years. What challenges did you face in getting it made?
Cooley: There were a lot of different challenges on this film. The fact that it’s animated, I think, is a benefit, though. Being that it’s set on Cybertron, there are no humans, and it’s all about the robots; it just feels natural to animate that as opposed to doing any other version. We went as big and as epic as possible just to match that feeling that people remember from the ’86 film.
Di Bonaventura: What’s so surprising about the ’86 film is how dark it is. Honestly, I don’t understand why people love it so much. For some, maybe it was their first cinematic experience, but it’s really a downer movie. Interestingly, when we showed our trailer for the first time, the fans’ reaction was to compare our movie to that one. But they’re so not comparable because that’s so dark, and this has so much humanity. They’re completely different movies in many ways.
Naito: I think for us at Paramount Animation, what was so great about partnering with Lorenzo and Josh is that this particular story could really only be told through animation. I mean, the world that Josh envisioned for Cybertron is extraordinary. It has so much innovation and beauty alongside a story that has so much heart.
Foreman: An animated “Transformers” movie was not part of the other piece of our relationship with Paramount and the live-action movies, so it’s something independent that we both had to agree on. But, from the very beginning, we all decided this was something we wanted. We brought Josh onto the project and developed it with Paramount as equal partners, and it’s basically been that way throughout the entire process.
Can you lure audiences who are not fans or familiar with the Transformers?
Cooley: It’s an origin story, so we not only talk about these characters that people know, but of the origin of the species itself. We go back to the beginning. This is what happened. This is how we got to this place. You can go in knowing absolutely nothing and enjoy this film.
Naito: That’s really important because we don’t want people to feel like, “Wow, I need to see seven movies before I go see this.” With this film, you don’t have to understand anything to follow along and enjoy it.
Josh, you previously directed “Toy Story 4.” How is it to be back again with a movie about a toy franchise?
Cooley: I didn’t approach this one as toys. In “Toy Story,” they are physically toys, and so everything they do is down on the floor, and they can only go as fast as their body allows them. But in this film, the characters are robots. They are on another planet. They are huge. They can do a lot more than a toy. That’s how I approached it, making sure that we still have those restrictions in play of what these characters actually are, which makes it way more fun when you’re watching it. It doesn’t feel like two people in suits acting it out. It’s like, “No, these are robots that are actually going a bunch of these emotions that you’re feeling and you’re along with.”
And you’ve enlisted some big Hollywood talent to voice these characters and bring them to life.
Cooley: Yeah, we have an incredible cast. I can’t believe how great it was. Everybody was fantastic. I would walk them through the scene, and they’d suggest a lot of stuff. Keegan[-Michael Key], of course, rifted like crazy on things. But Chris Hemsworth is also extremely funny. I was not prepared for how funny he is. A lot of his lines in this film are riffs off of what we had written, but he just brought his charisma and his comedy to it. He totally got it.
Di Bonaventura: That was really important because, from a fan point of view, the original voice of Optimus Prime, Peter Cullen, is revered. To have somebody else voice Optimus Prime was like, “Whoa, we better get this right.” We couldn’t use Peter because the audience needs to feel the character’s youth. That’s why we pursued Chris. I was surprised, too, but not how funny Chris was. I’ve seen him in things where he was funny. But he has a very strong sense of story. That’s not true with every movie star.
Comedy is also a great way to broaden the appeal, right?
Cooley: The comedy in the live-action Transformers is always the balance between the humans and the robots. It’s almost like a fish-out-of-water story. I knew that would be a challenge with this film because we don’t have humans to play off of. It really had to come out of these characters. They had to be strong characters that could do what I call the elevator test, which is you could take two characters and put them in an elevator together and just let the scene play out.
After the success of “Mutant Mayhem” last year, Paramount is on a real high. How important is it that you follow that up with a film of the same quality and one that resonates with audiences the way that film did?
Naito: Extremely important. I think this film will appeal to the super fans and usher in a new generation of fans that will just ignite their interest in the entire franchise in a really exciting way. The film is beautiful. It’s innovative. The vision that Josh and Lorenzo have brought to the film is just incredible. The movie has so much soul.
And what does this film signify for Hasbro?
Foreman: For Hasbro Entertainment and the new iteration of our company, we are more likely to be more closely involved in the creative than we have been in the past with our brands. We’re in it for the long-term health of these things, the beautiful, emotional, nostalgic attachment that people have to these evergreen properties like Transformers. We want to make sure we protect them in every way possible. In the past, the company has been okay with dropping these pieces of IP off with other people, and I think the approach is different now. I’m hoping with movies like ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ and this one, people see the quality has a little bit to do with our involvement.
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Posted by Gauntlet101010 on June 12th, 2024 @ 10:45am CDT
What can I say? Time heals all wounds. I forgave them when OP came back. Plus I always loved Hot Rod, Galvatron, and Unicron.
Posted by Glyph on June 12th, 2024 @ 10:59am CDT
That question from the interviewer is revealing though: "How is it to be back again with a movie about a toy franchise?"
That's a big reason why I don't think the film will do well financially, even if it's (as we all hope) a really good, fun film in itself. The perception that it's just "a toy movie".
Posted by o.supreme on June 12th, 2024 @ 10:59am CDT
Also, I love how all these articles state this is the first animated TF film to be in theaters since TFTM in 1986.... That might be true for North America, and most of the world....but there was a TF animated film in theaters in Japan in December of 1998, and it is actually quite fun. No humans in it either.
Posted by Sabrblade on June 12th, 2024 @ 11:07am CDT
Japan got two.o.supreme wrote:Also, I love how all these articles state this is the first animated TF film to be in theaters since TFTM in 1986.... That might be true for North America, and most of the world....but there was a TF animated film in theaters in Japan in December of 1998, and it is actually quite fun. No humans in it either.

Posted by o.supreme on June 12th, 2024 @ 11:10am CDT
Posted by Sabrblade on June 12th, 2024 @ 11:19am CDT
Nope. They got two.o.supreme wrote:Yeah. I thought that was all one event. I only mentioned the BWII movie because it was the new portion. The rest was recycled stuff from BW (although it was new to Japan at the time).
Beast Wars Special: Super Lifeform Transformers was a triple-feature released in theaters on December 19, 1998. It consisted of "Clash! Beast Warriors", "Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!", and "Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers - Metals".
The 1999 Summer Toei Anime Fair was a three-part anthology released in theaters on July 31, 1999. It consisted of "Beast Wars Metals: Convoy's Great Transformation!", a special for Microman, and a special for Licca-chan.
And both of these came before Beast Wars Metals even started broadcasting on Japanese television, so Japan got to see both "Bad Spark" and "Cutting Edge" ahead of the series proper.
Posted by cruizerdave on June 12th, 2024 @ 12:22pm CDT
Seeing all that death and a couple of swears two years in, it made us feel like we were getting away with something. It also felt like Transformers was growing up with us. Characters died, or were irrevocably changed, Spike wasn’t stuck being a kid sidekick. There was real danger!
It came out the same year as The Dark Knight Returns, which proved comics weren’t just for kids. Well, neither were cartoons.
Posted by Sabrblade on June 12th, 2024 @ 12:26pm CDT
Speak for yourself. Not every kid craves depression, misery, and suffering.cruizerdave wrote:The darkness was part of what we loved about it.
Posted by Glyph on June 12th, 2024 @ 12:56pm CDT
It wasn't until much later that I recognised it as a cynical clearing of the decks by Hasbro, followed by a blatant Star Wars ripoffclassic Hero's Journey for the rest of its runtime. But by then it was too late, nostalgia ensured I'd always have a special place for it.

And honestly, the first 30 minutes still ranks as some of my most beloved Transformers animation.
Posted by o.supreme on June 12th, 2024 @ 1:33pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Speak for yourself. Not every kid craves depression, misery, and suffering.cruizerdave wrote:The darkness was part of what we loved about it.
Maybe re-read the rest of that statement, omitting the exact part you quoted? I don't "love" darkness. But at the age of 10, that film definitely resonated with me. I hated that Optimus Died, but it was compelling story telling. Also good triumphs over evil, so its not a "downer" at all. Heck, there's a silly dance number to a Weird Al song. It certainly has its share of battles, and was a big step up from the 65 episodes we had already seen. But the status quo had been changed. Even with Optimus Prime retuning a few months later, things would never go back to being the same.
Posted by william-james88 on June 12th, 2024 @ 1:38pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Kind of a clickbait-y title when that bit about Lorenzo not getting why people like the '86 movie is only a minor aside mentioned in passing and largely irrelevant to what all the interview talks about.
Couldn't resist. Though I found the rest of the article to be pretty dull corporate speak, with the most insightful thing being the further proof of how far removed the lead producer of this franchise is to beloved aspects of said franchise.
Posted by DeathReviews on June 12th, 2024 @ 1:56pm CDT
Posted by Bun-Bun on June 12th, 2024 @ 4:29pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Kind of a clickbait-y title
On Seibertron!?!
Surely you jest.
Posted by -Kanrabat- on June 12th, 2024 @ 4:34pm CDT
DeathReviews wrote:He's not wrong about the 86 movie - it WAS a 'downer'. Like many films of the 80s, it was a disjointed, incoherent, apocalyptic hayride to nowhere. If it hadn't had the G1 characters in it as an anchor, I wouldn't have been able to connect with it in any meaningful way.
I tried watching the movie with my sis and niece some years ago. After Optimus's death, they were bored to tears and I had to stop the movie.
I was a bored too.
I have the impression that most of the movie budget went into that first tier. Then everything went downhill.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 12th, 2024 @ 4:58pm CDT
Posted by Spider5800 on June 12th, 2024 @ 9:54pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:He "doesn't get it" because he's not really a fan.
I'm a fan, and I don't get why people like this movie either. It's really not good. The best parts are in the first 3rd of the film, it's a dull slog after that. And even the "good" parts are pretty depressing, and basically just an excuse for toy execs to kill off their customer's action figures so they have to buy more toys. It's an incredibly cynical film.
-Kanrabat- wrote:I tried watching the movie with my sis and niece some years ago. After Optimus's death, they were bored to tears and I had to stop the movie.
I was a bored too.
Exactly this. It basically becomes a whole different movie after the Autobot City fight, and not a fun one. Optimus' death should have been the climax of the film.
Posted by SpaceEagle on June 12th, 2024 @ 10:20pm CDT
That being said, I don't hate the '86 film. I honestly don't think it's particularly good, but at the same time there isn't...really a lot of better alternatives. I don't hate the Bayverse either, which is arguably just as dark, if not darker, than the '86 film, just that of course that itself also had a lot of disappointed fans.
I do think he is still approaching this like a typical business guy doing business, but, meh, I can't exactly pretend the original film was a masterpiece in any way anyway.
Posted by Sabrblade on June 12th, 2024 @ 10:28pm CDT
Posted by Glyph on June 12th, 2024 @ 11:31pm CDT
Co-signed, literally the only one of the live action movies I enjoyed and the only one I'd recommend to other people. But '86 will always have the exception for pure nostalgia. (Opinion pending on ROTB for when I get around to watching it)Sabrblade wrote:As of now, the best movie is Bumblebee, even without the GEEWUN-ness of the opening Cybertron scene.
We did, and while it's true that he's "just a producer", it's also true that he's been a producer on the franchise for almost 20 years now. You'd think that, by this point, either he would have gotten a clue or we would have learned not to treat whatever corporate hype-speak he spouts on the latest project as being in any way significant.Rodimus Prime wrote:Didn't we already know that this guy has no real frame of reference when it comes to the franchise?
Posted by Solrac333 on June 12th, 2024 @ 11:39pm CDT
Posted by Burn on June 13th, 2024 @ 12:11am CDT
Bun-Bun wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Kind of a clickbait-y title
On Seibertron!?!
Surely you jest.
I thought I was on CBR for a second ...
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 13th, 2024 @ 12:15am CDT
"Best" is a matter of opinion. You may think it to be the best, maybe even the majority of the fandom does as well, doesn't mean it is for everyone. I've seen the Bumblebee movie once. Haven't had the urge to see it again in the last 5 years, whereas the 07 movie I've watched 6-8 times. The sequels less frequently, but still more than Bee. RoTB I saw once on streaming, and it was about as bad as I expected. TF:TM, on the other hand, I watch once a year on January 1st. Never get tired of it. And it's not nostalgia, I really enjoy watching the movie.Glyph wrote:Co-signed, literally the only one of the live action movies I enjoyed and the only one I'd recommend to other people. But '86 will always have the exception for pure nostalgia. (Opinion pending on ROTB for when I get around to watching it)Sabrblade wrote:As of now, the best movie is Bumblebee, even without the GEEWUN-ness of the opening Cybertron scene.
My point exactly. And I don't begrudge him for not being favorable towards TF:TM. At least he says *he* doesn't get it, not that it's outright a bad movie.We did, and while it's true that he's "just a producer", it's also true that he's been a producer on the franchise for almost 20 years now. You'd think that, by this point, either he would have gotten a clue or we would have learned not to treat whatever corporate hype-speak he spouts on the latest project as being in any way significant.Rodimus Prime wrote:Didn't we already know that this guy has no real frame of reference when it comes to the franchise?
Posted by SpaceEagle on June 13th, 2024 @ 12:22am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:My point exactly. And I don't begrudge him for not being favorable towards TF:TM. At least he says *he* doesn't get it, not that it's outright a bad movie.
Yeah, that's all the statement really rings to me, aside from it being just typical business guy talk, it still isn't like he said the old film sucks and his movie will be so much better, just that he didn't get it and that's about it.
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on June 13th, 2024 @ 1:22am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:But the news post said there are no pop songs in the movie.AlexanderLuft wrote:That's really cool. I hope if we get to see Megatron's downfall we hear Instruments of Destruction like on a montage
Then you know what we have to do!
The 86 movie will always have a special place in my heart. Over time it's become one of my favorite films ever. I think knowing Optimus returns makes watching and enjoying it easier. Also, the music is on point.
Posted by TOO MUCH ENERGON! on June 13th, 2024 @ 2:10am CDT
Posted by Glyph on June 13th, 2024 @ 3:37am CDT
On the one hand: well, obviously. I thought we could take it as read that statements of preference are opinion and not universal truths, without spelling that out every time.Rodimus Prime wrote:"Best" is a matter of opinion. You may think it to be the best, maybe even the majority of the fandom does as well, doesn't mean it is for everyone. I've seen the Bumblebee movie once. Haven't had the urge to see it again in the last 5 years, whereas the 07 movie I've watched 6-8 times. ... TF:TM, on the other hand, I watch once a year on January 1st. Never get tired of it. And it's not nostalgia, I really enjoy watching the movie.
But on the other hand: actual quality - of writing, of direction, of acting - is a thing. People often say "best" when they mean "favourite", but that doesn't mean that the level of craft on display is just a matter of taste. (I don't much like rap, as a matter of preference, but I can appreciate the technical skill involved in a good rapper's flow, wordplay and speed.) At the production level, BB is pretty much universally judged to be a better movie than its predecessors, as I understand it.
Obviously TF:TM is an absolute touchstone for TF fans of a certain age. It's also sorta janky, has massively variable animation quality and plenty of production errors, and kinda feels like two separate movies glued together at the point of OP's death. I love it. It's a comfort watch for me in the way that no other TF film is - nostalgia and enjoyment are not mutually exclusive things! - but I can also accept that it's hardly the greatest piece of cinema ever made. It's a "cult classic" now, but let's not forget that it bombed hard and was panned by reviewers when it was originally released - I think it's fair to say that most of its fans first came to it as kids (and already TF fans), not adults.
In a vain effort to drag this thread back on course: I see a lot of parallels in TF:One, honestly. I'm expecting it to largely underperform (would be nice to be wrong though) but hope it can be a similar touchstone for the next generation of fans. Would be even nicer if it can be an underappreciated gem and not a "cult classic" for them!
Posted by o.supreme on June 13th, 2024 @ 10:32am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:As of now, the best live action movie is Bumblebee, because of the opening Cybertron scene.
Fixed for ya.

Posted by Sabrblade on June 13th, 2024 @ 11:21am CDT
Bad form!o.supreme wrote:Sabrblade wrote:As of now, the best live action movie is Bumblebee, because of the opening Cybertron scene.
Fixed for ya..
The Bumblebee movie proved its worth in spite of the GEEWUN pandering of the opening scene. If everyone in that scene had been in forms based on Armada instead, the movie would have still been exactly as strong a film as it already is as-is.
Posted by Quantum Surge on June 13th, 2024 @ 11:23am CDT
Posted by o.supreme on June 13th, 2024 @ 11:31am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Bad form!
The Bumblebee movie proved its worth in spite of the GEEWUN pandering of the opening scene. If everyone in that scene had been in forms based on Armada instead, the movie would have still been exactly as strong a film as it already is as-is.
Agree to disagree in that... Objectively, yes the movie would still have been just as good, but naming a random Transformers film "Hotshot" (not a household name) would definitely have raised some eyebrows at the executive level, and probably would not have put buts in seats.

Posted by Sabrblade on June 13th, 2024 @ 11:35am CDT
I said "forms" as in "designs", not "names".o.supreme wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Bad form!
The Bumblebee movie proved its worth in spite of the GEEWUN pandering of the opening scene. If everyone in that scene had been in forms based on Armada instead, the movie would have still been exactly as strong a film as it already is as-is.
Agree to disagree in that... Objectively, yes the movie would still have been just as good, but naming a random Transformers film "Hotshot" (not a household name) would definitely have raised some eyebrows at the executive level, and probably would not have put buts in seats.
And Bumblebee himself is, like, the only one in that flashback to not have a G1-based design, since they had to keep his Movieverse aesthetic. He may end up turning into an old VW Bug when he gets to Earth later, but that Earth robot mode of his is nothing like G1 Bee's robot mode design. So even if everyone else in the flashback had had Armada-based designs, Bumblebee would have still been Bumblebee (or, I guess, "B-127", at that point in his life).
Posted by sol magnus on June 14th, 2024 @ 5:39pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:Didn't we already know that this guy has no real frame of reference when it comes to the franchise? He looks at it as a producer who wants another studio property to make money, not as a fan of the franchise who wants to contribute a memorable addition to it.
Or "speaking for myself". I did.
And Bumblebee is good, except for the jettisoning of prior continuity and double-speak regarding same. The 'fan-service' scene in the beginning is honestly just that in my opinion. As has been said, they could have put any designs there and it wouldn't really change how 'good' the movie is.
Posted by TFMSGDerek on June 17th, 2024 @ 3:48am CDT
Posted by william-james88 on June 17th, 2024 @ 1:26pm CDT
TFMSGDerek wrote:Why are people saying TF one is the first animated TF movie since 86? Does predicons rising not count?
It's because when that's said, people are referring to theatrical releases in the west. So in that sense, no Predacon Rising does not count.
Posted by Sabrblade on June 17th, 2024 @ 1:31pm CDT
And Predacons Rising was later added to the proper episode count of TF: Prime, becoming its 66th, 67th, and 68th episodes.william-james88 wrote:TFMSGDerek wrote:Why are people saying TF one is the first animated TF movie since 86? Does predicons rising not count?
It's because when that's said, people are referring to theatrical releases in the west. So in that sense, no Predacon Rising does not count.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on July 7th, 2024 @ 5:51pm CDT
Spider5800 wrote:o.supreme wrote:He "doesn't get it" because he's not really a fan.
I'm a fan, and I don't get why people like this movie either. It's really not good. The best parts are in the first 3rd of the film, it's a dull slog after that. And even the "good" parts are pretty depressing, and basically just an excuse for toy execs to kill off their customer's action figures so they have to buy more toys. It's an incredibly cynical film.
Agreed. 86 is still my least favorite TF film.
Sabrblade wrote:As of now, the best movie is Bumblebee, even without the GEEWUN-ness of the opening Cybertron scene.
How the fandom treats that first 3 minutes is why Bee is my 2nd least favorite movie. It is really good, and i love Shatter and Dropkick, but the first 3 minutes ruined the fandom, and after a couple years the fandom finally ruined that movie for me thanks to that.
Posted by blackeyedprime on July 8th, 2024 @ 1:42pm CDT
https://www.ign.com/videos/overwatch-2- ... on-trailer
Posted by TulioDude on July 8th, 2024 @ 10:04pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:How the fandom treats that first 3 minutes is why Bee is my 2nd least favorite movie. It is really good, and i love Shatter and Dropkick, but the first 3 minutes ruined the fandom, and after a couple years the fandom finally ruined that movie for me thanks to that.
I get it. The movie is cool, but they way its praised online, can be off putting. I take a break from the online communities when I feel like this.
Posted by Sabrblade on July 8th, 2024 @ 10:56pm CDT
The easiest solution is to simply skip that opening Cybertron scene when watching the movie.TulioDude wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:How the fandom treats that first 3 minutes is why Bee is my 2nd least favorite movie. It is really good, and i love Shatter and Dropkick, but the first 3 minutes ruined the fandom, and after a couple years the fandom finally ruined that movie for me thanks to that.
I get it. The movie is cool, but they way its praised online, can be off putting. I take a break from the online communities when I feel like this.

Posted by kuhlio on July 13th, 2024 @ 8:15pm CDT
If you are looking to catch the clip it aired around the 20 minute mark of the 2024 Kids Choice Awards, and Nickelodeon has the following clip available on their site.

Posted by First-Aid on July 13th, 2024 @ 11:35pm CDT
It's such a thing we take for granted, the ability to transform. But that first time...everyone is nervous their first time. It never goes the way you expect. Beast Machines focused on it to an extent, but that wasn't in the heat of battle. This scene makes total sense to me and it's humorous enough to entertain the kids. IF I'm not mistaken this is the first time we actually hear them referred to as "cogs", taking a page from TF: Prime's book.
Posted by Sabrblade on July 14th, 2024 @ 12:03am CDT
This is something I've seen a lot of people mention many times in many places. Why is humor considered "for kids"? Don't adult like to laugh too? All adult cartoons are bad sitcoms full of alleged "humor", so it would seem to be the case.First-Aid wrote:and it's humorous enough to entertain the kids.

Transformation cogs go back to G1 season 3.First-Aid wrote:IF I'm not mistaken this is the first time we actually hear them referred to as "cogs", taking a page from TF: Prime's book.

Posted by twitchybristles on July 14th, 2024 @ 10:42am CDT
Posted by Sabrblade on July 14th, 2024 @ 10:47am CDT
Just wait. The movie will come out we'll find out he's voicing Starscream, Hot Rod, Shockwave, Soundwave, Grimlock, and about seven other side characters.twitchybristles wrote:Definitely looking forward to this. (Also thanking the Allspark that so far no one is voiced by Chris Pratt, lol.)

Posted by First-Aid on July 14th, 2024 @ 11:31am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:This is something I've seen a lot of people mention many times in many places. Why is humor considered "for kids"? Don't adult like to laugh too? All adult cartoons are bad sitcoms full of alleged "humor", so it would seem to be the case.First-Aid wrote:and it's humorous enough to entertain the kids.
Transformation cogs go back to G1 season 3.First-Aid wrote:IF I'm not mistaken this is the first time we actually hear them referred to as "cogs", taking a page from TF: Prime's book.
Keeping kids laughing is more important because they generally have a horrible ability to stay focused on something. Laughing for children is equated psychologically with something fun because for the most part that is what kids want. Adults...well, we can laugh at something but it isn't necessarily going to be fun. We also have a better ability to focus and tend to look for things more than just fun. There are thousands of pages here in this very forum about what is supposed to be fun and enjoyable- collecting something we love- yet there is whining, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and name calling. Adults look for things to be more complex. Kids...not so much so making them laugh keeps them having fun and resets that "focus" button because they think something just as fun might be coming.
As for the cog, I totally forgot about that because I am old as dirt.
Posted by Sabrblade on July 14th, 2024 @ 12:12pm CDT
But we are geeks. We're not normal adults because we refused to grow up, refused to conform to what society has deemed appropriate for adults. We like fun, dagnabbit.First-Aid wrote:Adults...well, we can laugh at something but it isn't necessarily going to be fun. We also have a better ability to focus and tend to look for things more than just fun. There are thousands of pages here in this very forum about what is supposed to be fun and enjoyable- collecting something we love- yet there is whining, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and name calling. Adults look for things to be more complex.

Posted by william-james88 on July 15th, 2024 @ 8:05am CDT
Posted by Sabrblade on July 15th, 2024 @ 10:34am CDT
It's on YouTube as well.william-james88 wrote:We also now have a TV Spot for the film found on Twitter.
Posted by william-james88 on July 15th, 2024 @ 1:40pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:It's on YouTube as well.william-james88 wrote:We also now have a TV Spot for the film found on Twitter.
Posted by Tyrannacon on July 15th, 2024 @ 8:12pm CDT