New Transformers One Clips and TV Spots Including One Featuring Calvin Johnson and Upcoming SS Toys
Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 2:09PM CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, Toy NewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 37,633
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- a clip from the film featuring the scene on the train as the four main bots reach the surface.
- a TV spot featuring the fight between Optimus and Megatron and some really high praise
- a general ad for the film showcasing the upcoming Studio Series figures for the film and pro football players like Calvin Johnson/Megatron.
- a quick featurette showing the voice acting, which can be seen here on Instagram:
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Posted by blackeyedprime on September 12th, 2024 @ 1:04pm CDT ... C4wLjAuMA..
Posted by ZeroWolf on September 12th, 2024 @ 1:52pm CDT
A different, more upbeat review than the ign one.
Posted by Glyph on September 12th, 2024 @ 3:12pm CDT
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 12th, 2024 @ 4:35pm CDT
blackeyedprime wrote:Sometimes living in a world where things can be un-released is a good thing. IGNs review is out, not that it counts for much. Hope those that want to enjoy the movie, do ... C4wLjAuMA..
IGN has woke'd/corrupted themselves into irrelevancy. Like most gaming journos.
If I want to see a review, I'd go with the public instead of the paid shills.
Regardless, I'll avoid any and all reviews before I'll go see the movie. I don't want any spoilers nor preconceived notions when I'll first see it.
Posted by Glyph on September 12th, 2024 @ 4:38pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:IGN has woke'd/corrupted themselves into irrelevancy. Like most gaming journos.

Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 12th, 2024 @ 4:40pm CDT
Glyph wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:IGN has woke'd/corrupted themselves into irrelevancy. Like most gaming journos.
The only reason to post that is if you work at IGN.

Posted by Glyph on September 12th, 2024 @ 4:45pm CDT
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 12th, 2024 @ 4:58pm CDT
Glyph wrote:I don't give two hoots about IGN.
So why are you

If you have the bare minimum of information, you know how IGN instigated a smear campaign against Black Myth Wukong and Stellar Blade, while giving "high praise" to Star Wars Outlaws, Concord, and Dustborn.
It's not just IGN. Some are pure "agenda" like Kotaku, but for most big gaming/movie sites, they act this way to not lose their privileged access. This principle is as old as the industry.
Independent reviewers is where it's at... That is, if they didn't had free tickets to Disneyland.

Eh, no one are immune to corruption. So that's why looking for multiple reviews from multiple sources is the best way to proceed. Or just TlDr and see the overall scores from the PUBLIC at Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic.
Posted by Glyph on September 12th, 2024 @ 5:21pm CDT
Re multiple sources - that's why I posted the RT rating so far, to note that IGN seemed to be in the minority on this.

(Also, Asmongold's your example? FFS.)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 12th, 2024 @ 5:43pm CDT
Glyph wrote:Theis for someone still using "woke" as a pejorative in this Year Of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty Four.
Especially because the damn term keep shape-shifting as time goes. Turns out here's a brand of "woke" even to the Right wing!
This makes me want to go to sleep.

Posted by william-james88 on September 12th, 2024 @ 7:42pm CDT
You can check them out here:
Also, there is a fan screening this Saturday across the US and Canada, so check your local theatre to see if there are still tickets available.
Posted by First-Aid on September 12th, 2024 @ 9:06pm CDT
Posted by william-james88 on September 12th, 2024 @ 10:21pm CDT
First-Aid wrote:Crap. THat's not a good sign. If the critics like it, that usually means the fans and general public won't.
No, the bumblebee film had both critics and general public on the same page in liking it. And both general public and critics hated TLK
Posted by First-Aid on September 13th, 2024 @ 12:23am CDT
william-james88 wrote:First-Aid wrote:Crap. THat's not a good sign. If the critics like it, that usually means the fans and general public won't.
No, the bumblebee film had both critics and general public on the same page in liking it. And both general public and critics hated TLK
Two incidents that are the exceptions. Pacific Rim? Any of the other Transformers movies? Most Marvel movies? (Critics loved The Eternals, but fans bombed it) Battle Angel Alita? Sorry, vast majority of critics have no damned idea what the general public likes. I'll be HAPPY if this succeeds because it means more TF movies sans humanus, but I just have a bad feeling.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on September 13th, 2024 @ 1:16am CDT
I have tried staying away from all spoilers except the 2 trailers, and to me it looks like the story will be rushed. That usually means thin or nonexistent character development.First-Aid wrote:I'll be HAPPY if this succeeds because it means more TF movies sans humanus, but I just have a bad feeling.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 13th, 2024 @ 1:17am CDT
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 13th, 2024 @ 6:29am CDT
First-Aid wrote:Crap. THat's not a good sign. If the critics like it, that usually means the fans and general public won't.
Not necessarily.
Often, both officials and public opinions align. That's the proof of a PERFECT movie.
Still, the public opinion weight more IMO.
Especially when the critics love a movie but the public doesn't. Even more so when the publics reviews gets deleted in order to protect the movie.
Disney pay a lot of "protection money". But other companies didn't, like the ones who made the Borderland movie.

Posted by PhotonWaveZero on September 13th, 2024 @ 7:18am CDT
It just gives me Nickelodeon and illumination imbecile humor vibes. Apparently the trailer showcases 90% of them in sequence which is why it comes off as a complete joke.
I'm not feeling the art style whatsoever, that 2D animated clip that came out in the past few days is way more indicative of what I'd like to see, as well as high Moon studios Fall of Cybertron and war for Cybertron, but as a Transformers property, I am obligated to give it a chance.
I hope it's good, I really do, however, I have to say that as a Transformers movie, it's supposed to convince me to buy the toys, and there's not a single character design I'd want to have a toy of. As a movie, it might be great, as a toy commercial, eh...
Posted by william-james88 on September 13th, 2024 @ 9:44am CDT
PhotonWaveZero wrote:as a Transformers movie, it's supposed to convince me to buy the toys,.
No, not to you and not this time. The target demographic for the toy portion is kids.
Also, i’m a bit puzzled now, were the bay films meant to be toy commercials? They felt more like excuses for other types of product placement (like cars and beer)
I thought the toy commercials were more what the TV shows are.
Posted by First-Aid on September 13th, 2024 @ 10:29am CDT
william-james88 wrote:PhotonWaveZero wrote:as a Transformers movie, it's supposed to convince me to buy the toys,.
No, not to you and not this time. The target demographic for the toy portion is kids.
Also, i’m a bit puzzled now, were the bay films meant to be toy commercials? They felt more like excuses for other types of product placement (like cars and beer)
...and Megan Fox's abs....
Posted by william-james88 on September 13th, 2024 @ 1:22pm CDT
Posted by cloudballoon on September 13th, 2024 @ 3:24pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:PhotonWaveZero wrote:as a Transformers movie, it's supposed to convince me to buy the toys,.
No, not to you and not this time. The target demographic for the toy portion is kids.
Also, i’m a bit puzzled now, were the bay films meant to be toy commercials? They felt more like excuses for other types of product placement (like cars and beer)
I thought the toy commercials were more what the TV shows are.
Well, yes & no? I think it's not so simple for a franchise. Paramount is there to make money on the Box Office and VOD/Streamling money, Hasbro's in it for the licensing and toys sales. But the creative aspect is mostly in Paramount's hands and Hasbro probably have very little impact/input of the designs. And due to the toy development cycle vs. movie's CG production changes, we have mainline toys that comes out at the same time as the movie's theatrical release that can look very different to each other.
What I HATE since ROTB is that Hasbro coming out with "Studio Series" of movie figures that still doesn't look like the screen version. It's just the mainline fighting with the SS version for thesame spending money. It's stupid.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 13th, 2024 @ 3:28pm CDT
The Bumblebee movie Studio Series toys for Bee, Dropkick, and Shatter were like that too.cloudballoon wrote:What I HATE since ROTB is that Hasbro coming out with "Studio Series" of movie figures that still doesn't look like the screen version. It's just the mainline fighting with the SS version for thesame spending money. It's stupid.
Posted by First-Aid on September 13th, 2024 @ 5:09pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:The Bumblebee movie Studio Series toys for Bee, Dropkick, and Shatter were like that too.cloudballoon wrote:What I HATE since ROTB is that Hasbro coming out with "Studio Series" of movie figures that still doesn't look like the screen version. It's just the mainline fighting with the SS version for thesame spending money. It's stupid.
I know SS is focused more on scale (with the exclusion of Devastator) so getting a triple changer with the SS level of detailing into a deluxe mold just wasn't going to happen I don't think, at least not on the budget they wanted.
Posted by william-james88 on September 14th, 2024 @ 8:12am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:The Bumblebee movie Studio Series toys for Bee, Dropkick, and Shatter were like that too.cloudballoon wrote:What I HATE since ROTB is that Hasbro coming out with "Studio Series" of movie figures that still doesn't look like the screen version. It's just the mainline fighting with the SS version for thesame spending money. It's stupid.
The first round of them, yeah. But the second Dropkick and Shatter releases used more accurate designs
Posted by Sabrblade on September 14th, 2024 @ 8:21pm CDT
Posted by Whifflefire on September 14th, 2024 @ 9:05pm CDT
This version of events is distinct from previous iterations, but takes just enough cues from established lore that it still resonates with how we long-time fans (or at least me!) feel the story is supposed to go. No aspect of this movie feels out of place or foreign.
Tonally, it rests on an admirable balance of accessible-to-kids and appreciable-to-adults. Other people in the theater, child and adult alike, laughed and gasped at the same parts.
I really liked the film, and I think it will have a positive impact on the perception of the franchise on the general public. It may even be the greatest movie of the year. Or maybe the decade.This will be a culture-shaping moment that will impact the philosophies of the coming years. When people of the future think back on the year 2024, they will remember that Donald Trump was shot and Transformers One graced our cinemas. This film will likely break the record for highest-grossing film of all time, soaring past Endgame and Titanic. This film could spawn a whole franchise that will last 40 years.
Posted by Novus on September 14th, 2024 @ 10:50pm CDT
First-Aid wrote:Crap. THat's not a good sign. If the critics like it, that usually means the fans and general public won't.
What are you talking about? I could name you dozens, probably even hundreds of examples where thats not the case. And tbh i trust critics more than I trust the general public
Posted by Sabrblade on September 14th, 2024 @ 11:16pm CDT
This movie is one big love letter to the brand, paying much respect to the past 40 years of history while also trying to do its own original take on familiar ground. Without spoiling anything, let's just say I was pleasantly that a lot of my personal predictions about the movie's plot were proven incorrect, as it's a lot less similar to the specifics of the Aligned backstory lore than the trailers initially made it appear to be. The broadest of broad strokes are similar of course, but so much of this movie's plot was either completely new or given a new spin.
Posted by Glyph on September 15th, 2024 @ 4:54am CDT
All of which said, I'm looking forward to checking it out when it finally gets to the UK.
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 15th, 2024 @ 6:36am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:The way I see it, after seeing the movie for myself, the fans most likely to dislike this movie are those who feel strongly that The Transformers should be only ever be one particular way that should never be deviated from in their minds. Those with more open minds who are more accepting of different versions and different interpretations should easily be able to find this movie enjoyable.
I wasn't around when the original Bay 2007 movie was revealed and released. (I came back to the fandom only after ROTF.)
The shitshow in the forums must have been GLORIOUS.

Posted by Glyph on September 15th, 2024 @ 7:32am CDT
Posted by william-james88 on September 15th, 2024 @ 9:41am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:Sabrblade wrote:The way I see it, after seeing the movie for myself, the fans most likely to dislike this movie are those who feel strongly that The Transformers should be only ever be one particular way that should never be deviated from in their minds. Those with more open minds who are more accepting of different versions and different interpretations should easily be able to find this movie enjoyable.
I wasn't around when the original Bay 2007 movie was revealed and released. (I came back to the fandom only after ROTF.)
The shitshow in the forums must have been GLORIOUS.
lol, it was. It even got to the point that the owner of this site banned one of the producers.
Posted by william-james88 on September 15th, 2024 @ 10:00am CDT
It is very tough to assess if this is the best Transformers film. We have the 86 film which was literally as G1 as it can get, if you want to go by a purist standpoint. We have Bumblebee, which was a very well made film on a smaller scale and we had the 2007 Michael Bay film which did an amazing job at showing the potential of the Transformers franchise on the big screen, focusing on scale and spectacle.
Now we have Transformers One which gives us "EVERTHING" (said in the style of Gary Oldman from Leon The Professional). So does that make it the best film? Maybe the best Transformers film? Well definitely the MOST Transformers film.
If people wanted a whole film that was like the beginning of the Bumblebee movie, this is not far from it. The art style is a bit different, but aside from that your wishes come true. And it's even more brutal and violent than that Bumblebee opening. You know what, I'll say this: Transformers One is as brutal and violent as any Michael Bay film. The big difference here though is that those responsible for the brutality are the villains and not Optimus Prime.
Overall, the second trailer gives you a good idea of what is to be expected in the film, with a progression of D-16 and Orion Pax starting as miners and then ending up "evolving" twice in the film to finally end up as Megatron and Optimus Prime. And that is both a positive and a negative.
Positive-wise, it means the film accomplishes its mission of telling an origin story for not just these characters but for their factions too within just one hour and a half. Negative-wise, it means a lot of story beats are rushed. Optimus goes from a guy who doesn't really respect the rules to the Optimus Prime we know in a few days while Megatron also goes through a significant change in parallel. So take that as you wish. I personally would have wanted more time spent on this, but I also recognize how efficient the story telling is to convey all this in a short movie for all ages.
The conflict at hand was presented in a new way and is probably the best aspect of the movie. The writers found a very clever way for Orion Pax' and D-16's views and outlooks on their world to be completely changed and it's in how they react to these revelations that we see how they go on different paths, which are familiar to any Transformers fans. It's almost maddening how this "kids film" is more mature, lore heavy, and has more depth than any of the live action films.
I mention Orion Pax and D-16 a lot because the movie really does revolve around them. Bumblebee and Elita are more one dimensional but to be faire though, we've never had two compelling character arcs in a Transformers movie ever. And while less main, Bumblebee and Elita are a fine addition to the mix. Believe it or not, Bumblebee's more humoristic personality is explained as a product of his environment and the "Badassitron" line actually has a payoff. Generally, I didn't care for the humour but it didn't take away any enjoyment of the film for me; you could easily move on from what didn't land. I also want to mention Jon Hamm's Sentinel Prime who was an excellent version of the character and the bot that surprised me most. Oh and Steve Buscemi as Starscream worked well, even though he doesn't change his voice much.
In terms of animation, this is peak Transformers. I really loved seeing the characters use their alt modes as part of their fighting styles and specific moves, like converting just some parts to use them offensively and then converting back. As a longtime Transformers fan, this was a beauty to behold.
Speaking more about the plot and characters would dive into spoiler territory so I will end the review here by saying that this is a great Transformers film, probably the best, and I encourage all Transformers fans to give it a watch.
It gets 4 golden Rodimus stickers out of 5. While great overall there were some story beats that were too rushed for me, especially in the third act, and I felt that did take away some enjoyment.

We thank Supreme Convoy for the thumbnail
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 15th, 2024 @ 2:31pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Sabrblade wrote:The way I see it, after seeing the movie for myself, the fans most likely to dislike this movie are those who feel strongly that The Transformers should be only ever be one particular way that should never be deviated from in their minds. Those with more open minds who are more accepting of different versions and different interpretations should easily be able to find this movie enjoyable.
I wasn't around when the original Bay 2007 movie was revealed and released. (I came back to the fandom only after ROTF.)
The shitshow in the forums must have been GLORIOUS.
lol, it was. It even got to the point that the owner of this site banned one of the producers.
Oh God, too bad I missed it.

Posted by Supreme Convoy on September 15th, 2024 @ 3:53pm CDT
I was basically that Rick Dalton meme throughout the movie.
Posted by william-james88 on September 15th, 2024 @ 9:16pm CDT
Supreme Convoy wrote:I thought Transformers One was fun!
I was basically that Rick Dalton meme throughout the movie.
Amazing, using that for the review cover.
Posted by Blastback on September 15th, 2024 @ 9:47pm CDT
And which producer was banned? Was it Murphy?
Posted by Sabrblade on September 15th, 2024 @ 9:50pm CDT
You ever read the initial reactions to Beast Wars that people had on ATT back in 1996? Madness. Absolute madness. And even throughout the show's run did some still whine that it wasn't like G1. Even when Starscream guest-starred and the Ark was found, it still wasn't enough for these people.-Kanrabat- wrote:william-james88 wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Sabrblade wrote:The way I see it, after seeing the movie for myself, the fans most likely to dislike this movie are those who feel strongly that The Transformers should be only ever be one particular way that should never be deviated from in their minds. Those with more open minds who are more accepting of different versions and different interpretations should easily be able to find this movie enjoyable.
I wasn't around when the original Bay 2007 movie was revealed and released. (I came back to the fandom only after ROTF.)
The shitshow in the forums must have been GLORIOUS.
lol, it was. It even got to the point that the owner of this site banned one of the producers.
Oh God, too bad I missed it.
Combing through old ATT posts, I found one where the user was asking why Rhinox brought Optimus Primal back to life in "Coming of the Fuzors" instead of bringing back the spark of a G1 Autobot like Optimus Prime or Ironhide. Like, seriously? Why wouldn't Rhinox want to bring back one of his best friends? This person really was so hellbent on seeing more G1 characters come back in Beast Wars that he'd rather the show had forsaken its lead protagonist in favor of GEEWUN fan service.

And then there were the outlandish initial reactions (or "overreactions") to Beast Machines, which still continue to crop up every now and then to this day.

Posted by Blastback on September 15th, 2024 @ 9:59pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:You ever read the initial reactions to Beast Wars that people had on ATT back in 1996? Madness. Absolute madness. And even throughout the show's run did some still whine that it wasn't like G1. Even when Starscream guest-starred and the Ark was found, it still wasn't enough for these people.-Kanrabat- wrote:william-james88 wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Sabrblade wrote:The way I see it, after seeing the movie for myself, the fans most likely to dislike this movie are those who feel strongly that The Transformers should be only ever be one particular way that should never be deviated from in their minds. Those with more open minds who are more accepting of different versions and different interpretations should easily be able to find this movie enjoyable.
I wasn't around when the original Bay 2007 movie was revealed and released. (I came back to the fandom only after ROTF.)
The shitshow in the forums must have been GLORIOUS.
lol, it was. It even got to the point that the owner of this site banned one of the producers.
Oh God, too bad I missed it.
Combing through old ATT posts, I found one where the user was asking why Rhinox brought Optimus Primal back to life in "Coming of the Fuzors" instead of bringing back the spark of a G1 Autobot like Optimus Prime or Ironhide. Like, seriously? Why wouldn't Rhinox want to bring back one of his best friends? This person really was so hellbent on seeing more G1 characters come back in Beast Wars that he'd rather the show had forsaken its lead protagonist in favor of GEEWUN fan service.![]()
And then there were the outlandish initial reactions (or "overreactions") to Beast Machines, which still continue to crop up every now and then to this day.
Some of that stuff is wild. I get not liking something, and certainly you have a right to critisise, (I didn't like the way Beast Machines handled Rhinox for example) but yeah. LIke the whole thing where people insist that that one writer said real hero's don't use guns, despite the fact that that's not what he said. Madness.
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 15th, 2024 @ 10:08pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:And then there were the outlandish initial reactions (or "overreactions") to Beast Machines, which still continue to crop up every now and then to this day.
As a casual fan, I was already used to the concept of multiple universes in TF for some time when I finally watched BW.
I found Beast Machines so bizarre and unnatural. Especially because for some reasons, the captured Megatron instantly conquered and transformed Cybertron so quickly and radically. As a direct sequel to Beast Wars, Beast Machines simply does not work.
But as its own closed universe, any and all plot holes become non-existent and everything works.
WFC already did some multiverse storytelling (I still have top see it( but I really want to see a series where Classic G1 bots meet and clashes with their Bayverse counterparts. And I mean the first trilogy Bayverse.

Posted by Sabrblade on September 15th, 2024 @ 10:16pm CDT
Wait, what?-Kanrabat- wrote:WFC already did some multiverse storytelling
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 15th, 2024 @ 10:19pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Wait, what?-Kanrabat- wrote:WFC already did some multiverse storytelling
"G1" and BW got mixed in the same universe, or rather, the same time period.
It's not really "multiverse", but it's kinda it.
A genuine "multiverse" story would be if Legacy got an anime.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 15th, 2024 @ 10:27pm CDT
That was just time travel, just like in the old Beast Wars cartoon.-Kanrabat- wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Wait, what?-Kanrabat- wrote:WFC already did some multiverse storytelling
"G1" and BW got mixed in the same universe, or rather, the same time period.
It's not really "multiverse", but it's kinda it.
Posted by SkyFire Prime on September 15th, 2024 @ 11:23pm CDT
Posted by Sabrblade on September 15th, 2024 @ 11:25pm CDT

They're "Death Trackers".
Posted by cloudballoon on September 16th, 2024 @ 1:31am CDT
'86 will still be the most beloved of TF media, nothing can unseat my love for the voice casts and hand-drawn animation. But if TF:1 can unseat BBM & '07 for either #2/3, I couldn't be happier. Right off the bat I thought TF:1 was the right direction to take the franchise forward. With animation as the "bread and better" main events and standalone "character spotlight" movies like the BBM as supplemental side projects ( think Star Wars Sequels & the Rouge One/Solo movies as parallel).
I'm not even looking at '86 with rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. I didn't grow up with much access to G1 TV (and had 2 toys: Grimlock & Slag) & never saw the '86 movie until the 30th anniversary DVD came out. the '07 Bay movie was the came back to the franchise point and sinced I catch up on everything except the Japenese ones (thanks, YouTube, Tubi & Netflix... er... maybe not Netflix, LOL) for TV shows (still going through IDW, no access to Marvel/Dreamwave on the comics).
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 16th, 2024 @ 4:43am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:That was just time travel, just like in the old Beast Wars cartoon.-Kanrabat- wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Wait, what?-Kanrabat- wrote:WFC already did some multiverse storytelling
"G1" and BW got mixed in the same universe, or rather, the same time period.
It's not really "multiverse", but it's kinda it.
Because inside the cover of a Siege Select set (Space trooper or something) there was a map of all the planets and the "Beast planet" was one of them.
It is semantics but when one is travelling through space at ludicrous speed, they also time-travel. It's science.

Posted by ScottyP on September 16th, 2024 @ 7:27am CDT
The score and music have like 2 or 3 short cool parts and are otherwise entirely forgettable. To be fair to Brian Tyler, he was probably asked to make a score of Generic Drama Strings, but it feels like a missed opportunity to elevate a good movie even further. The end credits song was easily the most memorable thing.
Since it isn't on the internet for me to validate my ears, was the music during Alpha Trion's exposition dump about the Primes a riff on Jablonsky's score from RotF? It sounded familiar but this isn't an area where I trust myself to be correct.
Posted by william-james88 on September 16th, 2024 @ 9:04am CDT
ScottyP wrote:4.5/5 feels right. I might have gone with 4, but this is fine. It was a fun movie and imo, did its job of being a kids movie extremely well.
The score and music have like 2 or 3 short cool parts and are otherwise entirely forgettable. To be fair to Brian Tyler, he was probably asked to make a score of Generic Drama Strings, but it feels like a missed opportunity to elevate a good movie even further. The end credits song was easily the most memorable thing.
Since it isn't on the internet for me to validate my ears, was the music during Alpha Trion's exposition dump about the Primes a riff on Jablonsky's score from RotF? It sounded familiar but this isn't an area where I trust myself to be correct.
Yeah I was between 4 and 4.5. The score was definitely weak, I agree, nothing too memorable. People say they heard the score from the Prime show but I didn't. And I didn't hear Jablonksy score, but to be fair the only thing I think I'd recognize would be his Arrival track.
Blastback wrote:I'm liking what I'm hearing, er reading. Looking foward to seeing it.
And which producer was banned? Was it Murphy?
I think so, but am not 100% sure. This was before my time here.