Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Posted September 24th, 2024 at 9:31am by ScottyP - 17,991 views
Transformers One is upon us and the Twincast / Podcast is thrilled to welcome two of the movie's voice actors onto our latest episode. The voice of Soundwave and longtime Twincast Podcaster, Jon Bailey, plus the voice of Jazz, Evan Michael Lee, highlight an energetic discussion of the new film that you won't want to miss! Host Scotty P alongside Counterpunch, Megatronus and Mr. Starscream go along for the ride and still bring you some fun toy talk after the movie chat, so stick - Read More
Posted September 13th, 2024 at 1:55pm by william-james88 - 34,476 views
There will be a lot to cover today, so before this gets lost in the mix, we just wanted to fill you in on this story. It's always fun to see just how ingrained into our pop culture landscape the Transformers brand has become. To the point that Stephen Colbert used it as a punchline in his show. It came up when he mentioned that private citizens performed a spacewalk and thus maybe Armageddon was not entirely regarding private citizens in space: "Michael Bay, we owe you and apology And you - Read More
Posted August 25th, 2024 at 5:34pm by william-james88 - 29,598 views
We have casting news our own Jon Bailey is in Transformers One. He’ll be voicing Soundwave, who he voiced in the Bumblebee film. Jason Konopisos Will be voicing Shockwave and Evan Michael Lee will be voicing Jazz. They each revealed this on their respective social media. We also have a clip of Shockwave talking if any are interested as to what that sounds - Read More
Posted August 24th, 2024 at 10:56am by william-james88 - 33,426 views
Skybound’s Transformers comic is officially the best comic on the shelves now, outselling all or most other comics every month. Basically, everyone loves it, which is why this news may come as a blow to some. The writer (and artist for earlier issues), Daniel Warren Johnson, has told fans that he will be ending his run after 24 issues. This was said though an AMA on Reddit. That still gives us a whole year of DWJ goodness. I’m having a blast writing it now and Jorge [Corona] and Mike - Read More
Posted July 30th, 2024 at 4:18pm by william-james88 - 64,362 views
This story is about to open a can of worms. As was reported, Steven Caple Jr was interested in continuing his story after directing Rise of the Beasts, getting ready for the GI Joe crossover film. However, when the project was announced at Cinemacon, only Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and Steven Spielberg were were confirmed as attached with the project, with Di Bonaventura now being the principle producer of the film. So where was Caple Jr? Well, it turns out that he left the project and is now - Read More
Posted June 12th, 2024 at 10:30am by william-james88 - 87,243 views
Yup, not a joke, that headline is a direct quote from Lorenzo di Bonaventura, who took the time to give some interesting quotes at the first screening of Transformers One in France. He was interviewed along with Josh Cooley, the director of Transformers One, as well as the head of Paramount Animation and Hasbro's head of film. You can read the full interview below, which comes from Variety. This is the first animated Transformers movie in 40 years. What challenges did you face in getting - Read More
Posted June 11th, 2024 at 7:29pm by william-james88 - 34,462 views
You read that right, this is a real headline I did not think I'd ever write. It turns out that on June 4th, the Texas police arrested a man named Optimus Prime Blakely who was driving a stolen car in Austin. It turns out that Optimus Prime is indeed the legal name of the 37-year-old who has been charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. Blakely is being held on an $8,000 bond. Here is a link to the original story from Fox Austin: ... - Read More
Posted May 20th, 2024 at 9:55pm by william-james88 - 54,970 views
Drug smuggling is all about creativity and it looks like Transformers statues were someone's bright idea this time. 700 pounds of ketamine were confiscated by Thailand authorities. These drugs were found in what is said to be lifesize Transformer robot statues. It is unclear if those are the same statues shown in the image, since those are not lifesize, nor could they hold this much product. Here is the story from CN Asia: Here is Fox - Read More
Posted April 16th, 2024 at 11:50am by william-james88 - 39,389 views
Chris Hemsworth is eager for you to see the first trailer for the Transformers One film. He plays Orion Pax and he shared a video with Brian Tyler Henry, who plays D16/Megatron, promoting the upcoming trailer. It is available on his Twitter page: ... - Read More
Posted February 05th, 2024 at 7:17pm by william-james88 - 77,542 views
It is with great sorrow that we share with you the news of Jose Delbo's passing. He was an Argentinian comic artist and while he drew possibly every DC character of his era, he is best known for his work on Wonder Woman for DC Comics and The Transformers for Marvel Comics. He was 90 years old. We send our prayers to him and his family. For those curious about his work on Transformers, Delbo worked on 25 issues of the original Marvel Transformers comic. Below you'll find a sampling of his - Read More
Posted December 18th, 2023 at 4:13am by Emerje - 101,622 views
Peter Cullen, a man that needs no introduction to anyone here, has been honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2nd Annual Children's and Family Emmys this past weekend. The ceremony was originally part of the Daytime Emmys before recently spinning off into its own thing. And who better to present such an award to Optimus Prime than Megatron himself, Frank Welker? This is a great way to kick off the 40th anniversary of the Transformers franchise which Peter has been a part of the - Read More
Posted December 13th, 2023 at 5:01am by Emerje - 72,906 views
Once again we find ourselves mourning the loss of another Canadian voice actor. Pauline Newstone, much loved voice of Airazor in the Beast Wars series, passed away on May 5 this year, though cause and age aren't known. The news comes from Garry Chalk collaborator Candice Santora who was spreading the word of her passing on Tuesday as it came with little fanfare at the time. Chalk himself apparently spotted her name during the UBCP/ACTRA Awards (British Columbia's actors union) In Memoriam - Read More
Posted November 20th, 2023 at 5:33am by Emerje - 69,274 views
It's with a heavy heart that we report on the passing of Peter Spellos at age 69 of pancreatic cancer. Spellos is probably best known among Transformers fans as the voice of Robots in Disguise's 2023 fan nominated Hall of Fame inductee Sky-Byte. Spellos would have also been familiar to fans of late '90s and '00s TV anime in the west as Monev the Gale in Trigun, Gilliam in Outlaw Star, Hiroshi Rara in Duel! Parallel Trouble Adventure, Bartley Asprius in Code Geass, Whamon in the Digimon - Read More
Posted October 04th, 2023 at 11:02am by william-james88 - 61,326 views
We had the pleasure to talk to the writer and artist of the new Transformers series from Skybound, Daniel Warren Johnson, to get to know more about what to expect in the coming months along with an explanation for the big spoiler moment. Below is a summary of what was discussed. Firstly, it was interesting to see that while Johnson grew up with the Transformers brand and was heavily influence by Geoff Senior for his art style, he has been removed from the modern Transformers content and - Read More
Posted August 01st, 2023 at 6:31pm by william-james88 - 59,668 views
With a lot of news to get through, we wanted to share this great interview from Variety with the CEO of Paramount, Brian Robbins. While this interview covers all the Paramount films, it does give us some incite on Transformers Rise of the Beasts. The CEO points out that the film did not do great and that the main reason they attribute is the big budget which blew up due to COVID along with reduced income from Russia (who used to be the 6th biggest market for these films) and a major - Read More
Posted June 27th, 2023 at 6:50pm by william-james88 - 96,820 views
We have good news for those liking the retro G1 Reissue line, which has the G1 toys in a cartoon inspired deco. Firstly, they are a main subject of an interview between the ToysareRuss Youtube channel and Hasbro's Transformers marketing team. They go over what we can expect from the line going forwards. Also, as most of us guessed and hoped, we will be getting a Skywarp. This is great news for all of us wanting to complete a set of seekers in matching deco. The code for Skywarp was found - Read More
Posted June 20th, 2023 at 3:01pm by Bounti76 - 105,526 views
Thanks to a heads-up from our own Sabrblade, we have our first look at the Junkion combiner teased by designer Mark Maher in the Hasbro Pulse livestream this morning. Feast your eyes on..... Using Trashmaster as the torso, Scraphook and Axlegrease as legs, and Crashbar and another (unrevealed Junkion?) as arms, Junkasaurus comes together looking pretty awesome. Mark revealed this on social media just a little while ago, and we're glad to bring this to your attention! What do you all - Read More
Posted June 18th, 2023 at 11:01am by william-james88 - 84,627 views
Regardless of what you think of the Rise of the Beasts film, it shows that the director and writers did see the robots as the titular characters that they are rather than giant props in the background. Steven Caple Jr, the director was a fan of the source material and did good on his word to provide a Transformers movie with a focus on the Transformers as much as he could (we previously wrote why that's usually not the norm in these films). So it begs to reason why Wheeljack was such a change - Read More
Posted June 14th, 2023 at 6:05am by william-james88 - 58,704 views
We thank White Bear PR for putting us in touch with Jongnic Bontemps (aka JB), the composer for the film Transformers Rise of the Beasts. While we of course hope you watch the interview, we have a summary of the key points below. While we do mostly talk about the film itself, there are some interesting bits that could interest those wanting to compose in hollywood as well as parents who would want their kids more engaged with the musical instrument they are learning. Also, please note that this - Read More
Posted June 01st, 2023 at 8:03pm by william-james88 - 51,704 views
Anyone who has met Peter Cullen knows he loves his fans and is very happy to have contributed to all our lives as Optimus Prime. He takes the opportunity once again to send us his love in the new featurette for Rise of the Beasts which Paramount uploaded to Youtube today, which focuses entirely on him. This is quite novel since in the past, he wasn't as involved with the marketing campaign, and it speaks to the fact that the people working on the Transformers movies now are people who grew up - Read More