AMC Reveals Transformers One Popcorn Bucket and the Transforming One is now MIA
Thursday, September 19th, 2024 10:44AM CDT
Category: Movie Related NewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 37,957
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For AMC, it turns out their bucket is unoriginal. It's just a tin with the characters on it. They also have cups with toppers.
For Cinemark, you will see below that they offer a B-127 Popcorn Container with lanyard , an Orion Pax Snack & Drink Vessel, a Cup and Topper Combo Set, Fleece Blanket and Enamel 4-Pin Set.
You can see all images below.



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Posted by Emerje on September 19th, 2024 @ 11:04am CDT
Posted by Big Grim on September 19th, 2024 @ 11:10am CDT
#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:I've always been more of a fan of the Aligned data clerk origin vs the IDW cop origin, but that may just be because I didn't love IDW Prime in particular.
I liked him just fine until somewhere after Dark Cybertron. He really went downhill when he got the self-titled book. I like the aligned/Prime data clerk version too but I kinda adore the hero cop nonsense. I think it might talk to the eighties action film fan in me. Plus, y'know, the idealised "Prime is a goddamn hero" feeling a lotta characters held him up too.
#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:But miner-gladiator-revolutionary Megatron is unmatched. That, to me, is the definitive Megatron origin story. (Although I do love the Armada-esque "opposing military commander with respect for his rival" take on the character too)
I do have a soft spot for Armada Megatron and good ol' Beast Wars Megatron. Prime Megs was a delight as well but no one showed the character grown that IDW Megs had, in my opinion.
o.supreme wrote:Well they aren't too ridiculous yet. Id get them while you can. I got all Prime the blu rays when they were first released. But right now on Amazon S1 is about$38, S2 is $48, S3 is $20, and Predacons Rising is: $15, so the whole series for around $120. It could be far worse, once these really go OOP.
Ah. I'm in the UK and as far as I'm aware, these are still region locked.
~ Grim
Posted by Glyph on September 19th, 2024 @ 11:17am CDT
Big Grim wrote:o.supreme wrote:Well they aren't too ridiculous yet. Id get them while you can. I got all Prime the blu rays when they were first released. But right now on Amazon S1 is about$38, S2 is $48, S3 is $20, and Predacons Rising is: $15, so the whole series for around $120. It could be far worse, once these really go OOP.
Ah. I'm in the UK and as far as I'm aware, these are still region locked.
I believe they're all here for the grabbing, but absolutely this trend of "No physical media, pay for streaming forever until we take it away anyway" needs to die in a fire ASAP.
o.supreme wrote:As for the TF One film budget. I bet at least a third of it was the celebrity VA's. salary. ... I appreciate that the A List actors for TF One are getting praised, but if we had actual industry VA's the budget for this film could have been under 50M, and would have been just as well liked I'd imagine
NGL, I'd prefer actual VAs over big-name casting just about always, but I understand the studio calculus that assumes they need the names to bring in the casual viewers. Pretty likely that the movie cast won't voice any tie-in media past the first game and will just get more expensive for each sequel; maybe we'll get a Bayverse Megs situation and end up with classic / industry VAs doing the voices in tie-in media until they eventually take over the movies too. May the series last so long!

Posted by First-Aid on September 19th, 2024 @ 12:10pm CDT
Big Grim wrote:(It's why I want a boxset of netflix Voltron as well.).
Oh, God....I SOOOOO want this. Anyone want a kidney in exchange?
Posted by Big Grim on September 19th, 2024 @ 1:32pm CDT
Glyph wrote:I believe they're all here for the grabbing.
Shiny, thank you!
First-Aid wrote:Big Grim wrote:(It's why I want a boxset of netflix Voltron as well.).
Oh, God....I SOOOOO want this. Anyone want a kidney in exchange?
Right? I would GLADLY pay for a physical set of that show.
~ Grim
Posted by o.supreme on September 19th, 2024 @ 2:40pm CDT
Here in the U.S. there's a 26 episode S1/2 set which seems to be unavailable at the moment.
The "S3-S6" 26 episode DVD set is still inexpensive, only $17: ... Bfc2hhcmVk?tag=seibertron07-20&
There's been a rumor for along time, the reason why "S7-S8" (the last 26 episodes) were never released on DVD was because the writing took a huge nosedive and the series ending was very poorly written, which is a shame because for those first few years it was great.
Id still purchase the whole thing if it was offered, but it is odd because another show that DreamWorks produced and Netflix Distributed (Dragons race to the Edge) got fully released on DVD.
Regarding the TFO Popcorn Bucket--Maybe because of the general audience the film is made for, they wanted to avoid contributing to the weirdness of Popcorn Buckets that has occurred in 2024. Not saying there's anything wrong with a Transforming bucket, but you know it would probably be included in some articles compared with others of questionable taste

Posted by Sabrblade on September 19th, 2024 @ 8:32pm CDT
Posted by #1 Signal Lancer fan on September 20th, 2024 @ 1:24am CDT
#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:Do we know one way or another at this point if this is in-continuity with the live action movies? My guess would be it's not, but I haven't been able to find a confirmed answer online.
Major spoilers below:
Having seen the movie, I don’t see how it could possibly be made to connect.
Sentinel Prime is dead, Optimus does not look up to him, and Megatron would never work with him.
Megatronus is not The Fallen and is dead.
The Matrix is on Cybertron, not with the Primes on Earth.
Speaking of, the Primes died on Cybertron, not Earth.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 20th, 2024 @ 1:37am CDT
Like I told'ja before, it's impossible for this to fit with either ROTF or DOTM.#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:Do we know one way or another at this point if this is in-continuity with the live action movies? My guess would be it's not, but I haven't been able to find a confirmed answer online.
Major spoilers below:
Having seen the movie, I don’t see how it could possibly be made to connect.
Sentinel Prime is dead, Optimus does not look up to him, and Megatron would never work with him.
Megatronus is not The Fallen and is dead.
The Matrix is on Cybertron, not with the Primes on Earth.
Speaking of, the Primes died on Cybertron, not Earth.

Posted by chuckdawg1999 on September 20th, 2024 @ 1:39am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Like I told'ja before, it's impossible for this to fit with either ROTF or DOTM.#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:Do we know one way or another at this point if this is in-continuity with the live action movies? My guess would be it's not, but I haven't been able to find a confirmed answer online.
Major spoilers below:
Having seen the movie, I don’t see how it could possibly be made to connect.
Sentinel Prime is dead, Optimus does not look up to him, and Megatron would never work with him.
Megatronus is not The Fallen and is dead.
The Matrix is on Cybertron, not with the Primes on Earth.
Speaking of, the Primes died on Cybertron, not Earth.
Clap your hands and say it with me! MULTIVERSE!!!
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 20th, 2024 @ 4:55am CDT
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Clap your hands and say it with me! MULTIVERSE!!!
In the Live Action series, there's 3 universes already.
-- The first trilogy
-- The Knights duology
-- The Beeasts duology.
As for TF1, it should be in the CARTOON forums because it is 100% animated and it's its own thing, far removed from the L.A series. Both in style and story.
Anyway, I'll be able to see the movie this Sunday. I'm looking forward to it.
Posted by Glyph on September 20th, 2024 @ 5:40am CDT
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 20th, 2024 @ 6:32am CDT
Glyph wrote:Maybe this one should be renamed to the Movie Forum?
That would make sense.
Posted by excalibur1814 on September 20th, 2024 @ 8:56am CDT
One scene in particular, near the end (you'll know it when you see it) is absolutely epic. Also, a bit shocking, as it's unexpected.
Posted by william-james88 on September 20th, 2024 @ 2:22pm CDT
But please remember, these reviews are just meant to help the public get an idea of what they are in for with this film, there is no use being upset if one reviewer has a different opinion.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 20th, 2024 @ 6:46pm CDT
- This first thing went by really fast and so may need to be double-checked: The two guards who chase Orion Pax in the archives at the beginning of the movie refer to themselves as "KDQ-12" and "KDQ-1".
- Throughout the entire movie, the subtitles consistently spelled Elita's full name as "Elita One" (like how her G1 cartoon counterpart's name was spelled in the script for the episode "The Search for Alpha Trion"). However, this stands in contrast to how both the voice cast list in the end credits, as well as Hasbro's current trademark for all toys of her, spell her name as "Elita-1".
- Names of Iacon 5000 racers I caught being spoken aloud (by D-16, Orion, or the announcer) were "Thunderglide", "Behemoth", "Strafe", "Skyfire", "Darkwing", "Spinout", "Jetstorm", and "Chromia", all spelled like so in the subtitles.
-After the race, a female voice paged "Dr. Ratchet" to report to "Medical Bay 94" (this one also went by quick, and could have been a different number like "84").
- B-127's two nicknames were consistently spelled as just "B" (like how D-16's nickname is just "D") and "Badassatron", clarifying that neither are spelled "Bee" or "Badassitron" as some fans have used. Also, whenever B spoke his other nickname in the deep voice, the subs consistently spelled that version as "Badassatronnnn" with four Ns at the end.
- The names of B's three lifeless "friends" made of junk were spelled "EP-508", "A-A-Tron", and "Steve" (though, the first two also went by quick, so they too may need to be double-checked).
- When Orion Pax speaks of the "Quintesson war", the subs spell it like so, with a lowercase W in "War", making it look less like a formal name for the war and more just a descriptor.
- Elita's "go-bots" insult was spelled like so, hyphenated and in all-lowercase.
- "High Guard" was consistently spelled like so as two separate words, all except for one instance where Elita called them "High-Guard nutjobs", hyphenating it instead.
And a more casual observation that Orion once used the phrase "My God" (spelled like that with an uppercase G in the subs), which felt odd and very Earth-specific given that B used "Holy Primus" at one point earlier. Elita also used "Hell" at least once. I know these are movies made by Earth humans who are going to make these alien characters speak like Earth humans to make them sound natural and relatable to Earth-human audiences, but still. It took me out of the moment for a sec.
Posted by ScottyP on September 20th, 2024 @ 7:28pm CDT
I don't care who any of these people are

Posted by Rodimus Prime on September 20th, 2024 @ 7:33pm CDT
Is the movie worth seeing in 3D?
Posted by noctorro on September 21st, 2024 @ 5:07am CDT
ScottyP wrote:I don't know who any of these people are.
I don't care who any of these people are
Let me tell you:
Chris Stuckman
Used to be a decent reviewer but doesn't critisize movies anymore since he made one of his own. In short he's a hypocrite and doesn't really say anything in his reviews anymore.
Second guy I don't know
John Campea, absolute industry shill. Defends absolute garbage stuff. Very little credibility.
Jeremy Jahns
Good guy, tells when he sees crap. Fun guy, Soul Reaver 1 fan so I'm biased as hell.
A commercial media channel, so take anything they say with a meteor of salt.
Posted by ScottyP on September 21st, 2024 @ 7:27am CDT
I'm not surprised that the one with the least annoying look on his face in the thumbnail is the only good one. Wow, Soul Reaver, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I loved that game when it came out, sequels weren't terrible either. Bounced off of the first Legacy of Kain several times, just couldn't get into it, but yeah the rest was solid.noctorro wrote:ScottyP wrote:I don't know who any of these people are.
I don't care who any of these people are
Let me tell you:
Jeremy Jahns
Good guy, tells when he sees crap. Fun guy, Soul Reaver 1 fan so I'm biased as hell.
Posted by Bumblevivisector on September 21st, 2024 @ 3:55pm CDT
I saw it 3D, but got so into it that I forgot it was 3D.Rodimus Prime wrote:Is the movie worth seeing in 3D?
I stand by my choice of 3D over IMAX, since there was so much to take in during crowd scenes like the race that a wider screen might have just resulted in me missing some of the action/possible cameos. IDR anything lunging at the camera, but the transformations probably lose a little something in 2D.
Posted by william-james88 on September 22nd, 2024 @ 12:35pm CDT
noctorro wrote:ScottyP wrote:I don't know who any of these people are.
I don't care who any of these people are
Let me tell you:
Chris Stuckman
Used to be a decent reviewer but doesn't critisize movies anymore since he made one of his own. In short he's a hypocrite and doesn't really say anything in his reviews anymore.
Second guy I don't know
John Campea, absolute industry shill. Defends absolute garbage stuff. Very little credibility.
Jeremy Jahns
Good guy, tells when he sees crap. Fun guy, Soul Reaver 1 fan so I'm biased as hell.
A commercial media channel, so take anything they say with a meteor of salt.
The second guy is Dan Murrel who used to work at Screen junkies, the people who write Honest Trailers, and employ fellow Seibertronian and voice actor in this very film Jon Bailey.
Posted by william-james88 on September 22nd, 2024 @ 12:50pm CDT
And it's too bad since Transformers One is liked by fans, critics and the general movie going public. Its Cinemascore, which is an average of the ranking gave in exit polls that predicts the longevity of a film is an A. That is an amazing score, and the same score given to films like Avengers Endgame and Inside Out 2 (and a ton of other movies that did amazing at the box office). For comparison, Rise of the Beasts and Bumblebee had an A- while The Last Knight had a B+, and The Marvels got a B (just to show the gammet).
This cinemascore means that the conversation on box office is just beginning as other films that opened low with great scores still came out on top, like Bumblebee and Elemental. As for international box office, Transformers One and it's competitor next week, The Wild Robot, have a staggered worldwide release so it won't be obvious how well either film does overall right away. We will keep you covered week to week.
Below is an excerpt from The Hollywood Reporter, which shows how it's still too early to judge Transformers One as a success or flop.
The jury is out on the film’s ultimate fate. The modestly budgeted event pic, co-financed by Habro, cost $75 million to produce before marketing, which minimizes the sting of the weak domestic opening. The hope now is that it can find its footing and enjoy a long run in theaters based on such strong exits and reviews, although the entry of DreamWorks Animation and Universal’s The Wild Robot next weekend could complicated matters, at least on the family front. (Wild Robot commenced its international rollout in eight markets over the weekend, earning $6.9 million, which includes a paltry $4 million from China.)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on September 22nd, 2024 @ 1:21pm CDT
Oh well, at least it isn't too far below projections, and seems to be getting mostly positive word of mouth.
Posted by william-james88 on September 22nd, 2024 @ 1:33pm CDT
DVD ... 8&qid=&sr=?tag=seibertron0b-20&
Steelbook ... UTF8&psc=1?tag=seibertron0b-20&
DVD ... 836&sr=8-1?tag=seibertron07-20&
Steelbook ... 156&sr=8-1?tag=seibertron07-20&


Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 22nd, 2024 @ 3:31pm CDT
Hands down the BEST Transformers movie so far. Everything clicks, everything makes sense, and not a single cringe moment, nor forced current day "message". This will make TF1 TIMELESS. It will be as good in 50 years as it is right now.

Posted by william-james88 on September 22nd, 2024 @ 5:34pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:I just came back from the movie and yup.
Hands down the BEST Transformers movie so far. Everything clicks, everything makes sense, and not a single cringe moment, nor forced current day "message". This will make TF1 TIMELESS. It will be as good in 50 years as it is right now.
Do you also think the badassatron joke paid off? Because i was surprised it did
Posted by cloudballoon on September 22nd, 2024 @ 5:59pm CDT
Some "fans" that can only accept a TF media in a narrowly defined "acceptable" way might also have hurt the box office?
Posted by Bumblevivisector on September 22nd, 2024 @ 6:33pm CDT
cloudballoon wrote:Proabably some franchise fatigue have something to do with the slower start?
Some "fans" that can only accept a TF media in a narrowly defined "acceptable" way might also have hurt the box office?
Well, seeing as there was a TF movie in theaters last year, a lot of more casual fans probably find it odd that there's an origin movie so soon after, if they assume origin=reboot.
And to clarify, RotB is my third favorite live action TF film after AofE and Bee Movie, so please don't assume I'm implying its quality (averageness) was the problem. I think it is partly recent film frequency and not necessarily long-term franchise fatigue.
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 22nd, 2024 @ 7:15pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:I just came back from the movie and yup.
Hands down the BEST Transformers movie so far. Everything clicks, everything makes sense, and not a single cringe moment, nor forced current day "message". This will make TF1 TIMELESS. It will be as good in 50 years as it is right now.
Do you also think the badassatron joke paid off? Because i was surprised it did
"Who wants to get cut?"

Also, I do hope y'all stayed for the post-credits scene.

Posted by Dino-Snarl on September 22nd, 2024 @ 7:47pm CDT
Posted by cloudballoon on September 22nd, 2024 @ 7:53pm CDT
Bumblevivisector wrote:cloudballoon wrote:Proabably some franchise fatigue have something to do with the slower start?
Some "fans" that can only accept a TF media in a narrowly defined "acceptable" way might also have hurt the box office?
Well, seeing as there was a TF movie in theaters last year, a lot of more casual fans probably find it odd that there's an origin movie so soon after, if they assume origin=reboot.
And to clarify, RotB is my third favorite live action TF film after AofE and Bee Movie, so please don't assume I'm implying its quality (averageness) was the problem. I think it is partly recent film frequency and not necessarily long-term franchise fatigue.
Oh no, I'm not targetting you specifically. I meant the casual general population might have the franchise fatigue that's hitting the Star Wars, MCU, DC, Ghostbusters franchises these few years. Likely for the reasons you said. Also, some might no longer be interested in TF anymore after AOE/TLK.
You got your bum in the theater, that's not the type of "fans" I was talking about. Those won't even go to see TF1 "on principle" because of their negative reception from the trailer(s) or their perceived plot points (eg. hating OP & Megs as "brothers" pre-war, believing Elita-1 a "woke girl-boss" without knowing the nuance, etc.) or whatever.
People have their valid/invalid resons to go see a movie or not. I respect that and rather not judge, I do like to analyse and try to understand their reasons though.
Even if TF1 is underperforming, I'm already very happy the TF movie-verse changed direction for the better(IMO, of course) by going with animation and rooted in Cybertron and not Earth (for now). Going with animation brings down the production cost and help with the TF movie franchise's longevity. I really hope whatever its final officebox numbers will be, it's enough to warrant sequels.
I'm terms of ranking, it's '86 as the "forever #1" because I'm biased towards trad hand drawn animation. BBM & '07 is kind of tied as #2 (objectively I think BBM is a better movie, but '07 started the modern TF movie franchise so that get the nostgalia/respect credit, so I go back and forth between betweem as the "best" of live-action films) and ROTB comes after. The other Bay don't really get much of a rewatch for me (I'd rather YouTube the action sequences than pull out the discs).
Posted by Sabrblade on September 22nd, 2024 @ 7:54pm CDT
You're only hurting the movie's chances of box office success by doing that.Dino-Snarl wrote:Won't watch it in theatres. Don't go anymore. Bought the DVD.
Posted by Dino-Snarl on September 22nd, 2024 @ 8:09pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:You're only hurting the movie's chances of box office success by doing that.Dino-Snarl wrote:Won't watch it in theatres. Don't go anymore. Bought the DVD.
Can't be helped. We haven't seen a movie in theatres for 7 years. prefer being at home alone. Introvert thing.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 22nd, 2024 @ 8:21pm CDT
When I saw it on Friday, I had the whole room to myself. No one else had bought tickets to that screening, so I was the only one in the theater room.Dino-Snarl wrote:Sabrblade wrote:You're only hurting the movie's chances of box office success by doing that.Dino-Snarl wrote:Won't watch it in theatres. Don't go anymore. Bought the DVD.
Can't be helped. We haven't seen a movie in theatres for 7 years. prefer being at home alone. Introvert thing.
Posted by Dino-Snarl on September 22nd, 2024 @ 8:24pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:When I saw it on Friday, I had the whole room to myself. No one else had bought tickets to that screening, so I was the only one in the theater room.Dino-Snarl wrote:Sabrblade wrote:You're only hurting the movie's chances of box office success by doing that.Dino-Snarl wrote:Won't watch it in theatres. Don't go anymore. Bought the DVD.
Can't be helped. We haven't seen a movie in theatres for 7 years. prefer being at home alone. Introvert thing.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 22nd, 2024 @ 8:30pm CDT
So basically, check the websites of your local theaters and look to see if there are any screenings on any days that no one has purchased tickets for. The best times for this would likely be morning or early afternoon showings on weekdays, when most people are at work/school. Friday was my day off from work so that enabled me to catch the empty-room screening at 1:15pm.Dino-Snarl wrote:Sabrblade wrote:When I saw it on Friday, I had the whole room to myself. No one else had bought tickets to that screening, so I was the only one in the theater room.Dino-Snarl wrote:Sabrblade wrote:You're only hurting the movie's chances of box office success by doing that.Dino-Snarl wrote:Won't watch it in theatres. Don't go anymore. Bought the DVD.
Can't be helped. We haven't seen a movie in theatres for 7 years. prefer being at home alone. Introvert thing.
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 22nd, 2024 @ 8:37pm CDT

Posted by Lore Keeper on September 22nd, 2024 @ 9:43pm CDT
Posted by Sabrblade on September 22nd, 2024 @ 9:51pm CDT
Posted by Rodimus Prime on September 23rd, 2024 @ 12:01am CDT
I enjoyed the movie just as much as the 1st time, and after the 1st 10 minutes the shock wore off and I immersed myself in the film. I definitely hope it gets a sequel, it's in the top 3 of TF movies for me right now. Once the hype wears off, it'll probably still be top 5.
I think there is product fatigue with the general audience, as I'm sure TF fans did go see it. But as it was with Bumblebee, the better film suffers due to its predecessor being an utter turd. If TLK never happened, Bumblebee would've done better, and if that dumpsterfire RoTB wasn't allowed to become reality, this movie would have done better as well.
Posted by Glyph on September 23rd, 2024 @ 2:33am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:So it looks like more people went to the pre-release screenings instead of the day-of-release ones. That tells me that more people than normal were eager to see the movie sooner than later.
I dunno - that sounds to me like existing TF fans who were anticipating it went to see it as soon as possible, but the general public ignored it? That's worrying. I hope word of mouth picks up quickly, but there's no avoiding that the domestic opening fell well below what we (and presumably Hasbro/Paramount) hoped for - can't believe we were beaten out by the Beetlejuice cash grabsequel!
From what I can see, it should still be profitable - reviews are good and as a family film it hopefully has legs beyond the opening weekend - but not the smash hit we might have hoped for. I don't think it's brand "fatigue" so much as bad reputation from the tail end of the Bayverse, and a general lack of popularity in the kid market (insert rant about the biggest brand efforts of the last 10 years+ all being about chasing older fans, not attracting new ones).
As for me, I'll certainly be going to see it and adding my bit to the numbers... when it finally releases in another 3 weeks.

Posted by ashe5k on September 23rd, 2024 @ 8:35am CDT
Posted by o.supreme on September 23rd, 2024 @ 10:47am CDT
Posted by DeathReviews on September 23rd, 2024 @ 4:58pm CDT
Posted by Glyph on September 23rd, 2024 @ 5:27pm CDT
Posted by Rodimus Prime on September 23rd, 2024 @ 11:22pm CDT
I hope that's true, there's plenty more story to tell.Glyph wrote:(LdB did say they were planning on a trilogy, for what it's worth).
Posted by cloudballoon on September 24th, 2024 @ 2:18am CDT
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 24th, 2024 @ 4:25am CDT
cloudballoon wrote:I'm optimistic on the overall office box finanicals that it'll be quite profitable for its budget at the end. Turning around the downward spiral on ROI since AOE/TLK. TF:1 will help get rid of the bad taste gen pop got on AOE/TLK and for some, ROTB and BBM. Ultimately, with mostly positive impressions of TF:1, it'll help make TF1's sequel a reality.
The fact that the budget of that movie was quite small with no BLOAT nor reshoots festivals give it a good chance to break even despite the relatively low turnout.
Plus, there's one more thing going for the movie. The toy line sell like hot cakes.
These factors together makes the sequels a certainty.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 24th, 2024 @ 6:40am CDT