Reveals from Pulsecon 2024 include Overcharge, G2 Breakdown, TF1 Sentinel Prime and More
Friday, September 13th, 2024 3:18PM CDT
Categories: Toy News, Event NewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 51,961
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They showcased the winners for Hall of Fame which included:
- Megatronus
- Magmatron
- SS86 Optimus Prime
- Party Wallop
- Marcelo Matere
The toys revealed included:
- Pulse Exclusive Dinoking (preorder up now)
- Cosmos
- G2 Breakdown
- Armada Wheeljack
- Origins Bumblebee
- Ramjet
- Tarn
- Overcharge (redeco of Blitzwing with new head)
- Galaxy Shuttle
- Three Zero Orion Pax/Optimus Prime
- Three Zero D-16/Megatron
- Three Zero Elita One
- SS TF1 Bumblebee
- SS TF1 Elita One
- SS TF1 Sentinel Prime
And lastly, we saw the logo for Age of the Primes. Preorders are up now for premium members on Hasbro Pulse and Devastator will be further revealed October 27th.
Link to preorders: ... s%20Legacy

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Posted by Sabrblade on September 13th, 2024 @ 3:27pm CDT
Posted by william-james88 on September 13th, 2024 @ 3:29pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Is it me, or did the whole Transformers segment for this year's PulseCon just feel incredibly rushed with barely any time devoted to it all?
It was and they acknowledged it.
Posted by o.supreme on September 13th, 2024 @ 4:30pm CDT
Timing is challenging, but after decades of participating in meetings (and preparation is key) that have specifically timed start and end times, the rule should be, you get off at a certain time no matter what. That's your "end time". This works in the groups within I use it, however professional courtesy is almost non existent.
Posted by TulioDude on September 13th, 2024 @ 6:39pm CDT
The guy asked to keep remindnd them of Armada!
Day 1718 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.
Posted by Flashwave on September 13th, 2024 @ 11:49pm CDT
I like Overcharge, mold aside. Hopefully he goes on a sale though so I can troop him reasonably.
Posted by blackeyedprime on September 14th, 2024 @ 12:32am CDT
Posted by Sabrblade on September 14th, 2024 @ 12:41am CDT
Better than paying more than the full price, which I had to do to get me a Galaxy Shuttle back when there was no guarantee of it ever making it out to US brick-and-mortar retail (and I needed Galaxy Shuttle so I could finish building this).blackeyedprime wrote:Some people really going to be paying full price for galaxy shuttle is feels off.
Posted by william-james88 on September 14th, 2024 @ 8:47am CDT
blackeyedprime wrote:Sentinel prime looks good, everything else was a bit nothing to see here or already seen. Can't complain about them making it easier for people to get region specific hard to get figures tho. Some people really going to be paying full price for galaxy shuttle is feels off.
What feels off about paying full price for that toy?
Posted by blackeyedprime on September 14th, 2024 @ 11:58am CDT
william-james88 wrote:blackeyedprime wrote:Sentinel prime looks good, everything else was a bit nothing to see here or already seen. Can't complain about them making it easier for people to get region specific hard to get figures tho. Some people really going to be paying full price for galaxy shuttle is feels off.
What feels off about paying full price for that toy?
that it is just a recolor (as creative as it is) of Astrotrain which needed a bit more effort in general and it was discounted over here pretty quickly (£25/$30 in game or less). But that's just a rare per chance compared to what Ollies gets. I still pretfer the titan master version at least scale in bot mode for scale with my other bots, no ugly boots needed.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 14th, 2024 @ 12:09pm CDT
What Titan Master version? This is the only toy Galaxy Shuttle has ever had besides his original 1989 Japanese G1 toy.blackeyedprime wrote:I still pretfer the titan master version at least scale in bot mode for scale with my other bots, no ugly boots needed.
Posted by blackeyedprime on September 14th, 2024 @ 3:03pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:What Titan Master version? This is the only toy Galaxy Shuttle has ever had besides his original 1989 Japanese G1 toy.blackeyedprime wrote:I still pretfer the titan master version at least scale in bot mode for scale with my other bots, no ugly boots needed.
None, but in the terms of the mold that galaxy shuttle is using being a bit meh in the first place (and g1 galaxy shuttle was a tall bot so it's another kind of umph about the figure -other than it being way cheaper than the g1). Can't imagine too many people paying £53+ here for it and at more than earthrise astro train cost. More guns than that toy tho, so yay?
Hopefully transformers one will have more figures that look good in its line up. Dunno If I'd pick that wheeljack up over the original either -even the eyesore original legs over yet another sideswipe reuse might win out. I will cave on overcharge if it goes as low as blitzwing did/has to with the diaclone colors stuff just because.
Posted by cloudballoon on September 14th, 2024 @ 3:43pm CDT
Bee chest look a but better. But didn't change my opinion that the mianline upper body & SS lower body combined would make it a perfect TF:1 transforming Bee with a coat of paint added.
Arcee looks much better in the chest when the silver straps thing (like she was wearing the jetpack like a schoolgirl's backpack) left unpainted. The lower arms kibble looks like a non-issue too.
Sentinel, is just awesome, nothing much needs to be said.
I'm still waiting until after seeing the movie before I decide to go into the line or not. If so, I'll probably go Yolopark AMK for the cogless versions, and a mix of Yolopark/ThreeZero/Hasbro for the T-cogged versions.
Dinoking is cool but it's not a character I'm too familiar for me, but I do enjoy these Scout/Legends/Core sized Combiners through the years, but at full price, no. If I see it on sale, I'll probably pick this up.
Only thing I PO is Ramjet. All the reissues & redecoes are nothing too exciting for me, but I commend Hasbro for those Ramjet & Cosmos reissues and made good of its promises. Please don't let us wait another 5 years for Thrust now. And reissue Thundercracker & Skywarp... but better yet, design a brand new SS86 seekers mold with better proportion, cleaner sculpt & waist articulation! Then I can burn down Coronation Starscream into a pile of dust for screen accuracy, LOL (I jest, I'll just switch it for a pile of cement dust and repaint it into one of the umpteenth seekers)!