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Book Description
Publication Date: February 5, 2013
Volume 4 of Transformers Classics UK will cover issues #113-145 and include the 1987 Transformers Annual and the Transformers/Action Force crossover, "Ancient Relics!"
Product details
Paperback: 296 pages
Publisher: IDW Publishing (5 Feb 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1613775172
ISBN-13: 978-1613775172
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well i got the go ahead from the boss that it was ok to post this up to show off, so thats what i'm doing
this is the lineart for the cover to issue 14 of MTMTE.
this cover is a bit different from the ones i normally do. i had lots of fun with it. basically in the solicitations for this comic, it tells of a characters with needles making the biggest mistake of his life. well if you put 2 and 2 together i think we can work out who the character is.
so we have chromedome and he's doing his special skill on overlord. good idea? i don't think so.
with this cover i wanted to give overlord a very psychotic look. i pleased with how it turned out
the awesomesauce of mr Josh Perez was used to color up this bad boy. i love how it turned out. all i said to him was i want it to look creepy. well i think he did that and more. i can't look at it for too long. it creeps me out
i know one of the things Josh wanted to do is make Overlords eyes greenish yellow instead of the standard red due to what chromedome is doing. his idea was if your haing your mind read, your eyes would be glowing a different color.
i like that idea. i know he added so much more into this cover then that, but i'll let him explain all that he did when he posts it up on his DA page.
well, back to work
well this is full on action here
this is the cover to MTMTE 15. its basically everything that could go wrong with overlord on the ship happening. will it play out this way, who will know. you'll just have to pick up the issue to find out
poor ultra magnus. he's not having a good day. a gut punch and an arm ripped off. ratchet will have his work cut out for him. good thing they picked up a few more medics back in issue 5
so this cover has drift impaled by his own sword. brawn has one of his forearms chopped off, but is spoting a nice pair of brass knuckles so he can pay overlord back. rodimus is firing on overlord while skids is trying to hold onto him and get a head shot in. i wounder if he will???? in the background we have crosshairs, pointblank, and boos. i put them in there to show more of the crew of the lost light
this cover was colored by the ever so talented Joana Lafuente. i have to thank her ever so much for doing this. i kinda got this cover done at the last minute and she had to come in and really bust this out. now this is not a cover you want to have bust out in a short period of time, but she did it. she's a real trooper thanks a lot Joana
well, back to work
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Views: 51,448
Q: Hi James. We’re at the end of your first year as writer on MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE. How have you found the experience so far?
JAMES ROBERTS: Thrilling and exhausting! Are we only on issue #12? Haven’t we reached the half-century yet?
Q: You obviously had a game plan from the first issue. Has this been tightly followed over this first year or have you had to deviate from it?
JAMES ROBERTS: I’ve deviated from it twice, most recently when writing issue #15 (which won’t be out until March 2013, but hey). What I’d intended to do with/to a character was no longer appealing because (a) that character’s personality had changed in the course of writing intervening issues, to the point where if he’d done what I’d intended for him to do it would have jarred; and (b) because it would have created a dead end in terms of telling the story. The second reason alone would have been sufficient to think again.
Second deviation: Krok was going to die (along with Flywheels) in #8 but I felt it would’ve been a waste.
I guess the 2012 ANNUAL was a deviation of sorts. We didn’t know it was going to happen until relatively late in the day. The crew was going to reach Crystal City in 2013, and Metrotitan was a late addition brought in consultation with editor and ROBOTS IN DISGUISE writer John Barber when we discussed how to link the two annuals.
Q: With the characters you’re spending time writing on, have you surprisingly found yourself drawn towards some than maybe you weren’t when you started?
JAMES ROBERTS: Oh yeah. Put Swerve and Whirl in that category. Swerve’s fun to write because he shoots his mouth off and forces others to react to him. Same goes for Whirl, come to think of it. Magnus is fun, too.
But I suppose I’m answering the wrong question – I’m saying which characters I enjoy writing. In terms of characters that I’m drawn towards, and feel a fondness for, I’d say Rewind, Chromedome and Tailgate.
Q: Who would you say has been the easiest character for you to write for?
JAMES ROBERTS: Swerve and Whirl are easy–relatively speaking, of course. I found Rodimus tricky in the lead up to writing issue #1, but that was a case of my needing to get a handle on him.
In terms of grappling with characters once the series was up and running, I guess Cyclonus presented some challenges. He’s stern and aloof and self-sufficient, and there’s only so many times you can have him staring moodily into space. But issues #12 and #13 are “his” as much as anyone else’s, and since then I feel I’ve got a proper handle on him – I know who he is now.
Q: Out of the first 12 issues, has there been any one script that you found particularly hard to break into a story?
JAMES ROBERTS: It’s more a case of breaking a story into a script, because most MTMTE stories would comfortably fit an annual. Issue #6 and the conclusion to “Shadowplay” (#11) were… challenging. Oh, and #13—there was so much going on in that one that I had to… well, wait until you read the issue.
Q: From the first 12 issues, which one story would you count has your personal best so far, and is there one you would change if given the chance?
JAMES ROBERTS: Wow, these questions!
I’m proud of the Delphi storyline (#4-5) because there’s material for about four separate stories in there, and I was pleased with how it meshed into one. “Shadowplay” came together pretty well, I thought – I was extremely worried about someone, somewhere guessing the identity of “Senator X” and it spreading across the internet.
But I think I said a while ago that with MTMTE I wanted to tell a good number of proper, self-contained standalone stories, and on that basis I think “Interiors” (from #6) is my favorite.
(By the way, if you’d allowed me to pick 2013 stories I’d have given a different answer.)
What would I change? Oh, lots. I try to make each issue the very best it can be, but I always think of things I wish I’d done differently. I think I’d tinker with #7 the most.
Q: How have you been enjoying the fan reaction to MTMTE when you go and attend conventions/events?
JAMES ROBERTS: It warms the cockles of my heart when I speak to people who enjoy the book – particularly when they’re fond of the characters. The comics and TV series and books I’ve enjoyed over the years have, for the most part, had a passionate and devoted following, as opposed to being quite liked by millions.
I speak to people who are passionate and devoted about MTMTE, and I’m over the moon. It absolutely spurs me on to make each issue, each story arc, better than what went before.
I’m only the writer, though. I was at a convention last August and I was sitting at the guest table between Nick Roche and Livio Ramondelli, both of whom had their wonderful artwork spread out in front of them. In front of me were recent issues of MTMTE. And this young chap – maybe 9 or 10 – loitered in front of me, looking at the issues, and in the end he asked if I’d drawn them. And I’d barely begun to say ‘No, I write them,’ when he’d spun on his heels and joined the back of Nick’s massive, snaking queue.
Q: You’re dealing with a very large cast of characters, and certain ones get more page time than others. We will be seeing more time dedicated to some of the others on the Lost Light crew?
JAMES ROBERTS: For the first year I wanted to focus attention on the core cast. But by the end of MTMTE’s first Transformers UK-style epic, starting in issue #16, there will be – how shall we say? – a few vacancies. There’s not a rotating cast as such, but you may be saying goodbye to some characters and hello to others.
Q: Can you give us one small tidbit, something that we can look forward to seeing during season 2 of MTMTE?
JAMES ROBERTS: If I can pull it off as intended, the aforementioned epic will pull together at least one dangling story thread from each of the first 12 issues.
To give you a more specific tidbit: the story in issue #14 features a prologue entitled, “A Functionist Calls.”
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Five Guido Guidi original sketchs will be given away today and tomorrow to fans who follow & like IDW Limited on twitter and facebook. More details will be announced through their social media channels.
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Michael Bay wrote:P.S. I bet it is something from Hasbro. This time they are not doing a comic book of the movie because we want to keep our story under wraps. It must be their version of a comic themed Transformers story they are creating.
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Views: 67,164
Transformers Spotlight: Bumblebee
John Barber (w) • David Daza (a) • Daza, Livio Ramondelli (c)
ESCAPE FROM EARTH! Before Cybertron was reborn—BUMBLEBEE lead the Autobots on Earth. In this untold tale, he must take the reigns of command… and he’s got hundreds of rogue Decepticons standing between him and respect!
*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Variant Cover:
Clayton Crain variant cover!
Bullet points:
• See how Bumblebee first rose to power, even as his control slips in Robots In Disguise!
• The first Transformers to be set on Earth in over a year!
• These Spotlight stories build toward the biggest event in Transformers comic history… coming in 2013!
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron—SPOTLIGHT
John Barber (w) • Dheeraj Verma (a & c)
RISE OF THE DINOBOTS! Searching for a missing teammate, GRIMLOCK leads his team deep into SHOCKWAVE’s citadel—and they’ll pay for their trespass with their lives! It’s the origin of the Dinobots as you’ve never seen it before!
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
*Variant Cover:
Video Game Art variant cover by High Moon Studios!
Bullet points:
• Never before released in print!
• Ties in with the hit FALL OF CYBERTRON video game—and IDW’s TRANSFORMERS PRIME: RAGE OF THE DINOBOTS series!
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #15
James Roberts (w) • Alex Milne (a) • Milne, Nick Roche (c)
DEATH IN THE RANKS! Rodimus and his crew are confronted by the enemy within—and not everyone will survive the encounter. Everything has been building to this: all-out war aboard the Lost Light!
*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Variant Cover:
Marcelo Matere variant cover!
Bullet points:
• No one is safe!
• The story that More Than Meets The Eye has been building to since issue one is here!
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye, Vol. 3
James Roberts (w) • Alex Milne, Jimbo Salgado, & Guido Guidi (a) • Milne (c)
The crew of the Lost Light finally reach Crystal City, home to the mysterious Circle of Light, as the origins of the Knights of Cybertron are revealed. In “Shadowplay” follow along as Rewind begins telling his crew mates a pre-war Cybertron story involving Orion Pax!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 148 pages • ISBN 978-1-61377-592-9
Bullet points:
• Collects the 2012 Annual plus issues #9–12!
Transformers: Robots in Disguise #15
John Barber (w) • Andrew Griffith (a) • Griffith, Casey Coller (c)
THE END OF THE WORLD! When Cybertron collapses—who will pick up the pieces? MEGATRON stands poised to triumph—locked in final battle with BUMBLEBEE, STARSCREAM, METALHAWK, and PROWL! One will stand… the rest will fall.
*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Variant Cover:
Marcelo Matere variant cover!
Bullet points:
• The final fate of Cybertron is about to be decided
• Favorite characters return—but will they survive?
• You’ll pay for the whole comic—but you’ll only hold on to the edge!
Transformers: Regeneration One #89
Simon Furman (w) • Andrew Wildman (a) • Wildman, Guido Guidi (c)
DINOBOT WAR! Happy reunions are in short supply as Grimlock seeks out his Dinobots in a desperate attempt to salvage something from the mounting carnage in Iacon. But as far as they’re concerned, he’s a traitor who has brought shame on the Dinobot name—and if they’re going down, he’s coming with them!
*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Variant Cover:
Geoff Senior variant cover!
Bullet points:
• The story of the original TRANSFORMERS comics continues in full force!
• Non-stop action as only the classic team of Furman & Wildman can deliver!
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PAGE 1- Orion Pax, tied to a rocket, is heading towards a city. What was the main motivation for telling this story at this point in Pax’s life?
JAMES ROBERTS: If you mean “this point” as in “this precise moment,” simple: it’s exciting! Nothing like starting off a book with a cliffhanger.
Also… this story takes place after “Chaos Theory” and “Shadowplay” [two James Roberts-written stories that ran in TRANSFORMERS #22-23 and TRANSFORMERS: MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE #9-11, both featuring Orion Pax as a main character] (not that you need to have read those two stories to enjoy this one). To date, while we’ve seen Pax get sucked into adventures, it’s always seemed as if he’s been sidetracked – like all the political shenanigans are a diversion from his day to day job as the Cybertronian equivalent of a police captain. With this SPOTLIGHT issue we jump forward in time a little, and by joining Pax as he’s strapped to a rocket stuck in a death-dive, we hopefully that he’s moving away from his old life and into the role of fully-fledged freedom-fighting action hero.
PAGE 2- Orion is given a new body by Wheeljack, now appearing as he did in SPOTLIGHT: BLURR. Was this a continuity issue you wanted to fix; since Pax has appeared in a different body in other issues set in the past?
JAMES ROBERTS: Sometimes, what appears to be quite a complex continuity problem can be fixed easily and simply. I think this is one of those times.
PAGE 3- Orion is told by Rung and others of possible issues that could arise from getting his new body. And he meets Zeta Prime. This meeting of the Primes—was this pre-planned or something you thought up just for this story?
JAMES ROBERTS: Well, you’ll notice that he’s not meeting Zeta Prime for the first time – he met him as Zeta at the end of a previous story (in MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE issue #11 – check it out, folks!). Having Orion Pax talk to Zeta after he’s become a Prime serves to show that time has passed and that their relationship has deepened. You can see that Pax is in awe of Zeta; he’s very loyal to him. I wanted to convey the depth of their relationship here – or, more specifically, the extent to which Pax trusts Zeta to repair the damage caused by the Cybertronian Senate – because in later stories (TRANSFORMERS: AUTOCRACY), Zeta is behaving irresponsibly – pretty abominably, actually – and yet Pax is slow to stand against him. In this story I suggest a reason for that, namely that he had such high hopes for him.
But enough with the past and future stories! SPOTLIGHT: ORION PAX is absolutely designed to read as a standalone story: a freewheeling, guns-blazing, bad-guy-bashing thrill ride starring the greatest Autobot of all! You need not have read anything else featuring Pax to enjoy this.
PAGE 4- Orion is briefed on his mission, a prisoner exchange with the Decepticons. Having done so much with his past already, how much more have you got worked out in the history of the ’bot who will become Optimus Prime?
JAMES ROBERTS: I intend to continue operating in the space between “Shadowplay” and MEGATRON: ORIGIN, building up supporting characters and staging some famous first encounters between characters. If all goes to plan, there’ll be another pre-war story in the next 18 months.
PAGE 5- Orion meets Alpha Trion for the first time. Is writing for Trion something that’s been burning in your mind for a while?
JAMES ROBERTS: To be honest, no. Until this story I’d never really known how to approach to character. Then I decided to hone in on the part of his personality – the preachy, pious, smarter-than-thou characteristics – that would make certain characters want to punch him. Once I made up mind about that, he was fun to write. In fact, I’d quite like to see him turn up on the Lost Light in MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE…
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Views: 45,666
Transformers: Robots in Disguise Ongoing #12
John Barber (w) • Andrew Griffith (a) • Andrew Griffith, Casey Coller (c)
THE RETURN! He’s back… and CYBERTRON will never be the same. Everything BUMBLEBEE and his AUTOBOTS have built teeters at the edge of collapse—and STARSCREAM has to make the choice his whole life has been leading to.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Variant Cover:
Casey Coller variant “rock poster” cover!
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Views: 51,235
Transformers Spotlight: Orion Pax
James Roberts (w) • Steve Kurth (a) • Kurth, Livio Ramondelli (c)
BEFORE OPTIMUS PRIME—there was Orion Pax! Four million years ago, the future leader of the AUTOBOTS disappeared into the Cybertronian wilderness to save a friend. What happened next would take him to the very brink—and have startling repercussions on the current comics!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Variant Cover:
Orion Pax design cover!
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