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We will first go through the final episodes that we had not reviewed yet. When available we have the episode embedded within the article for your viewing pleasure. After the quick reviews from myself and fellow Seibertronian new staff member Notirishman, you will find our ovrall thoughts on season 1. Enjoy!
Cyberverse episode 15
King of the Dinosaurs
Summary: Windblade and Bee uncover a buried Autobot who turns out to be an old friend.
Before we get into my quick thoughts (which are not quick for this episode), it's best you take a look at the episode:
Quick Thoughts:
I have issues with this episode, very nerdy issues but it really makes me not enjoy this. So, we have seen Grimlock a lot so far in this series. And he looks as we would expect Grimlock to look, with all that obvious dinosaur kibble. Since this show takes its inspiration from everything that could be considered G1 in theme, there are lots of versions out there where Grimlock had a dino type alt mode in the war on Cybertron (FOC, IDW), so I without a doubt assumed he had a dino type alt mode whenever we saw him so far. But no, it turns out that it was just animators being very cheap (still today) since it was revealed in this episode that he only took on a dino mode when he arrived to earth at the time of Dinosaurs. Beyond that meaning that all that dino kibble we have seen so far makes not a lick of sense that also means that the war has been raging for 65 MILLION years without Bumblebee, Optimus, Grimlock and the like. Now 4 million years was always crazy in the original cartoon (like how do they even know there is still a war going on?) but at least some writers have tried to make some sense of it (I write more about that here). But 65 MILLION years, that's a nonsense number, especially when it looks like nothing changed. Shockwave is still against Bumblebee as he was 65 million years ago. It was just a pause for some characters while the rest fought and when they are reawoken it's like nothing happened. And I find that very hard to reconcile since one of the best aspects of this show is seeing Cybertron before the war with Shockwave and Soundwave being friends with Autobots. If so much changed in a few years with the war breaking out, why would nothing change in 65 million years?! And the worst part is this is all just to explain why Grimlock is a T-Rex which again, is nonsense since he is shown with that alt mode kibble before!!!! - William-James88
Quick Thoughts:
I like this one. I really like Grimlock in this show, and the "he's stupid in dino mode only" thing to appease G1 fans is actually quite smart, and puts an interesting spin on his character. It was also quite sad to see him distraught over the death of his dinosaur pals, though it seem they tied that up rather quickly. Still, good episode, even if not much happened. -notirishman
Cyberverse episode 16
The Extinction Event
Summary: The newly formed team of Autobots must stop Shockwave from destroying all life on the planet.
Quick Thoughts:
Seriously though, if any of you were wondering if anything could be told in a 10 minute format, well here you go. You get Shockwave literally planning to destroy all life on earth and executing the plan. You don't even have to watch the previous episodes to enjoy this, this link is right below, have fun. This definitely made up for any troubles I had with the previous episode (which I will simply try to forget and move on from). - William-james88
This episode was also good. As opposed to the more slow pace of last episode, this episode moved fast. Shockwave's plan is introduced, then his plan commences, then the Autobots have to figure out how to stop it last minute, and they do. That's the thing, the resolution was last minute. The episode was leading up to this whole "extinction event," and it just abruptly ended. Still, this episode was enjoyable! -notirishman
Cyberverse episode 17
Awaken Sleeping Giants
Summary: The Autobot team finally discovers the location of the Ark.
Quick Thoughts: Coming out of an episode where Shockwave almost anihilates all organic life on earth, this one has much less going on. It's a race to get to the ark and very aerial combat heavy. It's fine but it offers nothing new aside from some X-Men cannonball action. Also, I find it really hard to understand why a Seeker's instinct when being hit or in danger when in air is to transform into their robot mode and plummet. And one last thing, I do like that Shockwave's mini me minions are so prominent in this season, it makes me feel way less guilty about having purchased both a warrior and ultra Schockwave figure. Now I can have the ultra as the main shockwave and the warrior in alt mode as his spy. - William-james88
This episode was very entertaining! However, there is one pickle in my onion, they found the location of the Ark, very quickly. Y'know, something they've been trying to figure out all season. But the group hug at the end was awesome. It was quite lovely. - notirishman
Cyberverse episode 18
Summary: The Autobot team must fight its way through Shockwave and his Decepticons to defend the Ark and awaken Optimus Prime and the other Autobots.
Quick Thoughts: Once again, Shockwave just getting stuff done. No nonsense, no countdown, just annihilation. This time directly attacking all Autobots. I like seeing him both being up to his own machinations and also being the leader of the Decepticons. The all out brawl was fun and the finale really makes you wish the next episode was right around the corner. They better pay off that final shot. - William-james88
The finale! Well, I mean, it's a cliffhanger for season 2. But still, I liked it. The fight in the volcano was well done and entertaining to watch. And one of the ending shots with all the Autobots INCLUDING Rack'n'Ruin, and a cool little battle mask on Grimlock, was pretty great. Overall, great episode. -notirishman
Overall Thoughts on Season 1
This show is giving me high hopes for the future! 'Cause season 1 was awesome! I mean, yeah, it has flaws, but the season was entertaining, and getting to see characters like Rack'n'Ruin, and Maccadam were fun. Shockwave was a threatening villain, and newcomer Shadowstiker (mostly) had a great arc behind her. Overall, this season was a fun, and enjoyable, and pretty good. - notirishman
What Burn writes below is something I agree with. I do have a tad bit to add. For instance, I am still not on board with keeping Bumblebee's radio talk gimmick, especially since it makes no sense (if he is just pulling recordings from the air, isn't he advanced enough to just combine words from various recordings to make sentences?). I do recommend this show to all those who like Transformers, especially those who have been clamoring for a G1 reboot. This is exactly what that is. It uses everything under the G1 umbrella (IDW, Sunbow) to make a cohesive show while showing you elements from before the war, during the war on Cybertron and now. Plus I absolutely adore this rendition of Shockwave, it's perfect. Also, not one human, which I was perfectly fine and happy with. Looking forward to season 2 especially with the finale we got. - William-James88
Now, onto Burn's thoughts:
Let me preface this by saying that I was one of "those hater people", you know the sort, write a series off before watching it. I was one of them. From what I saw from the previews I was not impressed, and previews are like trailers, they tend to show the best bits.
This was the opposite, if anything, those previews were detrimental to marketing Cyberverse.
Initially I kept up each week, for four weeks ... then life got in the way. This week I found some time (mostly because of our house guest commandeering our big lounge TV) so I sat down in front of my trusty "personal computer", tracked down the episodes, and settled in.
I started by watching Episode 4, I was certain I had watched it but I figured after such a break it'd make for a good reminder of where I was at.
Let me just say this, present time Bumblebee and his radio speak is annoying. That's why the flashbacks work so well, it limits the radio speak and each memory is actually a really good individual story that feeds into the major story.
The writers have done a fantastic job drawing from various TF stories of the past. Was that just Rack 'n' Ruin? HELL YEAH IT WAS RACK 'N' RUIN!
And it turns out I've been pronouncing Maccadam wrong all these years. I don't know how I'm expected to pronounce it as "Macc-adams" as opposed to "Macca-dam"
While I feel that the two main Autobots, Bumblebee and Windblade, have received far too much exposure in other media, the writers have done a fantastic job of balancing out their on-screen time with other lesser known characters.
Shadowstriker and Maccadam have been given backstories where there was previously very little. A bunch of seekers who were animation errors/throw aways in G1 suddenly find themselves with characterization.
Grimlock ... wow, that is such a massive shift from what we're normally accustomed to, but a fun twist is added to the character by the time he joins Windblade and Bumblebee.
This is the sort of show that can appeal to old and new fans, older fans though may need to keep an open mind about things.
The animation style ... I think my biggest gripe with it is the hips, where it gives the look that they're wearing underwear on the outside. Otherwise, I have no real gripes with the animation.
Overall, I had my reservations about this series, but I've been pleasantly surprised by it. If you've had your reservations as well, give it a go, you may find yourself surprised by it. - Burn
Thanks to a heads up from Seibertronian Nathaniel Prime, we have word that the 17th episode of the Transformers: Cyberverse cartoon is now up on Hasbro's YouTube channel, "Awaken Sleeping Giants!" This episode is part one of the season finale, where Bumblebee try to find the location of the Ark, with the help of Teletraan-X and the recently activated Grimlock. During this, the Decepticons, led by Shockwave, try to apprehend them after the original plan in the last episode failed.
So check out the episode below and tell us what you think in the Pub forums below!
The episode has aired in Singapore and Cartoon Network for US airing, as well as the Cartoon Network mobile app and their website.
Check out the last episode "The Extinction Event," here.
Okay, in all seriousness, in parallel to Garry Chalk's annual Christmas greetings, David Kaye also does the same, as seen last Christmas Eve. David Kaye, in dark and ominous lighting, who is ready to tuck us in after a little Christmas Carol from Beast War's Megatron.
For those who don't know, David Kaye, in Transformers, has voiced Megatron and Savage Noble in Beast Wars and Beast Machines, Megatron/Galvatron in the Unicron Trilogy, Optimus Prime and MANY more characters in Animated, and finally, Hardshell, Hammerstrike, and Slashmark in the Aligned continuity.
So, we hope this gets you in the jolly mood, as Beast Wars Megatron puts you to sleep.
While we started with roundtable reviews of episodes, as we got nearer to the end of the year it was not as easy to plan such articles. So for this batch, it's just me. For those who have some catching up to do as we near the finale, I have the youtube links right below the quick fire reviews.
Transformers: Cyberverse 11
Summary: Shockwave traps Bumblebee in a false memory designed to convince him he's a Decepticon.
Quick Thoughts: Shockwave has always been a rather underutilized villain in shows. Often on the sidelines. That is very contrasting to the comics where he has several times been an even bigger nemesis than Megatron himself. I really like the middle ground between those two extremes that this show takes. We have him as the diabolical scientist and as a looming threat but also getting his hands dirty for some immediate villainous treachery. My only problem is I think his plan was dumb, you would think someone that smart would come up with a plan that an amnesiac Bumblebee couldn't poke holes through in a matter of minutes.
Transformers: Cyberverse episode 12
Teletraan X
Summary: Windblade and Bumblebee trace an Autobot signal and find themselves lured into a trap set by Slipstream and her Seekers.
Quick Thoughts: I am not a fan of quirky characters, and that's what Teletraan X is. But hey, at least it's better than that Peter Dinklage drone from Destiny. It's cool to see the show come into it's own without relying on cool G1 fan wank flashbacks, though I find the seekers to not be that meaningful of threats. Also, while I do not care that Hasbro made Acid Storm female in this version, it gets quite frustrating to have the use a male seeker body for her.
Transformers: Cyberverse episode 13
Matrix of Leadership
Summary: Bee learns the meaning of leadership through three memories of Optimus Prime.
Quick Thoughts: Back to flashbacks, but I am not complaining. This is all the stuff a kid wants to see, Optimus being a bad ass (with no face removals). I also like seeing his Autobot light up shield since it makes it a fun gimmick kids can recreate with his toys, I am all for toy/show synergy. A fine episode but I still preferred the previous Optimus appearances.
Cyberverse episode 14
Summary: The Seekers attempt to extract the location of the Ark from Windblade's memories.
Quick Thoughts: While the Maccadams episode is all kinds of special, I feel this might be my favourite. We get to see the show not dwell on flashbacks and focus on Windblade, a rather new character in Transformers lore. So it gives us a good look at what the show has to offer aside from all the fan oriented callbacks. And it is better WIndblade content than anything we have ever gotten in Machinima. I also love the Decepticon hierarchy and how scared the seekers are of Shockwave. The action was excellent and I love the little details, like how Windblade in jet mode has to do a slight circle to be able to escape vertically.
We have a gift for you this Christmas! The 16th episode of the Transformers: Cyberverse cartoon is now up on Hasbro's YouTube channel, "The Extinction Event!" This episode stars Shockwave, and his arrival to Earth to start his plan of the "extinction event." We also get more screen time for Grimlock, who was found last episode. So check out the episode below and tell us what you think in the Pub forums below!
The episode has aired in Canada and Cartoon Network for US airing, as well as the Cartoon Network mobile app and their website.
Check out the last two episodes, "Siloed" and "King of the Dinosaurs," here.
We have a truly entertaining and unique video to share with you today. It seems as though the Beast Wars guys continue to love the show they partook in, and continue to give us some great content as the years go by.
Today, we have a book reading done by Garry Chalk and Richard Newman, the voices of Optimus Primal and Rhinox, respectively! The book being read here, in full Primal and Rhinox voices, is titled "The Night Before Christmas" Beast Wars Edition. The book was written by Garry Chalk and Candice N. Santora, and it is Santora who posted the reading on Youtube.
This is a very fun story and entertaining read to listen to, so check it out below, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!
Thanks to a heads up from Seibertronians Sabrblade and D-Maximal_Primal, we have word that the 14th and 15th episode of the Transformers: Cyberverse cartoon is now up on Hasbro's YouTube channel, "Siloed" and "King of the Dinosaurs!" Episode 14, "Siloed," follows Windblade after being captured in the previous episode, "Teletraan-X." Episode 15, "King of Dinosaurs" stars, shock of shocks, Grimlock, and his backstory of his time on Earth. So check out these episodes below and tell us what you think in the Pub forums below!
These episodes have aired in Canada and Cartoon Network for US airing, as well as the Cartoon Network mobile app and their website.
Check out the last episode "Matrix of Leadership," here.
Thanks to a heads up from Seibertronian Sabrblade, we have news that the lucky number 13th episode of Transformers: Cyberverse is now on Hasbro's Youtube channel! The episode, titled "Matrix of Leadership", follows Bumblebee as he looks back at Optimus Prime and what has made him a great leader as well as a teacher to the young scout. The episode features Bumblebee and Teletraan X for the most part, with some more screen time in the past for characters like Ratchet and Starscream, along with the first Cyberverse appearance of Alpha Trion!
Check out the new episode below, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!
Thanks to a heads up from Seibertronian Sabrblade, we have word that the newest generation of Rescue Bots is headed out way, and we are going to get a sneak preview this Saturday! This news comes to us from the Discovery Family Twitter page, and includes a 30 second trailer for the brand new series. Rescue Bots Academy is the 2nd project to be coming out of the Boulder Media Transformers group, with Cyberverse being the first. It features characters from the original Rescue Bots show (albeit, with different voice actors), and introduces us to brand new Rescue Bots, among which are Hot Shot and Whirl!
You can check out the trailer below, brought to Youtube courtesy of Madame Pom News, and let us know if you plan to tune in on Saturday!
Thanks to a heads up from Seibertronian Nathaniel Prime, we have word that the 12th episode of the Transformers: Cyberverse cartoon is now up on Hasbro's YouTube channel, Teletraan-X! This episode stars none other than Teletraan-X, a new character introduced into the series, who is some robot who's part of the Ark, Slipstream uses it as a trap for Windblade, hilarity ensues. So check out the episode below and tell us what you think in the Pub forums below!
The episode has aired in Canada and Cartoon Network for US airing, as well as the Cartoon Network mobile app and their website.
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