Date: Thursday, December 31st 2020 11:04pm CST
Categories: Cartoon News,
Comic Book News,
Toy News
Posted by: Emerje |
Credit(s): Powered Convoy on Seibertron
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Views: 147,273
Takara Tomy is kicking off the new year with their first reveal of 2021! Thanks to Seibertronian Powered Convoy for alerting us to a
tweet from Takara Tomy's official Twitter revealing Skids as the latest figure from the 1985 lineup to get a Masterpiece figure. This is very early news with only early line art and the 2021 release all we know. Surely in the coming months we'll have something more substantial to share, but for now this might just be the pick-me-up that some of us could use.
Date: Thursday, December 31st 2020 10:49am CST
Categories: Comic Book News,
Site Articles
Posted by: Tigertrack |
Credit(s): IDW Publishing
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Views: 98,990
New this week!
![Transformers News: Out This Week! Transformers Escape #1 and Transformers Galaxies #12 Mini-Reviews Transformers News: Out This Week! Transformers Escape #1 and Transformers Galaxies #12 Mini-Reviews]()
'I don't know what's gnu with you?'-- some joke from my childhood.
Transformers Galaxies Finale - Issue #12
Leading into…
Transformers: Escape - #1
And, finally
Transformers War World (ongoing) Issue #26 is available digitally this week, and printed next week! Review by ScottyP coming next week.
You can buy these issues including variant covers like the one above in the eBay store!
Galaxies #12 - Mini-Review
This beautifully drawn, colored and created series comes to a close and only somewhat disappoints…especially because the last issue was almost two months ago!
Time flies when your hunting bots illegally selling pieces of their dead brethren...and space relics.
I want to rave about the visual creative team here for a bit with more on the story later. Art was by Transformers veteran Andrew Griffith with colors by Josh Burcham and letters and design by Jake M. Wood. The characters are, to put it simply, beautifully and expressively rendered. The giant Magnus space armor rings of Iron Man suits and of course, the armor used in the showdown with the DJD in Transformers More Than Meets the Eye. It can make one wonder how many suits of armor a bot in another suit of armor has available to him, but it’s an interesting and somewhat overboard newish take on Magnus and his apparent love for armor. Or for creative teams to just want to power him up with even larger armors… I was in awe of so many of the panels. How many layers does this seemingly straight-forward warrior bot have? I hope we find out about more, as we have yet to see Minimus Ambus be any part of this continuity.
Just enjoy the awesome moment...
"I hear you like to combine with large armors..."
As for the story, I can say issue #4 wraps up the whole thing rather neatly, and sadly, without much pomp. I had to go back and re-read issue #3 to remind myself exactly what was happening in this storyline and how it fit into the overall occurrences happening in the regular series. It seems we were fit for a bit of a real-life version (about 2 months minimum our time since issue 3) of the messed up time passing in the book, as we find out that since they left Cybertron, much has happened (all the upheaval and overthrow of the Senate that is happening in the ongoing). It clearly leads directly into what is happening in current issues and the next series to come out…ESCAPE.
A beautiful moral, from a beautiful spark.
The tie in to ESCAPE...
Escape #1 - Mini-Review
Back on Cybertron, albeit currently a different crew than was in Galaxies, we are starting to experience what the Decepticon uprising is causing to others in more detail. It was clear with what Quake had done that the other alien species on Cybertron were not as safe as they once were, and that in a large part their safety depended on what was in place…which has been uprooted and changed.
Here's what I think of your status quo!
All of that changed, and as we can see at the beginning of Escape, things are escalating quickly as the new threats to Cybertronians and non-Cybertronians like the A’ovans on the planet have taken an even deadlier path. Enter those carnivorous, blood-thirsty Insecticons from Galaxies 1-4, the guys who playing back up to the main story about the Constructicons. They’re back on Cybertron and they are dangerous and ravenous. They aren’t the cutesy bugs who ate crops and manipulated people and robots in cartoons of old, no they are much more dangerous and unstable..and they seem to have an appetite for organic more than metallic lifeforms. It’s turned into a horror show and if the last panels in Galaxies #12 shows us anything, it is going to be possibly much, much worse.
Galaxies to us.
It is to this new level of threat and civil war that we are introduced to the idea that it may be time for many beings to leave Cybertron. Those who were representing other worlds, saved or transplanted to Cybertron, and those who are natives who want nothing to do with the current danger.
In a society filled with new perils being introduced, and misinformation and propaganda being spread freely, there is apparently, a lack of spaceworthy vehicles on the planet, and it appears that some possibly dangerous barter will need to happen in the section of the planet many will recognize…Darkmount, home to Straxxus -in previous continuities a Deception tyrant with Megatron levels of aspiration and power- what will he be like in the new continuity? We will find out soon enough.
Is there a good equivalent to all of these new evil threats? It appears that, yes, we can count on another heroic captain from Transformers history to be pulled from stasis and introduced, but will he help? Or is this another story-telling trap?
Commander -BEEP- -BEEP- you're needed ASA-BEEP-!
Another creatively, inspiring issue with art by Beth McGuire-Smith and colors by Priscilla Tramontano and letters by Jake M. Wood. I found myself drawn to the amazing contradictions and patterns being spun between characters and their environments. There were some truly amazing texture and color work put together here to make some eye-catching panels. I find Beth’s work reminiscent of Sara Pitre-Durocher’s in the expressiveness of the eyes and faces of the robots, as well as, the bodies movements. I think you can tell when Beth was really having fun drawing panels, especially those involving the Insecticons, really letting her expressiveness and energy show through. I think she depicted comically well, how out of control the Insecticons are over their hunger… maybe a little too comically at times, but overall it works right now! I do hope that we see darker indicators in color usage as the situation becomes more dire in issues to come.
These Insecticons remind me of Transformers Prime’s scary big and deadly Insecticon, Hardshell. Vicious and deadly, but with a mix of vampires and zombies mixed in. It’s truly a bit frightening take on some characters who were lovingly flawed, but pretty regular bad guy robots. Tyler Bleszinski really did well to turn them into a nightmare for current Transformers fans in Constructicons Rising and we now see the foretold events unfolding. This does harken back to before Tyler, as well though, if you remember the Insecticons on Cyberton that threatened the Autobots in 'All Hail Megatron' - they as a swarm were pretty dark also...except BOB!!!
Bobbb? Is that you?
Oh BOB, no... no, it can't be you!
Escape looks promising in its not as simple as it sounds. To get off the world that is not what it was is the goal, but it seems that goal has been put on a deadly timeline with a quest for resources that are seemingly scarcer than we were once led to believe.
The first issue shows promise with the return of the Insecticons and the brief introductions of some new (old) characters in Straxxus and the possible Autobot savior.
![Autobot :BOT:]()
Date: Friday, December 25th 2020 11:01pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News,
Posted by: william-james88 Discuss This Topic · Permanent Link
Views: 58,736
Review for Transformers Back to the Future Crossover Issue 2
Ok so two issues in and this series is perfectly fine for what it is: a Transformers/Back to the Future Crossover. The first issue had an extra fun feel since it basically replayed the events of the first film but in a chronological manner in the point of view of someone watching the DeLorean disappear in the 80s, setting up the story brilliantly since anyone who saw the film can just fill in any blank easily, and ending in not one but two great cliffhangers.
I was rather excited to read this one and while the cliffhangers are explained, it takes practically the entire issue to do so, meaning that you are in for flashbacks for 75% of the issue. We learn all about Gigawatt and how the Decepticons became as dominant as they are now and it's fun for the most part. I most especially love how Megatron is portrayed. They strike a nice balance of ruthlessness with an over the top ego, where we even see him sport a regal cape.
Once the backstory is explained, we are back to the present just in time to end the issue on another cliffhanger and that's it. Story-wise, there are no false beats here, it's just fun and anyone liking these two franchises and the idea of having fiction serve as a toy commercial will enjoy this.
On the art front, it does the job but only passably. Megatron, Gigawatt and Rumble are drawn fine but there is a rather big shot of Rodimus Prime (
you read that right) that does not look right. The proportions are off, it looks like a failed attempt at a perspective shot, and a dull surprise look serves as the icing on top.
Overall, it doesn't negate from the fun experience of the comic but it doesn't go in the plus column either. If you are a fan of fun crossovers, or G1 Megatron, or the idea of Rodimus being the leader of the Autobots rather than Prime, then I'd recommend giving this a shot.
out of
Date: Wednesday, December 23rd 2020 12:07am CST
Category: Comic Book News
Posted by: william-james88 Discuss This Topic · Permanent Link
Views: 37,495
We have a 5 page preview for the second issue of the Back to the Future x Transformers mini series. We will have a review of this book for you as well later this week so keep an eye out for that if you are curious of our thoughts on it.
Here is the summary of this issue:
Great Scott! Marty McFly's woken up to a present where Hill Valley has been enslaved by the Decepticons! And not only that, but when a time machine arrives from the future to help, Marty finds out that Doc Brown isn't the only one with a flux capacitor... Gigawatt, an Autobot, has one built in! To discover the secrets of his present, Marty will have to trust this mysterious stranger on a trip... to the future!
In Shops: Dec 23, 2020
Creator credits: Cavan Scott (Author), Juan Samu (Artist, Cover Artist), Phil Murphy (Cover Artist), David Garcia Cruz (Colorist)
Date: Monday, December 14th 2020 5:04pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News,
Posted by: ScottyP Discuss This Topic · Permanent Link
Views: 49,820
That's Just Prime
A Review of
Transformers #25
A Few Minor Spoilers Within
![Transformers News: IDW Transformers #25 Review Transformers News: IDW Transformers #25 Review]()
First off, yes this review is pretty late.
Transformers #25 was released last Wednesday, but with nothing coming out for the coming week on 12/16 this review was saved from not being written at all. That's all on that part.
IDW's 2019 reboot of the main Transformers comic universe has reached 25 issues, which like this year itself feels like it arrived in no time flat while also feeling like it took forever to get here. Rather than a grim hurry-to-the-conclusion-due-to-cancellation affair after a dozen issues like the latest failed G.I. Joe reboot, Transformers gets an "Event" book that isn't
quite the definition of an "Event" book. Still, it's a double-sized issue to mark the occasion along with the sub-title of "War World" that will presumably grace the next several issues as well, so let's see if this hail mary play ends in a touchdown or just the slow runoff of the clock.
You weren't dead? Ok sure, why not.
If I ignore my feelings towards issues 1-24 in their entirety and pretend this is issue #1 of a new series, most would probably think that to be a bad idea and a pointless thought exercise. I'm not saying you should do that, but if you want to, it kind of works to be totally honest. Outside of a couple minor references to other events and a necessary familiarity with the general idea of the franchise characters that appear within, this accomplishes the rare feat of being a great jumping on point if you're curious about this new series. If the first 24 issues were the lecture that most students slept through, 25 is the test that somehow got aced by the same students. There's lots of action, a varied cast and very few stretches of walking and talking through hallways/stairwells.
Wow, not dead and feeling better!
The biggest positive about the book, for me as a longtime Transformers fan, is the number of generally obscure, nobody, D-List non-characters that get use here. It's always fun to see an old favorite that was never more than a toy show up and do something, even if it's still ultimately not much. A fair warning is in order that some of these appearances do end in your favorite old toy getting blown up, but within this issue it feels like it
could be in service of something that probably should have happened a long time ago in some Cybertronian war story or another that's in a G1 universe or a derivative of it - the crew members of the Ark and Nemesis/the Autobots and Decepticons that end up crash landed on Earth are
shown as survivors of a dangerous war. We'll see if this ends up being a consistent theme as this may be me projecting what I want to see happen onto the plot, but if it is I think this is a good thing, sad as it is to see some
cool toys get blown to pieces.
Still wouldn't expect Generations to touch these guys again anytime soon, sorry
Most of what Brian Ruckley does in this issue was very enjoyable, though one issue that remains is how some of the dialogue could be thrown onto any other character and work just as well. It could be argued that this holds for almost all action-oriented issues of Transformers, which is maybe why it doesn't feel quite as generic here. Or it could be that characters like Ironhide and Brawn feel like characters in this issue, which is promising improvement. Even Hubcap and Strongarm appear to make an attempt at explaining their poorly timed faux-pas from last summer. Hopefully it isn't too little too late, and continued improvement here would still be appreciated.
Good face, less good face
Anna Malkova handles the lineart for this entire oversized issue, a daunting task that was met with great success for the most part. The panel above with Sentinel Prime and Megatron is one where some constructive criticism can be levied, because while for the most part her work on characters, alt modes, backgrounds and particularly faces on characters with faceshields is solid, I look at Megatron here as an example of something that isn't working for me. While not a theme overall, his nose is too big here, and while that beats the creepy giant lips of Polygon's Megatron on the Netflix show, the proportions are off just enough for me to have a tough time reading his tone. As previously stated, the line work is generally very good throughout, so don't let my words here be too much of a detractor. Joana Lafuente's colors elevate the visual appeal in the issue as well, even serving to help in the transition of scenes from page to page in a way that I didn't notice until a third read through. Jake M. Wood handles the letter work just fine, which is another way of saying that while sometimes the word bubbles can get in the way during action heavy comics, in this case, they do not.
There's a bit of an editorial crediting change for this issue, with David Mariotte and Riley Farmer still listed as editor and assistant editor, respectively. Tom Waltz is now listed as a "Supervising Editor" and while I can't admit to knowing what that means, I'll (irresponsibly, sorry) speculate that maybe the path of the story has been shaken up a bit? The last page of this one had me internally screaming "Finally!", whether or not this has anything to do with that though, I have no idea.
Angel Hernandez and Joana Lafuente handle the art and colors for the "A" cover which is featured in this review's news story thumbnail, and it's nice to see a small dose of Hernandez again for this mini-milestone issue even if I wasn't his biggest fan on interiors. Malkova's "B" cover is inspired by actual events of the issue, with Fico Ossio and Lafuente working on the 10-copy retailer incentive cover that thankfully features 0 characters from Hasbro's Visionaries franchise. As always, you can find all the cover images, full credits for the issue through our
Transformers #25
It's like when your mom uses your middle name
If issue 26 is a big let down I'm going in on it with no mercy. That said,
in a vacuum issue 25 is probably my favorite of the main
Transformers series since this reboot started. There's action, character work, plot progression and just a fun read in store.
The things that happen here feel significant and were very exciting, but it must be stressed that these probably should have happened a dozen issues ago on books priced at $3.99 and not $7.99. That will be something entirely forgivable if the series can carry this momentum into its next run, which will hopefully be one where it finds its own identity while being an interesting read month after month. So far it has not been able to do this at any turn, but today I'm choosing optimism.
With the big disclaimer that this score is with a lot of hope that this is a turning point and not the bang before a let down, here's the tally:
This issue is out now, and you can pick it up at the eBay store or at your local shop,
check here to find the closest shop to you.
Date: Thursday, December 10th 2020 5:26pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News,
Toy News
Posted by: ZeroWolf |
Credit(s): Flame Toys Social Media
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Views: 39,212
Greetings Seibertronians! Fellow Seibertron users,
Powered Convoy and
-WonkoTheSane-, we've learned that Flame Toys have taken to their
social media accounts to show off the first coloured image of their Furai IDW Rodimus model kit!
Through the post, they've also announced that preorders will open for this kit on December 12th, at 12 p.m. (Hong Kong time)!
This design, as the name suggests, originates from the IDW Transformers comic series, More Than Meets The Eye (later rebranded Lost Light).
Will you be picking this model up? Have you made many of Flame Toys output so far? Let us know in the Energon Pub and stay tuned to Seibertron for all the latest news and reviews!
Date: Friday, November 20th 2020 1:23pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News,
Press Releases
Posted by: ZeroWolf |
Credit(s): IDW Publishing
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Views: 81,389
Greetings Seibertronians! It's that time of the month again where IDW reveals what comics they'll have to offer for the 2nd month of 2021! There's some good treats in store for people this month, with the crown jewel being the launch of IDW’S new Beast Wars comic!
Check out all the solicits below!
Transformers #28
Cover A: Casey W. Coller
Brian Ruckley (w) • Anna Malkova (a) • Casey W. Coller (c)
“War World: Hunt”. As the Decepticons take over important facilities in Iacon, it opens up an opportunity for a jailbreak! But, will Bumblebee, Swindle, and Trickdiamond be able to escape—and is it really better for them if they do? Meanwhile, Starscream and Megatron scheme and Cyclonus returns with a grudge.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Cover B: Adam Bryce Thomas
Brian Ruckley (w) • Anna Malkova (a) • Adam Bryce Thomas (c)
*Retailer incentives:
Order 10 copies and get one free variant cover by Thomas Deer!
Transformers ‘84: Legends & Rumors
Bill Mantlo & Ralph Macchio, Steve Parkhouse, Simon Furman (w) • Frank Springer & Kim DeMulder, John Ridgway, Mike Collins, Guido Guidi (a) • Guido Guidi (c)
Some events in history are so incredible, that they’ve gone down in legend—epic tales of epic heroes and villains. Others remain shrouded in mystery, only surfacing as snippets of the real story. Transformers ’84: Legends & Rumors is the perfect companion book to the Secrets & Lies mini-series, representing the classic stories that inspired the series: “The Transformers” (Transformers #1), “Man of Iron” (Transformers UK #9-12), and the Transformers ’84 #0 one-shot!
FC • 100 pages • $7.99
Transformers: Beast Wars #1
Gem of the Month—Cover A: Josh Burcham
Erik Burnham (w) • Josh Burcham (a & c)
Celebrating 25 years of Beast Wars! In the future, the planet Cybertron belongs to the scientific-minded Maximals and the action-oriented Predacons! When a crew of Predacons, led by the successor to the Megatron name, steal a golden disk and a ship capable of traveling through time, it’s up to Optimus Primal and his Maximal crew—Rattrap, Rhinox, Cheetor, and new character Nyx—to catch them! A brand-new Beast era begins in an oversized first issue by Erik Burnham (Ghostbusters, Transformers/Ghostbusters) and Josh Burcham (Transformers, Transformers Galaxies), yesssss!
FC • 48 pages • $5.99
—GEM OF THE MONTH—Cover B: Fico Ossio
Erik Burnham (w) • Josh Burcham (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
*Retailer incentives:
Order 10 copies and get one free variant cover by Dan Schoening!
Order 25 copies and get one free variant cover by Nick Brokenshire
Transformers: Escape #3 (of 5)
Cover A: Beth McGuire-Smith
Brian Ruckley (w) • Beth McGuire-Smith (a & c)
As preparations for the escape ships continue, Wheeljack and Hound work to move what remains of the A’ovan population and habitat to a safe location for evacuation. Unfortunately, the Insecticons are insatiable and a caravan full of Cybertronian and organic life is too good a meal to pass up.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Cover B: Umi Miyao
Brian Ruckley (w) • Beth McGuire-Smith (a) • Umi Miyao (c)
*Retailer incentives:
Order 10 copies and get one free variant cover by Jeffrey Veregge!
Transformers/Back To The Future
Cavan Scott (w) • Juan Samu (a & c)
Great Scott! Pop-culture juggernauts collide in the ultimate 1980s (and 1950s and 2010s) showdown! Things are getting heavy–and nothing's as heavy as a Transformer! Marty McFly has just returned from the adventure of a lifetime to a new, better Hill Valley–everything's looking up for him! That is, until Marty and his friend Doc Brown's time machine attracts the attention of the Decepticons! With one small mistake, Marty finds himself once again thrust into an adventure to stop the Decepticon plot in the past, present, and future... all with the help of a new time machine... the Autobot Gigawatt!
TPB • FC • $15.99 • 96 pages • ISBN: 978-1-68405-801-3
Bullet points:
Available in April.
Don't forget to browse Seibertron's
own store to catch up on any comic releases you may have missed!
Will you be getting any of these? Let us know in the Energon Pub and stay tuned to Seibertron for all the latest news and reviews!
Date: Monday, November 16th 2020 12:14pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News,
Toy News
Posted by: ZeroWolf |
Credit(s): Official Transformers Instagram
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Views: 43,584
Greetings, and salutations true believing Seibertronians! Hasbro have used their
Official Transformers Instagram account to tease the next Transformers collaboration line for next year, and it seems like the turn of an eXtraordinary team of heroes, the Uncanny Xmen! It is unclear yet what the figure will be but there could be a hint within the logo shown as the X-Men's jet, the Blackbird, is prominent.
Thanks to fellow Seibertron user,
Sabrblade, for passing this information on to us!
What would you like to see in this line? Maybe a transforming Sentinel? Let us know in the Energon Pub and stay tuned to Seibertron for all the latest news and reviews!