Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

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Hmm I also found this.
It's... uh... NOT my creation. Should I show it?
Okay... well...
Remember how I name-dropped "Ironclad" in the one TCC prose story, because Hasbro had given us early mock-ups for the Technobots?
Well... uh... if you wanted to see...
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Views: 105,928
kurthy wrote:"We have now modified the store system so that everyone can now order the former Transformers Collectors' Club items!
If you did not have a membership or you had lapsed many years ago, just put the Toyarama Store Account
in your cart (no charge) and the store will let you establish an account and order. You can find this item under the Membership tab.
You only have to do this once.
Our current sale ends tomorrow!
Check out these items on sale now at the club store!
2006 Cheetor
2015 Assembled Class Figure
2014 Assembled Class Figure
FSS 4.0 Bonus Bluestreak
FSS 2.0 Bonus Eject
FSS 2.0 Fisitron
2013 Mirage/Thundercracker set
2013 Electron/Sandstorm set
2006 Unassembled/Unpainted Class Kit
2007 Unassembled/Unpainted Class Kit
2008 Unassembled/Unpainted Class Kit
2009 Unassembled/Unpainted Class Kit
2010 Unassembled/Unpainted Class Kit
2011 Unassembled/Unpainted Class Kit
2012 Unassembled/Unpainted Class Kit
2009 Leozack
2010 Convention Bonus Slicer
2011 Convention Bonus Fisitron
2012 Convention Bonus Spraxus
2015 BotCon Kre-o Earth’s Most Wanted 6pack
2015 Lio Convoy
2013 Machine Wars Boxed set
2013 Assembled Class Figure
2016 BotCon Rubber Duckie w/IDW Comic
2016 Skywarp
2014 Trans-mutate
2015 Diaclone
2015 Nova Prime
2014 Kre-o Set 6pk
2015 Cybertron Most Wanted Boxed Set
2016 Ramjet
2013 Carded Unsigned Depthcharge
2015 Waruders
2016 Return of Blurr Storybook
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Views: 176,945
Sabrblade wrote:The crown jewel of the dealer room, however, was unanimously the room's corner display, watched over by Shawn D. Tessmann (longtime host of the BotCon customization classes), at which were many rare and never-before-seen-in-person pieces of Transformers history, such as several unreleased Generation 2 toys, production materials from G1/G2/Beast Wars/Beast Machines, non-final factory samples of past BotCon/TCC exclusives compared with their final versions, and a particular art piece dated back to 1996 that absolutely no one, not even the convention runners, could figure out what it was supposed to be: It was concept art for some kind of feminine-looking blue and yellow robot with a jet-like altmode, whose crystalline design looked like something out of Transtech, but the 1996 date nixes that theory.
The unreleased Generation 2 toys on display were loose samples of the five Protectobots, loose samples of the five Stunticons, both a loose sample and a MOSC sample of Combat Hero Megatron (a gray redeco of the purple Hero Megatron), MOSC samples of the Laser Cycles Soundwave and Jazz, and loose samples of the six unreleased G2 Go-Bots (plus all the redecos of the four who did later see release in the 2001 Robots in Disguise toyline). Also on display were cardbacks for the G2 Laser Rods, two different cardbacks of Action Master Treadshot, a cardback for Action Master Jazz, an unpainted prototype of G1 Sixshot, a MOSC Beast Wars Torca, a non-transforming hardcopy of Torca, a boxed Beast Wars Neo Elphaorpha, early packaging designs for the Beast Machines toyline, and even the original Beast Wars catalog versions of orange Tarantulas, blue-green Waspinator, and alternately-colored Grizzly-1/Barbearian figures (along with a MISB Polar Claw). In addition to these were also concept art for Beast Machines Rattrap, Night Viper, and Mirage, an original cardback sample for orange Beast Wars Tigatron, a large rendition of Beast Wars Torca's card art, concept designs for Transtech Starscream, two preproduction cardback samples (one Maximal style and one Predacon style) for Beast Wars Jetstorm that named him "Dragonfire", and undeveloped G1 Micromaster concept art.
And now we come to the BIGGEST deal of the display case: The unproduced BotCon 2017 boxed set figures, attendee figure, souvenirs, and custom class figure, as well as three other concepts that served as backup alternative options for the proposed exclusives, and finally the remaining unproduced Transformers/G.I. Joe crossover "Only Human" figures. All of these were customized by Shawn D. Tessmann himself.
The BotCon 2017 boxed set, titled "Action on Hydrus Four", was to have been an Action Master-themed set of Titans Return molds all done up as new Headmaster-gimmicked Action Master characters:
1 - Actionmaster Optimus Prime (redeco of Voyager class Optimus Prime's body) with Optimus Prime (redeco of Titan Master Infinitus), Rad (redeco of Titan Master Diac), and Lionizer (redeco of Sawback's Titan Master Vehicle lion)
2 - Actionmaster Skyfall (redeco of Deluxe Highbrow's body) with Skyfall (redeco of Titan Master Apeface)
3 - Actionmaster Sprocket (redeco of Deluxe Triggerhappy's body) with Sprocket (redeco of the Japanese Transformers: Legends Weirdwolf's Headmaster) and Attack Cruiser (redeco of Brawn's Titan Master Vehicle jeep)
4 - Actionmaster Megatron (redeco of Leader Six Shot's body) with Megatron (redeco of Titan Master Nucleon) and Devastator (redeco of Titan Master Repugnus)
5 - Actionmaster Gutcruncher (redeco of Voyager Megatron's body) with Gutcruncher (retool of Titan Master Doomshot/Hazard with a new face) and Scout Tank (redeco of Terri-Bull's Titan Master Vehicle tank)
The attendee figure for BotCon 2017 was to have been Dion (redeco of Deluxe Sergeant Kup's body) with Magnum (redeco of Titan Master Hyperfire).
The souvenirs would have continued the use of Titans Return molds, but as legacy characters from several past series, rather than just Action Masters:
1 - Doubledealer (redeco of Deluxe Hardhead's body) with Knok (redeco of Titan Master Nightbeat) and Skar (a significant retool of Titan Master Sawback with new bat wings, new bat feet, and a brand new face)
2 - BotCon Heritage Onyx Primal (redeco of Deluxe Mindwipe's body) with Nightwatch (redeco of Titan Master Infinitus) and swords from TF: Prime Deluxe Wheeljack/Dead End.
3 - Unicron Trilogy Anniversary Armada Hot Shot (redeco of Deluxe Chromedome's body) with Alexis Thi Dang (retool of Titan Master Stylor with a new face, the one on display was just Universe Hot Shot's face glued onto the Titan Master) and Jolt (redeco of Generations Legends class Targetmaster Blazemaster)
4 - Unicron Trilogy Anniversary Energon Megatron (redeco of Leader Sky Shadow's body) with Leader-1 (redeco of Titan Master Ptero but with Ominus's face) and sword from Construct-Bots Megatron
5 - Troop Builder souvenir set: Cassettron Rosanna (redeco of Legends class Rewind), Cassettron Decepticon Enemy (redeco of Legends class Rumble) and Cassettron Flipsides (redeco of Legends class Rewind)
One more souvenir set would have been a successor to the Kreon packs, a pack of six Titan Masters done up as Pretenders.
1 - Pretender Starscream (redeco of Titan Master Crashbash)
2 - Pretender Jazz (redeco of Titan Master Xort)
3 - Pretender Bumblebee (redeco of Titan Master Firedrive)
4 - Pretender Crossblades (redeco of titan Master Diac)
5 - Pretender Metalhawk (redeco of Titan Master Revolver)
6 - Pretender Vroom (redeco of Titan Master Grax)
The 2017 customization class figure was to have been Actionmaster Rumbler (redeco of Deluxe Triggerhappy's body) with Rumbler (redeco of the Japanese Transformers: Legends Weirdwolf's Headmaster, just like Sprocket) and the B² Attack Team (two redecos of the Arms Micron B.H., the wrecking ball one that came with Japanese Prime Bulkhead).
The three Other Concepts likewise made use of Titans Returns molds as legacy characters:
1 - Armada Jetfire (redeco of Voyager Sentinel Prime/Astrotrain's body) with Comettor (redeco of Titan Master Apeface)
2 - Devcon (redeco of Deluxe Brainstorm's body) with Slizardo (redeco of Titan Master Hyperfire)
3 - Turbomaster (redeco of Deluxe Highbrow's body) with Take Off (redeco of Titan Master Blowpipe)
Finally, the remaining Transformers/G.I. Joe "Only Human" figures would have been:
1 - Only Human Autobot Springer with Newtronium Munitions Case that converts into artillery platform
2 - Only Human Ultra Magnus with Missile Stack & Jack Armor (LOL!)
3 - Only Human Victor Drath
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Views: 94,503
A few thoughts and a major spoiler for the mystery figure.
Counterpunch looks amazing. That is all I can say for him.
Toxitron looks like an odd faded shade of yellowish-green. It's very cool looking. The head is a little different than I imagined, but it looks amazing.
Lastly, the Mystery figure is SG Starscream! He looks fantastic and I love this figure. Although he comes with a translucent HFG, he doesn't seem to be made of translucent plastic. Which is really nice.
All in all, this has been a really fantastic line. A really good note to end on as well.
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Views: 107,023
And we have our Pretender Shells! But those aren't the weapons for the Megatron/Grand Max shell we first saw. Boo!
Also, these instructions. Wow. That Megatron sure likes like Grand...
Also, these instructions. Wow. That Megatron sure likes like Grand...
So yea. That gray part attaches to the chest and is supposed to hold Spacewarp in the shell. Sadly, looking at it wrong makes it pop off.
Then it slots into these guys in the front shell and Spacewarp fitting in. I haven't figure out how to get legs to fit in the back shell.
Got it! Make him squat!
Grand/Fort Max's head will fit inside. The shells are identical.
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Views: 91,679
We have received our shipment for the first two figures in the Transformers Subscription 5.0 series (Fractyl with Scorponok and Lifeline with Quickslinger), and found that instead of being packaged separately as originally solicited, they are packaged together as a set. Due to this change, we have created a new listing for the combined set and moved your preorder(s) to this new listing at the new combined price of $169.99 per set. For your convenience, a direct link to the new listing has been included below: ... ode=retail
Our website listing is now up to date and current with the most accurate information and photos available. If this item no longer meets your expectations and you would prefer to cancel your preorder instead, we do understand. To cancel a preorder, simply sign in to your BBTS account and click the blue 'View Preorders' button. From here, reduce the quantity to zero on the preorder you wish to cancel; select 'Update' and it will be removed from your account.
We will be processing preorders for the HAS25382 Transformers Subscription Figure 5.0 - Fractyl with Scorponok & Lifeline with Quickslinger on Monday April 17th, so please make any necessary changes before this date.
We hope that you will enjoy this product when it arrives, and thanks again for preordering from BigBadToyStore!
BBTS Customer Care
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