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Annie lifted her head when she heard her favorite rock band blasting from the school parking lot and smirked. That was her signal to get the hell out of there. “Right on time.”
With the skill and stealth a ninja would be envious of, Annie snuck out of the classroom when the teacher was away on a bathroom break and ran for her locker. She quickly threw it open and pulled out Grindor, who was roused from his nap when he was placed on the floor.
At the beginning of the universe, there were two gods. One, who would come to be known as Primus, represented light, standing for creation, growth, progress, and order. The other, Unicron, represented darkness, standing for death, destruction, and decay, and chaos. As the young universe expanded by Primus' hand, Unicron would retaliate by bringing cataclysms to destroy that which was created. This struggle continued until Primus sealed himself and Unicron into barren planets that the latter had all but wiped clean of life.
Primus, being a god of creation, was able to reform his planetary prison into a metallic world that would be a well-spring of mechanical life. Unicron, meanwhile, could not create, and, as a result, drifted helplessly through space, surrounded by an aura of darkness that could corrupt any form of sentient life that Primus created.
“Princess Luna?” Said Apple Bloom surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“I was flying by when I saw you walk into the cavern and decided to investigate. Now what in the name of Equestria is…” Luna was cut off by the machine’s sounds changing. A mechanical voice rang out.
“STASIS RESTITUTION COMPLETE! CHIMERACON SHELL REINSTALLED! BEGINNING BIO-SCAN!” A light shined brighter than ever, filling the cavern ceiling. Then it started to move downward.
“Get behind me!” screamed Luna putting herself in front of Apple Bloom, shielding her from the strange light. The light washed over Luna till it hit the floor.
Briefly pausing before the podium, Primal paused. Hesitated. As if in a last ditch, futile belief that if he didn't take to that stage, didn't say what needed to be said by him alone, what was about to happen wouldn't. With flight of fancy that out of the way, he shook his head, closed his eyes and thought of the many, many lives claimed by the Beast Wars. His eyes opened. His literal and figurative vision focused once more. He took to the podium and faced his troops. With the grim realisation that for many, or all, this would be the final dawn. He began his address...
'How did I stop Megatron from hitting me? How was I able to touch him?' he thought as he stopped and stood there in the middle of the corridor, completely confused by what had transpired. And it was then at that moment Galvatron heard a voice echoing faintly through the corridor, just as his spark began to burn up which made him clutch his chest.
The Predacon recognised the voice as the one he had heard in his dream, but at this moment he was awake. He looked around as the voice echoed around him, while holding his hand to his chest due to the pain that his spark was putting him through.
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In the central command center stood a strong, powerful looking red and blue mech who stood taller than most of the Autobots on the station. Bright blue eyes shined behind crystalline optical lens as they stared out into the vast black expanse of outer space, past the gaseous orange hue of the planet Opulus; eyes that have seen friend and foe alike die in the midst of battle over the past 4 million years. His most defining feature was a silver face plate in place of an actual mouth, which was almost as much of his personal symbol as the ancient relic he held within his chest. He displayed a serenity rarely exhibited by seasoned military commanders, though his thoughts were anything but serene, and he emanated a presence that was both regal and strong, a subtle aura that demanded respect from his peers, but also drew them in.
“Where are we headed, Prowl?” inquires Hound.
“Portland. To pick up two more team members... Spike and Sparkplug Witwicky.”
Traffic is sparse due to a shortage of available gasoline. We make it to our destination in record time.
“Cool Boombox!” Spike exclaims when he spots Blaster in my backseat. “Can I have it?”
“Say what!? Listen up you little wannabe Quintesson—owning other sentient beings is illegal! And that’s spelled with a capital ill!”
“Oops, Sorry! I didn’t know you were ah, sentient.”
“Try askin’ next time, li’l man.”
'The breeze was soft and calm as it brushed the long grass which then gently moved in a unified effect, looking like an ocean at peace as Ser-Ket took in her surroundings. The Predacon found herself standing a valley that seemed to spread out all the way to the mountains in the distance, with two moons overhead that were surrounded by hundreds of thousands of stars. It left the Femme breathless as she enjoyed the peaceful sight, with her spark completely calm and tranquil.
But it was not meant to last as a sudden gust of wind blew through the valley, making all the greenery wither and die immediately. Ser-Ket could not believe it as she took a step back at the horrifying sight of the valley transforming around her while storm clouds gathered overhead, blotting out the night sky and darkening the entire area.
Silence grips the chamber. The Assembly gather in the ruin of a once grand hall. The remnant of a shining pillar, at the centre of the capital city of Quintessa III. That however, was before the War. Before the combined might of the Autobots and Decepticons united the universe against the Quintessons.
Revealing the secret of their near universal manipulation and propagation of endless divisive conflict. The Assembly had fled from one safe haven to the next. The united front had set about the eradication of the clandestine and pervasive threat. The Transformers themselves were not present at this time however. Their own war had reached its endgame on Planet Nebulos. Some individual Cybertronians would assist the newly christened Galactic Alliance, but their numbers did not exceed half a dozen.
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“Why can I see so much?” asked Stohv as he stood in a desolate area of scrub. “Thousands of people are converging on Neosiak City and I can already see most of them. How can that be, with our confounded interference plague? It shouldn’t be possible! Don’t just sit there: answer me this riddle!” He stared at his meagre, lifeless audience as he sweated in the evening heat. Droplets tickled down his skin. The five watchers were totally impassive. All they did was rust, peel and accumulate dust. Stohv’s vision flickered like a stroboscope but they sat useless in the dirt. They were five machines that were slowly returning to the earth. Most impressive was the space capsule, with its tough exterior seared by furnace-like burns. Next to that was a boat, a car, an aeroplane without wings and a small tunnel boring platform. Together, they made an abysmal assembly of uncommunicative wrecks but they were better than a group of critical people. Wrecks wouldn’t try to lock him up but neither would they offer any opinions.
“Forget it, I’ll just have to get through this on my own, as usual,” said Stohv, sitting on the floor. “I can do it but I have to remember the basics like eating, drinking, breathing and so forth.” He closed his eyes and re-engaged with the ridiculous reality shifts occurring in his brain.
WHAT did I TELL you? WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TAMPERING WITH MY SHIP’S SYSTEMS?” What were my EXACT words?” Scamper raged with a fury.
“Uh…” Wheeljack looked down at his feet and began pressing his fingertips together, for he genuinely did not remember. “Don’t?” The scientist guessed.
It was then that Wheeljack remembered why he used so many screws to mount his new contraption.
“I’ don’t see what you are so worked up about, Scamper.” He said almost sounding apologetic. “Nothing has exploded, yet. I was just trying to-”
Dead End zoomed across Kaon Plaza as an unfamiliar figure pursued him. A flurry of missiles battered the Plaza's front by the pursuer's friends as its citizens fled. After thankfully hiding in a small corridor, Dead End looked up the pursuer's body type and stats and discovered it was the Knight Steelbane. His heart raced for he knew the Knights of Iacon were practically unstoppable.
"Wildbreak, Slashmark, come in."
While Dead End yelled in his messenger for his teammates, the Stunticons, Steelbane got more closer to him. Steelbane struck him down with a swing of his mighty blade, and Dead End was down on the ground, hurt.
Two days had passed and Quickstrike was lying on his side on the cold, hard floor of his cell. His entire body was shaking, but not because of the temperature of the room but from the pain that was coursing through his body. Because the Autobot had just gone through another torture session with Rip-Claw, the sadistic Femme that took pleasure in inflicting pain on to others. And what Quickstrike had gone through in the last twenty-four hours could only be described as hell, pure and simple.
That Predacon bitch was going through every torture method she knew which appeared to be all of them, and the Autobot was not even sure how she managed to inflict so much on him in the span of a day...but she had. The Femme would torture him for an entire hour, then leave him alone for an hour in which time Ser-Ket would tend his wounds and then Rip-Claw would return an hour later to start again. He did not know how he had taken so much pain in such a short time, but he knew that he could not give in and let that bitch win.
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Dead End zoomed across Kaon Plaza as an unfamiliar figure pursued him. A flurry of missiles battered the Plaza's front by the pursuer's friends as its citizens fled. After thankfully hiding in a small corridor, Dead End looked up the pursuer's body type and stats and discovered it was the Knight Steelbane. His heart raced for he knew the Knights of Iacon were practically unstoppable.
"Wildbreak, Slashmark, come in."
At Tarix Station, now designated as Command Outpost One, Predacons were readying for their assault. Gigastorm was prepped and en route to the the nearest Space-bridge, over Nebulos. Onboard Ramhorn was briefing Snapdragon and Apeface on their missions. The two large bots listened with little attention. Their focus was on their roles to be played. Because of their alt-modes they carried the honor of delivering the warheads to their intended targets.
“Those Insecticons chewed me up pretty good Doc,” Sunstreaker smirked from the operating slab. “For a moment there I was afraid that you would run out of polymer-steel plating and you would have to finish my repairs using sub-standard materials.”
“I scrounged around and found a few scraps in Huffer’s old workshop. I almost walked right over ‘em,” Ratchet chuckled. “Huffer never marked anything during his whole function cycle! He always relied on the sensors in his fingertips to identify everything from trithyllium steel to tin-foil.”
“It’s a shame how he met his manufacturer—being dismantled by Seekers and all—I wouldn’t wanna go out that way.”
“Better a shot to the Spark, hmm? Like you did Downshift?”
“How do you know about that?”
Ratchet picked up something off of his tool tray and held it in front of Sunstreaker’s face. “With this... a recorder chip wired directly into your optics. I installed it when Prime ordered me to check your cerebrals, right after I found out that you terminated Camshaft for no reason at all... other than the reason you formulated in your head. Everything you saw in Demon Swamp, I was also able to see on Teletraan-1’s monitor screen.”
"Galvatron!" a commanding but distorted voice called out of the darkness, echoing around the Predacon Leader as he looked around the void that surrounded him.
"Who,...who said that?" he called out in a nervous tone, the voice not recognisable to him.
'Who was that? I could not make it out, but surely it wasn't Megatron.' he thought as he stood there in the blackness.
"Galvatron!" it called out once more, but again it was so distorted and without direction, Galvatron could not make out where it originated from. So he began walking through the darkness like a blind man as he reached out ahead of himself with his hands, hoping that he could grasp whatever was calling to him.
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To say the least, whenever Feedback got a visit from Crueljaw, it never ended well. Mostly, it ended in him offlined for a bit.
This time, when he booted back up, Crueljaw had left a data pad on Feedback's chestplate.
"What the frag..." He muttered as he looked at the data pad. It had orders on it for him to report to Psychout's for further information on his new assignment...
Primal was proud. Observing in silence from his quarters on-board the Axalon. Through the window, Cheetor was running drills with the troops below, evasive manoeuvres from Beast to Bot Mode and back again. Any flaring tempers - B'Boom - his protege was able to defuse with an ease that many within Maximal Command would struggle to emulate. Rattrap's withdrawal from active command had prompted Primal to consider Cheetor as a C.O. He previously believed the young Cat Bot had potential, yet had shied away from pushing him further, due to his impulsive nature. This choice had yielded such positive results, he felt a little guilty at his prior reluctance.
Movement in the corner of his optic drew him away from his reverie. Battle hardened instinct had him launch a mace with amazing speed to the source. The mace was deftly evaded by the darkness in the corner of the unlit room. Which then seemingly coalesced into the slight form of the Tri-Predacus Agent, Shadow. In truth, a deep cover Maximal Double Agent, known only to the Maximal Elders... and Optimus Primal.
"Another great lesson you two, keep this kind of pace up and you will be ready for the Autobot Academy a year earlier than your supposed to." the tutor said with a proud smile as the pair of teenagers stood in front of him. Nightracer was managing to look like the praise had not gone to her head as she stood there in a calm manner, Orion though...well, he had the biggest grin on his face and could not look more happy. The Femme simply smiled and shook her head slightly as she looked to the ground for a second.
'I could hit Orion for being so big-headed, if it weren't for the fact he was so cute doing it.' Nightracer thought as Jetfire looked at his holo-tool.
On Nebulos, Brainstorm and Arcana were explaining Sumdac's Proto-matter process. Perceptor and Zetar were spellbound. Living metal bodies that could be rendered by programming the alloys to take form. Sumdac's achievement was no small feat. This marked the beginning in a new age. The gap between biological and technological was going to become smaller. Perceptor, Brainstorm, and Arcana conversed about the seemingly unlimited uses for such a process. Zetar looked around the lab before asking. “So where is the doctor?” The three bots paused. Arcana smiled softly. “He's taking some time off to spend with his daughter.” After a moment Brainstorm broke the silence. “While the doctor is not here, there is however, someone here you should both meet.”
Ahead, gathered in a large clearing, were over a dozen Insecti-clones. Skyfire’s optics flared with uncontrolled rage! To him, these newly minted Transformers resembled three of the most sadistic beings he had ever encountered—Kickback, Shrapnel, and Bombshell. The Seeker-turned-Autobot soldier leveled his double-barreled laser rifle and lit into the unsuspecting swarm until they were nothing but smoking piles of scrap. When he finally stopped firing, robotic insect parts littered the landscape for as far as the optic could see. A sense of satisfaction washed over him as his cooling systems kicked in.
“Damn that felt good,” he said.
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Inferno gave Ironhide a stern look over his shoulder, but said nothing. Air Raid touched the ship down, and they scanned around through the front screens.
“No one.” Air Raid said.
“This is weird.” Powerglide said.
“Look at that.” Air Raid said again, as he tilted his head up towards Jupiter.
The huge spot on the surface, which has been deemed a massive continuous dust and ice storm, was right over them. It was like the planet was watching them. It blocked out most of their view of space, and the star at the center of the system was too far away to properly illuminate the surface, so everything seemed dark gray. Inferno looked up just as Air Raid did.
“I wonder if there’s anyone up there.” he said. “When we get back to Cybertron I’m going to do some research on the planet. I think…”
“We have contact.” Powerglide said, interrupting. “Oh, sorry. But we have contact.”
“Who is it?” Ironhide asked.
“They’re saying they’re the authority overseeing this side of the colony and we need to identify ourselves.”
“Tell them who we are and why we’re here.” Ironhide said as he got up. “Inferno, come with me.”
Orion was definitely confused right now since just prior to this he had been sitting with his Aunt, who despite her injuries looked so peaceful as she lied there on the bed. And even though she was currently unaware of his presence, Orion was going to stay by her side for a little longer while he thought on everything that had happened recently.
The Predacons and Galvatron, how they captured his parents, finding out that his Uncle had been killed and the not so small miracle that was his Aunt surviving her injuries. Nothing on this day had made any sense to the young Man, and then Liara appearing in the room simply added to his confusion.
"Liara, what's wrong?" Orion asked as he observed the beautiful Asari, and she was very beautiful. But as he focused on Liara, he noticed her eyes were welling up while a single tear ran down her left cheek as she started to sob. So Orion instantly walked over to her, which made the Asari look down at the ground in shame.
"Liara, talk to me..." he said with in a soft tone while kneeling down in front of her so they would be at face level, and slowly the Asari looked back at him with her aqua coloured eyes meeting his own.
“Autobot, my name is Nacelle.”
“I know who you are, lackey!” Downshift spat in disgust.
“Silence! You will divulge the details of your current mission or you will be terminated.”
“How do I know you won’t destroy me anyway?”
Nacelle smirked. “You have my word.”
“Uh huh. Tell me, Nacelle... what did you do to get tossed out into the field with the rest of the Genericons?”
The question made Nacelle livid. He never wanted to kill another being more than he did at this very moment. The truth of the matter was that he would rather be back in a lab on Cybertron than standing here in the middle of an alien swamp with organic creatures trying to creep into every crevice... but recently the Seeker had been stripped of his rank and reassigned, a casualty of Starscream’s attempted coup.
“Do not toy with me,” he warned. “As former assistant to Shockwave, I have euthanized several of his failed test subjects. I found blasting them to be as carthartic as streamlining one’s fuselage.”
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"This is Commander Rodimus of the Normandy. We read you, Swerve." the Leader said before waiting for a reply through the static coming through the speakers.
"...thank the Allspark. We feared the worst after our sensors picked up your ship and the damage it had suffered." the Autobot responded as the shuttle came in closer to the frigate.
"We have a repair team on board if you require assistance." he added.
"That would be greatly appreciated, Swerve. We will open up our shuttle bay and you can come on in." Rodimus replied.
"Will do, but I am afraid it will be a quick drop. My main orders are to get you back to Earth as quickly as possible. Things are falling apart back there." Swerve said back, earning a confused expression from all three Bots in the cockpit.
"Why? What exactly has happened?" the Commander asked.
"I can brief you on the way there, but let's just say that a whole lot of **** has hit the fan today...if you will excuse my french." Swerve replied.
"Consider it excused. I will be waiting for you in the shuttle bay with my team then." Rodimus responded as he looked over to Orion and gestured him to get the others.
Jazz burst into the storeroom turned makeshift meeting room with his usual flair. Optimus Prime sat at one end of the table, Prowl was seated at the other.
“Uh oh, what’s this?” Jazz joked. “High command meeting, huh? Better call in Wheeljack to weld this table down to the floor before it gets flipped over!”
Prowl tried to hold back the smile forming on his faceplate. “Welcome back to the land of moving parts, Jazz.”
Prime folded his hands on top of the table. “Alpha Trion isn’t here to question the morality of every course of action that Prowl might suggest, so I believe that our table will remain upright for the duration of this meeting.”
“We’ll keep this short and sweet,” Prowl said. “Your pals at Triple I? They’re actively working with the Decepticons.”
Jazz jerked his thumb back towards the door. “So what are we waitin’ for? Let’s go over there and straighten ‘em out—quick, fast and in a hurry!”
“Oh, I intend to pay the Intelligence and Information Institute a little visit, but not just yet.” Prowl replied. “I’ll let Teletraan-1 reject a few of their calls first while we figure out how best to deal with them.”
“The revelation that any human being would work with the Decepticons is puzzling to say the least, but although we are no longer allied with the Institute, the dissolution of that relationship does not absolve us of our responsibility to the inhabitants of this world.” Optimus Prime decreed. “I’ve summoned you here Jazz, because there is a situation in Bali that I would like you to rectify...”
“How long’s it been up there?” said Evayla as she leant on the farm gate. “It’s aesthetically unpleasant. It irritates me more and more.”
“I believe it’s been there for nearly a hundred and fifty years,” replied Divelj. “That’s when the Transformers arrived in our system.”
“The same old ship, just going round and round,” griped Evayla. “I thought that they had substitutes.”
“They’re fighting a war,” said Divelj. “They said it’s too big for us to fight. Their other ships are fully engaged. Anyway, why are you questioning it now? You never said anything before.”
“I don’t know,” replied Evayla. “Just instinct, I guess. Maybe it’s me who changed, not them and their ship. I’ve grown, spiritually speaking.”
“Be careful what you say and think,” said Divelj. “They can hear everything. They never sleep. Don’t antagonise them. They’re protecting us.”
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Blight stood stood on the lowered ramp of the shuttlebay with a small group of Terracons and another Predacon, one in yellow and purple armour. The two of them watched as another large contingent of troops arrived at the Nemesis and stopped before then.
"And I think that it is it for any of our troops arriving here by foot, Scorponok." Blight said to his comrade who nodded in agreement.
"I think you're right, though I would prefer not to leave the others out there. But we wont be able to hold this location forever."
"I would not worry about such details, Scorponok. Our Lord already has something planned to ensure our brethren make it safely aboard. It is one of the reasons he chose this ship as a target of interest." the other Predacon replied before looking behind him at both Arcee and Jack who were on their knees and surrounded by Terracons.
"The quicker this ship is taken, the faster we can get these two into the brig." he added, gaining a knowing look from Scorponok.
"Well, Lord Galvatron and Laserback did take half of my troops with them to secure the CIC and the Engineering decks, I am sure we will hear something soon."
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Optimus Prime put his knuckles down on the console and leaned forward into the monitor. “At approximately twenty-one hundred hours, I will be leading a team of Autobots out into the Pacific Ocean to liberate the Blackrock offshore drilling platform from the clutches of the Decepticons. I advise your military to withdraw to a safe distance... there will be fireworks.”
“Now we’re talking, Prime! About how many troops are participating in tonight’s raid?”
“I haven’t decided on that as of yet, Agent Barnett. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to. Teletraan, end transmission.”
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