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Date: Friday, December 20th 2019 3:00pm CST
Category: Comic Book News
Posted by: ZeroWolf |
Credit(s): IDW
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Views: 52,130
It's the second to last Friday of the month, so you all know what that means fellow Seibertronians! It's time to see what Transformers Comics will be hitting the stands in a few months time!
This month sees regular ongoings continue, a collected trade paperback and a crossover no one saw coming...
Transformers #19
Transformers #19—Cover A: Thomas Deer—SPOTLIGHT
Brian Ruckley (w) • Anna Malkova, Bethany McGuire-Smith (a) • Thomas Deer (c)
A new arc begins here!
“All Fall Down.” Cybertron is in crisis. Calamity has befallen the planet. This is Megatron’s moment to show just how much power he has and to deal with any problems accordingly...
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Transformers #19—Cover B: Blacky Shepherd—SPOTLIGHT
Brian Ruckley (w) • Anna Malkova, Bethany McGuire-Smith (a) • Black Shephered (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Retailer incentives:
Order 10 copies and get one free variant cover by Freddie E. Williams II!
Order any number of copies and receive your order fully returnable!
Transformers Galaxies #7
Transformers Galaxies #7—Cover A: Umi Miyao
Sam Maggs (w) • Umi Miyao (a & c)
Sam Maggs (Marvel Action: Captain Marvel, Marvel: Fearless and Fantastic!, DC: Brave and Bold!) and Umi Miyao (Transformers) weave a tale of deception and perception in “Gauging the Truth,” Part 1!
Cycles ago, a Reversionist ship left Cybertron in the wake of a great calamity. Gauge, the youngest Cybertronian in the universe, knows she was forged on the planet, but only remembers her life on the ship. Her life’s about to be shaken as her whole concept of the truth is thrown into question by the mysterious figures in the brig.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Transformers Galaxies #7—Cover B: Alex Milne
Sam Maggs (w) • Umi Miyao (a) Alex Milne (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Retailer incentives:
Order 10 copies and get one free variant cover by Anna Malkova!
Bullet points:
● Spinning out of the Transformers ongoing!
Transformers Vol. 2
Transformers, Vol. 2: The Change In Their Nature
Brian Ruckley, Tyler Bleszinski (w) • Anna Malkova, Beth McGuire-Smith, Livio Ramondelli (a) Cryssy Cheung (c)
A bold new era dawns in this fresh vision of the Transformers universe that will excite longtime fans and new readers alike!
Orion Pax, Chromia, and Security Operations have almost cracked the case of the Rise terrorists who killed Brainstorm and Rubble. But they aren't the only ones worried about the Rise, and with a bolder Ascenticon faction behind them, Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave seek to save Cybertron from all threats–the Rise, the Nominus Edict, and the Autobots! Collects Transformers #13–18 and Transformers: Galaxies #1–6!
HC • FC • $49.99 • 280 pages • 7” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-68405-675-0
Bullet points:
● Available in June.
Transformers vs. Terminator #1
Transformers vs. Terminator #1—Cover A: Alex Milne
David Mariotte, John Barber, & Tom Waltz (w) • Alex Milne (a & c)
It’s Skynet vs. Cybertron in a crossover for the ages!
1984: When a deadly race of machines emerge from another time, will a robotic guardian be able to protect the Earth from a dire future... or will the T-800 fail in his mission to prevent the world from becoming a plaything to the Decepticons?
FC • 36 pages • $4.99
Transformers vs. Terminator #1—Cover B: Gavin Fullerton—GEM OF THE MONTH
David Mariotte, John Barber, & Tom Waltz (w) • Alex Milne (a) • Gavin Fullerton (c)
FC • 36 pages • $4.99
*Retailer incentives:
Order 10 copies and get one free variant cover by Freddie E. Williams II!
Order 25 copies and get one free variant cover by Francesco Francavilla!
Check out our News Item announcing this exciting crossover
Will you be ordering any of these? Let us know in the Energon Pub and stay tuned to Seibertron for all the latest news and reviews!
Date: Thursday, December 19th 2019 1:34pm CST
Category: Comic Book News
Posted by: william-james88 |
Credit(s): IDW
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Views: 47,327
IDW Publishing just posted some major news on
their Facebook page. In 2020, we will get a crossover comic of Transformers vs The Terminator. The singularity in the title is rather interesting although it may just refer to the franchise using the first movie's title. We don,t know if it's a series or just one book, which it might be since it has a $4.99 cover price, meaning it would be longer than a regular monthly comic. The cover has the iconic terminator skull under a shattering Optimus Prime head.
Let us know what you think!
Date: Tuesday, December 17th 2019 7:16pm CST
Category: Comic Book News
Posted by: D-Maximal_Primal |
Credit(s): Alex Milne on Twitter
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Views: 33,697
Thanks to artist
Alex Milne on Twitter, we have the new cover for Transformers Galaxies #5 to show off to you today. The new cover features Cliffjumper surrounded by the star-struck masses who all believe he is Bumblebee, which will be the central plot point to his 2 issue arc that will run from issues 5 to 6. His issues of Galaxies will feature both him and Deathsaurus, and we can only hope that this Cliffjumper doesn't follow the past few new Cliffjumper's trends for survival.
Milne didn't only just show us the cover either. He was cool enough to share with us the process of creating the cover, which includes his rough lines all the way to the completed cover.
The colors for this cover were done by Josh Perez.
Check it out below, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!
So @IDWPublishing has been kind enough to allow me to show off the cover to Transformers Galaxies issue 5 which is part 1 of the Cliffjumper story.
Shown is the process from pencils to inks to colors and finally with the trade dress on it
![Smile :)]()
Awesome colors by @dyemooch
Date: Wednesday, November 27th 2019 5:50pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News,
Posted by: ScottyP Discuss This Topic · Permanent Link
Views: 41,681
A Review of
Transformers: Galaxies #3
Spoiler Free-ish
Another day before a holiday with another issue of
Transformers: Galaxies has arrived, this time bringing
"Constructicons Rising, Part 3" to Transformers comic readers. Due to said holiday this review is a little late and needs to remain a little truncated, so pardon the haste as we go straight into thoughts on this latest installment.
Famous last words
Issue three bridges the gap in narrative between the first two issues - recall that issue one was primarily a back and forth affair between present and past - which can be a dangerous place to go after ending the previous issue with fantastic momentum and a really juicy cliffhanger. The jump back actually helps here as Bombshell's words from issue #2 now carry more weight. While they sounded cool the first time, now there's a very clear reason for them as well. The same thematic elements remain in play as well with fear driving the actions of many of the issue's characters.
#WheeljackWasRight? I guess if you want but I'm not making t-shirts for that one.
This doesn't mean that this is just an "origin story" type of issue where nothing happens. The relationship between Termagax and a debuting character only previously mentioned in passing has some depth provided, while Wheeljack gets some meaningful time as well. The Constructicons are still the star of course, with Devastator's history being the focal point of the narrative. If you were a fan of what Mairgread Scott did with Bruticus back in
Till All Are One, you're also really going to like what writer Tyler Bleszinski has cooked up here. This is not your father's gestalt, but it could be your mother's if you like your mecha stories to give you that nice "I'm a little disturbed but also can't look away" kind of mood.
![Transformers News: IDW Transformers: Galaxies #3 Review Transformers News: IDW Transformers: Galaxies #3 Review]()
Livio Ramondelli continues to devastate the line art and colors on this book. Pictured above is what's maybe my favorite panel from the entire three issue run so far. It takes the context of the issue's events to truly appreciate what it does for the visual storytelling and it's just one example of several where that shines through. There are probably a couple panels Livio wouldn't mind another pass at without a deadline, but they're few and far between and easily something a deadline can cause. Additionally noteworthy is his approach towards the aforementioned debuting character, who was originally an Alex Milne design (if I recall correctly, please don't shoot me if that's wrong!) and here keeps a look that's surprisingly faithful to that incarnation but subtly departs from it in a very good way. Tom B. Long navigates some lengthy speech bubble terrain with ease, while the editorial team of David Mariotte and Tom Waltz deserve credit for their role in placing this issue here as it easily could have served as this arc's second installment and not have worked as well.
On covers, the Livio Ramondelli "A" cover is probably the most appropriate to the book's contents and thankfully the (likely) easiest to acquire option. Ramondelli's cover is pictured in the thumbnail for this review's front page post. Winston Chan provides a "B" cover that fans of Termagax will want to track down, with the ongoing's regular artist Angel Hernandez in tandem with colorist Josh Burcham providing the ten-copy retailer incentive option if your shop has those available. As always, you can also find all the cover images, full credits for the issue and a list of all the characters that appear in the book through our
Vector Sigma Database page for Transformers: Galaxies #3.
This was a tough one to score because it's doing things that the larger story requires, but this also means it takes a step back on briskly moving everything along. I had to ask myself how much I enjoyed reading it and how much was I still thinking about it days later, with both of those questions proving to have highly satisfactory answers for me. Questions about the story and characters I didn't even know I had yet were answered, making this a worthy use of an entire issue for more flashback storytelling. This moment of slight decompression plus a couple of stray panels keep me from putting this one in "perfect score" land
like issue 2, but all in all that might still be nitpicking because
Galaxies #3 is a highly recommended piece of Transformers reading that you're sure to be thankful for.
Look out for this issue today, November 27th, where you can pick it up at the eBay store or at your local shop,
check here to find the closest shop to you.
Date: Friday, November 22nd 2019 10:21am CST
Category: Comic Book News
Posted by: ScottyP |
Credit(s): IDW Publishing
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Views: 45,837
It's the second-to-last Friday of the month so right on cue we have information on the latest upcoming Transformers comic books from IDW Publishing. February will see Brian Ruckley's ongoing in this "Bold New Era" hit its 18th issue with a possible change in direction at hand, while the Cliffjumper two-parter in Galaxies reaches its conclusion. Keep reading for the official info and some additional thoughts on these latest solicitations.
Transformers #18
(W) Brian Ruckley (A/CA) Umi Miyao
"Run." Calamity has befallen Cybertron. The only reasonable option for many bots is escape-leaving the planet in hopes of safety. Arcee and Greenlight need to get their mentee, Gauge, off-world to protect her, but first they'll have to find a shuttle!
- A spotlight issue on Arcee, Greenlight, and their mentee, Gauge!
- Leads into next month's Transformers Galaxies #7!
- In Shops: Feb 19, 2020
Order Transformers #18 with code DEC190650 for the Umi Miyao "A" cover, DEC190651 for the Bethany McGuire-Smith "B" cover, or ask your retailer about the ten-copy incentive cover by Kei Zama pictured above
If you've liked the setting of this new version of Cybertron, it sounds like Total Brand Awareness dictates leaving it behind while they explore space to find some Earthrise Synergon. This probably sounds saltier than intended, but don't get me wrong, a change of pace is exactly what I want for this series. Umi Miyao is currently solicited as the artist, and while the solicited artist has meant very little since the relaunch, if it holds true this will be the fourth issue in a row without Angel Hernandez contributing. While I can tell Mr. Hernandez is a talented artist, something about his style hasn't worked for me with Transformers as this series has progressed so this is something else that may be a wise move to keep this series viable as it heads into a "reader loss by attrition" danger zone with its issue count. It's nice to see a direct connection to
Galaxies teased here as well, hopefully helping that upcoming story avoid the chore of having to do an entire issue of exposition and character introductions. Good signs are all around for this latest ongoing after a questionable start, here's hoping the script work starts to show some more life and character as well by the time we get to this issue.
Transformers: Galaxies #6
(W) Kate Leth, Cohen Edenfield (A/CA) Alex Milne
"Wannabee," Part Two! Deathsaurus's ruse has worked-the Probats believe that Cliffjumper is Bumblebee and it's really smoothed over the energon negotiations! Well... except for the part where Deathsaurus is now blowing Cliffjumper's cover and framing him for a crime that he didn't commit!
- Co-written by Kate Leth (Transformers: Cyberverse, Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat) and Cohen Edenfield (Hiveswap)!
- Art by beloved and renowned Transformers artist Alex Milne!
- A tale of mistaken identities, wrong names, wacky mix-ups, and a guy named Deathsaurus who really can't be good news.
- In Shops: Feb 26, 2020
Order Transformers: Galaxies #6 with code DEC190653 for the awesome Alex Milne "A" cover pictured above, DEC190654 for the Bethany McGuire-Smith "B" cover, or ask your retailer about the ten-copy incentive cover by George Caltsoudas
You can get action on anything with the right booking agent, so if you got in early on "Cliffjumper will die early again in another continuity" that was probably a good bet since it looks like the line's about to move in your favor based on this latest solicitation. While everyone's favorite walking one-bot army is usually up for any fight, I just can't see him facing off against Deathsaurus going well. It sounds like Kate Leth and Cohen Edenfield have a fun story waiting, or at least one that might be the pinnacle of the meta joke about Cliffjumper being a red Bumblebee since he's
mostly been treated that way toy-wise since 2006 (yes there are exceptions, you don't need to point them out to me.) Anything drawn by Alex Milne is sure to be at minimum a feast for the eyes and if the cover art is anything to go by the colors (Josh Perez? Really wish these solicitations would include colorist info!) are going to be top notch as well. While subject to change - and change frequently - the listed release date has this out the week immediately after the 2020 New York Toy Fair, so let the never-ending rumors of a new Deathsaurus toy continue!
Transformers Valentine's Day Special
(W) Kate Leth, Patrick Ehlers (A) Jack Lawrence, Sara Pitre-Durocher
Bookish Glyph wants a challenge-to do work for xeno-relations, not just data analysis. Athletic Tap-Out needs a challenge-his boxing career isn't working out so well. When one mission presents both of them a chance to meet new challenges head-on, will they be able to lift each other up to the task or will they just get in each other's way?
- Robo-mance is real in this adventure focusing on love in the Transformers universe!
- The perfect gift for Valentine's Day or any romantic occasion!
- Back-up story written by the real-life engaged couple: Kate Leth & Cohen Edenfield!
- In Shops: Feb 12, 2020
Order the Transformers Valentine's Day Special with code DEC190656
This looks so fun. Transformers is rarely afforded true irreverent exuberance in an official capacity and the artist choices alone here with Jack Lawrence and Sara Pitre-Durocher should tell you everything you need to know when setting your expectations. I can't wait to see what's in store for this one-shot that's leaning in to a side of Transformers which is only uncomfortable if you are. Having an engaged writing team on its back-up/bonus story with Kate Leth and Cohen Edenfield may prove interesting, all I ask is that they be brought back after a couple years of marriage to make a follow-up so we can see how that goes - hopefully really well!
Transformers: The IDW Collection Phase Two, Volume 11
(W) John Barber, James Roberts (A) Sara Pitre-Durocher, Andrew Griffith, Alex Milne (CA) Marcelo Matere
Presenting IDW's Transformers comics in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series! OPTIMUS PRIME struggles to find his place on CYBERTRON where half the population hates him and the other half worships him. Meanwhile, on Earth, GALVATRON doesn't care what anybody thinks. And, although Megatron has rejected his past, that doesn't keep him safe from the Decepticon Justice Division. Plus, Getaway is staging a mutiny on the Lost Light, all leading to a climactic showdown, and not everyone will come out the other side.
In the one-shot special, the Dinobots battle for Redemption! Cybertron is dead. No new life has been created in millions of years. But when the Dinobots make a brutal play for a briefcase full of cash, they find something else: a chance for a better future... for their world, and for themselves.
Order the Transformers Phase Two, Volume 11 Hardcover collection with code DEC190658
We're getting close to the tipping point where something's gotta give in these collections with the Hasbro Universe stories on the horizon, but those are still a couple of these big and beautiful hardcover volumes out from the looks of it. Volume 11 picks up
Transformers (2014) with the "Conquerors" story arc, which was pretty good build up for "All Hail Optimus" in its time. Notably, this should also contain the very good issue #48 with D.0.C. and Buster doing their best homage to Pizza Dog. The overlooked "Redemption" Dinobot one-shot gets a reprint here as well which is great news for fans of Dinobots, Livio Ramondelli art and "Mad Max: Fury Road" enthusiasts. All of those stories have the unenviable task of sitting alongside
More Than Meets The Eye's "Dying of the Light" storyline, aka the one where James Roberts pulled out Megatron's G1 Tech Spec and made all your fan theories feel pretty stupid in the process. Maybe that was just me. Anyways, if you've never had the chance to read that story I envy you because getting to experience that for the first time is
an experience, man. Also note that
if you click here and scroll way down you'll see that previous IDW Collection Phase Two volumes 1-9 as well as the soon to be released volume 10 are all being re-solicited, so if you missed out on earlier printings this collection of Transformers' second Golden Age of comics, this is a great opportunity to catch up.
That's all for February's solicitations, let me know if you like this format of solicitation info + commentary. While I can't promise to do this every month one way to guarantee it never happens again is if it's met with your silence - then again, maybe you want that! Stay tuned to for all the latest Transformers comics news and let your fellow fans know what you'll be picking up in the comments below, just be sure to play nice.
Date: Monday, November 18th 2019 2:44pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News,
Digital Media News
Posted by: Bounti76 |
Credit(s): ITunes
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Views: 50,338
Thanks to the folks over at iTunes, we have a three page preview of the upcoming issue of the Transformers Galaxies series. While these few pages don't reveal a ton about the story that Tyler Blezinski is telling, they are very nicely illustrated by Livio Ramondelli.
This issue is due to be released next week on November 27th, just in time for Thanksgiving (if you live in the U.S.). Of the two current Transformers series, Galaxies seems to be the better reviewed of the two. Will you be picking up your copy next week?
Date: Thursday, November 14th 2019 6:29pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News,
Toy News
Posted by: D-Maximal_Primal |
Credit(s): Comixology, Hasbro Pulse
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Views: 35,278
Were you one of those wonderful folks who backed the Haslab Unicron figure through Hasbro Pulse, and thus helped us successfully fund him? Well if you were, one of the special benefits of pre-ordering through Hasbro Pulse is now available!
As you might recall, those who pre-ordered through Hasbro Pulse were promised a special comic bundle should Unicron be successfully backed. As of this writing, a special code for each individual who pre-ordered through Pulse has been emailed to each of the backers, and this code unlocks your
Comixology comic bundle. The comic bundle will feature an all-new Unicron cover by artist Andrew Griffith. The digital collection will include the currently unavailable Transformers: The Animated Movie four-issue limited series by Bob Budiansky, Don Figueroa and Josh Burcham, which adapts and expands the classic film that introduced Unicron; plus the first issue of the 2019 Transformers ongoing series by Brian Ruckley, Angel Hernandez, Cachét Whitman and Joana Lafuente.
If you were a Pulse Unicron backer, check your email, and go get your exclusive comic bundle now!
Date: Tuesday, November 12th 2019 2:10pm CST
Category: Comic Book News
Posted by: ZeroWolf |
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Views: 27,375
Greetings Seibertronians! For all of you following IDWs reboot of Transformers and it's spin off, Galaxies, we have new images of the Retailer Incentive covers for Transformers ongoing issue #15, Transformers: Galaxies #3 and #4! The images come from comics website Previewsworld.
Transformers #15 RI Cover by Luca Pizzari
Transformers: Galaxies #3 RI Cover by Angel Hernandez
Transformers: Galaxies #4 RI Cover by Christina-Antoinette Neofotistou
What do you think of these covers? How are you liking the series so far? Let us know in the Energon Pub and stay tuned to Seibertron for all the latest news and reviews!
Date: Saturday, November 9th 2019 2:37pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News,
Toy News,
Sponsor News
Posted by: Seibertron Discuss This Topic · Permanent Link
Views: 68,312
Veterans Day Weekend Sale!
15% off original price on most items!
Over 1,800+ items are currently available in the Seibertron Store on eBay! As you can see, we've been busy listing new Transformers and other collectible items in the Store on eBay which we think might be of interest to you.
New comic books have returned to the Store, straight from Diamond Comics, starting with the all-new
Transformers "A Bold New Era" series from IDW which launched earlier this year as well as the new
Transformers Ghostbusters comic book series. We've even got the special
retail incentive cover variants! Not into the new IDW comics? Take a spin through our
large collection of vintage Marvel Transformers comics which were recently added again to our store.
If Transformers comics aren't your thing, many Transformers toys from our warehouse have been added from older series like
Beast Wars,
Robots In Disguise,
Unicron Trilogy, and more. We even have some
War for Cybertron SIEGE and Studio Series available. Check out some of the highlights below!
New Transformers Comic Books In-Stock
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The newest issues of Transformers comic books from IDW are in stock. Check out the latest issues of Transformers: A Bold New Era and Transformers Galaxies (featuring the powerful Constructicons and sadistic Insecticons) in the Seibertron Store on eBay!
Transformers Generations Toys
[ View All Listings ]
IDW Transformers Back Issues
[ View All Listings ]
Other Transformers Toys
[ View All Listings ]
Non-Transformers Comic Books
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Your package from will ship super fast and all items are packaged well. Check out
Seibertron's 9,060+ 100% positive feedback score to see what people are saying about their experiences with the Store.
Visit the
Seibertron Store on eBay regularly to see all of the new collectible items that we're adding. Didn't see something you liked above? Check out's eBay store by clicking
here! We've always got something of interest available at!
Thank you for supporting!
Date: Wednesday, November 6th 2019 7:38pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News,
Site Articles
Posted by: D-Maximal_Primal Discuss This Topic · Permanent Link
Views: 33,736
Attack on Titan
A Semi-Spoilerish Review of IDW Transformers #14
Now shipping monthly! The Ascenticon Guard, Security Operations, and The Rise are caught in a three-way faceoff. Cybertron is teetering on the brink of chaos, but there is still hope for peace. And leading the way to restore that peace are the only bots that make sense: Megatron, Soundwave, and Starscream!
Genre Savvy Swiper
After a bit of a hiatus, we return to you with a review for the just released IDW Transformers #14, part of the Bold New Era. And as for how that Bold New Era is doing, keep reading below! And for more information on this issue, you can check out our
database entry!
There is a light that never goes out
So far, the Bold New Era has been heavy on the dialogue, but not so heavy on the story or intrigue. If anything, that has been the weakness of the Bold New Era to date, not a lot happening for the page space. The story has been slow going, and every time we get something that seems intriguing, it stalls out.
But after the Rubble of issue 5 and the return of Sentinel Prime to Cybertron, it seems the story might finally be making some ground. While it still wasn't very deep, there was some excitement to the story, it felt like there were more risks and consequences. We also learned some things about a few characters and also got to see some new ones. Motivations that were seemingly not there or unclear have focused in some, and we got some more character development, though we still don't really have many highly intriguing characters.
Pictured: a new character and one existing character sorely needing some fiction
I liked the inclusion of Starscream in this issue, and he proved to be a welcome addition, bringing to the table some of the traits described in the paragraph above. I also think it was important for Orion Pax to be entirely absent and Megatron to only briefly show up. Both characters are very important Transformers characters, but so far have proven to be more attention vacuums than intriguing characters. It was good to have a good sized cast represented here without them with a chance to shine on their own, and Starscream, Soundwave, and to a lesser extent Sideswipe, Kup, Landmine, and Geomotus.
On another note, the inclusion of Strongarm alongside Sideswipe in this issue is a continued sign of the thing I so far like most in this comic: the variety of the characters showing up. Sure it has a lot of G1/Siege going on, but non-G1 characters showing up and referencing things outside of previous G1 stories is refreshing. I enjoy inclusions such as this, and want a little bit more of those characters and story too. The comic has showed a cast with variety, it just needs to flex that diversity a bit more.
Art for this issue is split between Anna Malkova and Bethany Mcguire-Smith on lines, Joana Lafuente on colors, and Tom B. Long on letters. The art for the series so far has been a bit loose and all over the place in terms of quality, but outside of issue 13, I feel this is the best comic issue in terms of artistic consistency. While there were some questionable shapes thrown during this issue (Nautica being a primary offender compared to her prior appearances), the art overall was good quality, the two line artists had similar styles that allowed for a smooth transition between the artists, and the facial expressions were very well done in this issue.
He knows he's in one of the best panels of the comic so far
The colors matched up with the line art pretty dang good as well, giving you a good sense of what time it is on Cybertron, and it also helped give the book some depth, showing shadows and sun glistening off of the lined surfaces. It was very pleasing to look at. The glowing optics were also a highlight in terms of colors.
The lettering is once more of good quality, and helps compliment the art while not getting in the way. I also enjoyed the word effects for all the different types of action happening throughout the issue, it helped augment the lines and colors of the different panels.
Overall, I would argue that this is the best overall chapter of the Bold New Era so far. We had a good first issue that helped set things up, but after that, there haven't been many highlights, and the ones that have happened have had a bit too much dead space between them to truly have a impact. If issue 14 had come earlier, such as being issue 8 instead of 14, I feel like the story would be progressing better and more coherently. The story needs better pacing and some more intrigue to it. We don't necessarily need to be told everything, let stuff happen in the background. Speech and walking heads can get in the way.
On those notes, issue 14 seems to be a step in the right direction. No real depth, nothing really to pick up with a 2nd read, but it was intriguing, it had some depth to it, and it made you want to actually read through it again. If we can actually keep this tempo up, the story will progress and we will start having some more depth and more enjoyment for the readers.
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161 total news articles in this section, 10 per page.
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