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Tyrannacon wrote:Did Dilophosaurus have feathers? We can't say for sure 100%, but it's possible it could have.
Tyrannacon wrote:I'd personally like a Jeep Hammond and Brachiosaurus set mostly the fact that herbivores don't get as much attention as they should. Same with a Triceratops set too. Though many people associate herbivores with being good guys, but it would switch some things around. I still think Nedry - if they were using him as the robot mode which it looks like - should have been a 'Con since he was so greedy. Basically, the equivalent of Swindle I'd feel.
-Kanrabat- wrote:Looking at the pictures again, it seems BOTH are deluxes.
75 mother effing US dollars.
I dread the Canadian price.
Swindle (G1) has always been a jeep.D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Tyrannacon wrote:I'd personally like a Jeep Hammond and Brachiosaurus set mostly the fact that herbivores don't get as much attention as they should. Same with a Triceratops set too. Though many people associate herbivores with being good guys, but it would switch some things around. I still think Nedry - if they were using him as the robot mode which it looks like - should have been a 'Con since he was so greedy. Basically, the equivalent of Swindle I'd feel.
Ironically works since Swindle was a jeep in Alternators
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Sabrblade wrote:Swindle (G1) has always been a jeep.D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Tyrannacon wrote:I'd personally like a Jeep Hammond and Brachiosaurus set mostly the fact that herbivores don't get as much attention as they should. Same with a Triceratops set too. Though many people associate herbivores with being good guys, but it would switch some things around. I still think Nedry - if they were using him as the robot mode which it looks like - should have been a 'Con since he was so greedy. Basically, the equivalent of Swindle I'd feel.
Ironically works since Swindle was a jeep in Alternators
Razorbeast88 wrote:Think we'll ever get a terminator X transformers crossover?
Hear me out: Barricade with a head retool as T-1000 with a sword hand/arm/finger attachment. I guess an animated Prowl retool would be possible too but nah
And then a brand new mold for T-800 with a motorcycle alt mode, an alternate head with battle damage, and one of the hands molded with an extended thumb (though still capable of holding weapons). And the weapons would be a shotgun and a grenade launcher
They could be released as a two-pack. Orrrrrrr one of the 2-packs as T-1000 with a retool of strongarm or Prime arcee as Sarah Connor
And the other 2-pack with T-800 and a smaller deluxe bot retooled as young John Connor
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Razorbeast88 wrote:Think we'll ever get a terminator X transformers crossover?
Hear me out: Barricade with a head retool as T-1000 with a sword hand/arm/finger attachment. I guess an animated Prowl retool would be possible too but nah
And then a brand new mold for T-800 with a motorcycle alt mode, an alternate head with battle damage, and one of the hands molded with an extended thumb (though still capable of holding weapons). And the weapons would be a shotgun and a grenade launcher
They could be released as a two-pack. Orrrrrrr one of the 2-packs as T-1000 with a retool of strongarm or Prime arcee as Sarah Connor
And the other 2-pack with T-800 and a smaller deluxe bot retooled as young John Connor
did you read the TF x Terminator comic? I really want those seekers
Razorbeast88 wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Razorbeast88 wrote:Think we'll ever get a terminator X transformers crossover?
Hear me out: Barricade with a head retool as T-1000 with a sword hand/arm/finger attachment. I guess an animated Prowl retool would be possible too but nah
And then a brand new mold for T-800 with a motorcycle alt mode, an alternate head with battle damage, and one of the hands molded with an extended thumb (though still capable of holding weapons). And the weapons would be a shotgun and a grenade launcher
They could be released as a two-pack. Orrrrrrr one of the 2-packs as T-1000 with a retool of strongarm or Prime arcee as Sarah Connor
And the other 2-pack with T-800 and a smaller deluxe bot retooled as young John Connor
did you read the TF x Terminator comic? I really want those seekers
I didn't but im gonna look it up now!
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:The new set just came in stock on Amazon.
I'll be waiting for a discount this time around, but it's there for those that want it.
-Kanrabat- wrote:Even at 30% off that set is still WAY, WAY too expensive.
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Even at 30% off that set is still WAY, WAY too expensive.
For us in the US, 30% off is $52, which is 2 deluxes, which is what these are. The price at 30% is in fact right.
And, these are good deluxes too
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