Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store


Megamus primatron wrote:hey your not the only 2 lookng for voyager optimus and leader optimus, im also trying to find leader megs and thundercracker.
so i need
leader prime
voyager prime
voyager thundercracker
Leader megatron
deluxe 08 bumblebee
and thats it, oh and i live in liberty missouri but its damn close to kansas so tell me if you see any of em.
Megamus primatron wrote: do they sell voyagers at a kohls near you?
Gutter Bunny wrote:for those that don't actually read the toys forum. Mp starscream found in wichita, ks.
sideswipe6520 wrote:where in wichita?
OH YEAH and the ALCO store at Central and West Street has knock-off jump starters and a knock-off trans-tech style dinosaur bot I dont recognize but his bot mode is pretty cool
Ericon wrote:The Wal-Mart in Lawrence had a price reduction on the leader class toys. Instead of $40.00, they were $29. I sure am glad I held off on purchasing them til now!
Anyone seen Animated Ultra Magnus yet?
Gutter Bunny wrote:since talking to myself is fun...
Wichita walmart/target sightings...
Animated: Magnus, skywarp, shockwave. Deluxes are overstocked on the swoop/sentinel wave(not sure if that's the most recent), supreme op here and there.
Universe: cyclonus, hound, cheetahbotthing, starscream 8.0, and the previous waves all overstocked. Newest voyager i've seen is treadbolt.
Gutter Bunny wrote:any sign of bruticus maximus yet? Need to pick up a couple, and its a pain to drive to any target but the Derby one.
Nemesis Rodimus wrote:Gutter Bunny wrote:any sign of bruticus maximus yet? Need to pick up a couple, and its a pain to drive to any target but the Derby one.
Hey all. 'Nother KS dweller here! Sorry, I've found a Bruticus Maximus, but I'm like 6 hrs. from Topeka, 45 min. from the Colorado border.They have 6 Bruticus Maximus' as of yesterday.
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