Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

The more places you advertise/list, the more chances you'll have finding interest.Trigon1065 wrote:I am seriously considering selling off my entire Kingdom line, Golden Disk exclusives and Ark included. Would this be of interest to anyone?
Depends on what you're looking to get and what condition the figures are in. You'll probably make more money if you break up the line and sell individually or in groups of 2 or 3, but you'll be packaging and mailing them all separately to different people instead of getting rid of the lot at once (except maybe The Ark, you should keep that separate).Would I be better off selling individual or as a wave?
That's really all the advice I can give, and my only inquiry is about The Ark. I'm contemplating picking one up to go with Nemesis, so I would like to know the condition and the price you're asking.Need some advise or serious inquiries.
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