Sweet. Maybe we've passed each other in a toy aisle somewhere!

I haven't run into too many other collectors, though I know they're there, because theres usually nothing I want!!!
I'm on the other end of the shore so I've even hit up Target in Dorchester, and its no biggie for me to swing by TRU in Dedham. I probablly go by about a dozen Wal-Marts, so any one of them is usually game. Fall River is a little out of my sphere, but N. Attleboro is good for a special trip. At the very least, I can usually head into Toy Vault at the Emerald Square Mall and drool over stuff in there.
Sux about your g/f, unless she was a cheating, backstabbing controlling bioch, and in that case, just think of how much more funding you'll have for TF collecting!
I'll have to check out Dartmouth, the last time I was at Raynham I didn't see Devastator, but its been about two weeks since I was there. That Wal-Mart is either a disaster or a gold mine. It stinks passing on stuff and later on regreting that you didn't pick it up. If its something I really want, I'll buy it then, but in the case of Devastator, I was on the fence about it, and at the time I figured the movie stuff was coming and was having to watch what I was spending.