Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

MaverickPrime wrote:PotP is finally at Mexican retail, they arrived at the Juguetrón chain, curiously, what arrived was Legends Wave TWO, mosrt likely wave 1 got skipped also, sadly, at insane prices, 29 for deluxes, 45 for voyagers and 14,75 for legends.
I pray that's just because that's an expensive chain and supermarket ones like Walmart or Chedraui will have them for less, I can't keep up collecting with those prices.![]()
Brokebot wrote:Is that a MAGA Jazz?
I stopped by my local Chedraui(Supermarket chain) and they were just filling the shelves with A LOT of Transformers stuff, basically everything from Bumblebee wave 1, even role play stuff, everything from Cyberverse wave 1 AND warriors wave 2, as well as Might Muggs, transformable keychain plushes and even tiny changers series 3.
Z3ROhour wrote:wow
in what world
does a "local market"
in Mexico
have more,
figures than any
in California?!
Z3ROhour wrote:wow, in what world does a "local super market" in Mexico have more, BETTER figures than any Walmart Target ETC in California?!
william-james88 wrote:Z3ROhour wrote:wow, in what world does a "local super market" in Mexico have more, BETTER figures than any Walmart Target ETC in California?!
In a world where America is no longer number 1. Which is the case now. Also, you consider the cyberverse figures "better"?
With Mexican Kids' Day getting closer, Hasbro has begun giving us several new toys at retail, in Walmart, Warrior Class Hot Rod, Prowl and Soundwave, as well as Legends Class Shadow Striker, Ratchet, Starscream and the second Optimus Prime(Ion Attack or something similar).
Meanwhile, Liverpool Department Stores got Cyberverse One-Step Wheeljack, which as far as I remember hadn't been mentioned anywhere, as well as Studio Series Rampage(Optimus most likely was there, but I couldn't find him), skipping all the way from ROTF Starscream to number 37!
Finally, Liverpool also got Leader Class Shockwave and Ultra Magnus, at a wooping $1340 MXN (around 75 US dollars!)
But the biggest surprise, was the finding of Battlemasters WAVE 2! I found Aimless and Pteraxadon!
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