Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

RodimusConvoy13 wrote:I was thinking of doing this myself, but I was hopeing that everything would come back...
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:I just read a post over in another forum.. Looks like it was either lose everything, or don't post for 3 weeks or something.. this will be good. Now we need to get everyone back!
noob wrote:i'm just glad my post count didn't drop to zero!
i really wish they would fix the pm service though. that's beginning to annoy me.
JTK thanks for the heads up. i would have posted yesterday that i found them there but i got back late. i'm gonna take the one from pqp since no other hardcore people want him. if anyone wants me to pick up more let me know.
noob wrote:my bad, copied the wrong username![]()
back to tfs. anyone found the new classics yet?
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:Vic! where have you been? Haven't seen your name in here in ages. Welcome back.
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:it's funny, I got magnus/skywarp last night, tfpredaking has a titanium soundwave for me and I'm getting titanium starscream and revoltech prime and magnus tomorrow.. so I ask.. why am I disappointed I didn't find classics ramjet or reissue soundwave tonight.
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