The Bazaar of Carbombya is your place to buy, sell, or trade Transformers toys, comics or other items! is not responsible for the transactions between users. BUY, SELL OR TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!
Forum rules is NOT responsible for the transactions between users. It is recommended that you only purchase from people who have been an active member on the website for some time. It is also recommended that you use a service such as Paypal for your transactions. If you find a sale or trade that is suspicious please flag it for the Mods attention!
by Stealth Claw » Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:48 pm
- Motto: ""I will defend the universe from the tyranny of the decepticons, and the autobot elite guard, and for the honor of the VDMA Brotherhood.""
- Weapon: Star Saber Sword
I am missing a spike for My power of the Primes Snarl.
Hoping someone has a broken Snarl they'd be willing to sell. Or if anyone know of any ways to get a 3D model of replacement transformers parts.

Stealth Claw
- Minibot
- Posts: 147
- Joined: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:56 am
- Location: Ontario, Canada
Watch Stealth Claw on YouTube
- Alt Mode: Cybertroian Stealth Jet
- Strength: 6
- Intelligence: 8
- Speed: 9
- Endurance: 10
- Rank: 9
- Courage: 7
- Firepower: 5
- Skill: Infinity
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