Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Well I hope it's just a rebranding because 2 Masterpiece Beast Wars Predacons is NOT enough! Especially since I decided to forgo getting any of the Maximals in order to focus on Predacons.
Exactly. They announce MP Rhinox after years of NOTHING and then pull this? Just finish the BW line! It's significantly closer than any other (non-movie) MP line. G1, they've dragging their heels on for 20 years. They literally could have finished every character that didn't require a license by now and chose not to.
It should probably be pointed out that all of the Beast Wars MPs are part of the same main MP line as the G1 characters, as Takara doesn't treat them as a separate line despite being from a different show. Likewise, Star Saber, Soundblaster, and Lio Convoy were all from different shows too, but they as well were part of the main MP line. And even the likes of Ultra Magnus and Rodimus were from what was considered a separate show in Japan (G1 season 3 was treated as a separate cartoon called Transformers: 2010), and they too were part of the main line. And with the inclusion of MP-60 Ginrai, the main Masterpiece line consists of characters from seven different Transformers series in Japan, but all are counted as part of the same single MP line because all of these characters are from the same single continuity/universe. And had the separate-universe character Armada Optimus won the fan vote that Star Saber won, he too would have been part of the main MP line and not a separate line.Spider5800 wrote:AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Well I hope it's just a rebranding because 2 Masterpiece Beast Wars Predacons is NOT enough! Especially since I decided to forgo getting any of the Maximals in order to focus on Predacons.
Exactly. They announce MP Rhinox after years of NOTHING and then pull this? Just finish the BW line! It's significantly closer than any other (non-movie) MP line. G1, they've dragging their heels on for 20 years. They literally could have finished every character that didn't require a license by now and chose not to.
Haha, yeah, their choices for this line has been baffling. We don't even have the first 5 Maximals yet as they never made a Rattrap. It's only 5 characters.
Optimus Primal released in freaking 2016. It's been 7 years and we've only gotten 8 characters total from the show (plus Leo Prime I guess, if you count BW2). I can't imagine trying to stick with this line long enough to get the entire G1 cast.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Spider5800 wrote:No wonder 3P has eaten Takara's lunch on this market.
The G also stands for "Giant" and "Great".Emerje wrote:I'm still hoping MPG is being rebranded so the G stands for Generations instead of Gattai.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Sabrblade wrote:It should probably be pointed out that all of the Beast Wars MPs are part of the same main MP line as the G1 characters, as Takara doesn't treat them as a separate line despite being from a different show. Likewise, Star Saber, Soundblaster, and Lio Convoy were all from different shows too, but they as well were part of the main MP line. And even the likes of Ultra Magnus and Rodimus were from what was considered a separate show in Japan (G1 season 3 was treated as a separate cartoon called Transformers: 2010), and they too were part of the main line. And with the inclusion of MP-60 Ginrai, the main Masterpiece line consists of characters from seven different Transformers series in Japan, but all are counted as part of the same single MP line because all of these characters are from the same single continuity/universe. And had the separate-universe character Armada Optimus won the fan vote that Star Saber won, he too would have been part of the main MP line and not a separate line.
Sabrblade wrote:The G also stands for "Giant" and "Great".Emerje wrote:I'm still hoping MPG is being rebranded so the G stands for Generations instead of Gattai.
Guess we can call it a testament of how poorly the MP line has sold over the years in Japan. Transformers is not as big in Japan as it is in the west, so it was always an uphill battle for the MP line to gain traction in the Japanese market (the line's primarily market). The number of new-mold MPs released each year has plummeted as the years have passed, with the bulk of releases each year being reuses of existing molds. 2022 and 2023 both saw only three new MPs released, and only one of those three each year was a new mold (Trailbreaker in 2022, Skyfire in 2023). This year we have five MPs, but only two are new molds and the rest are mold reuses.Spider5800 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:It should probably be pointed out that all of the Beast Wars MPs are part of the same main MP line as the G1 characters, as Takara doesn't treat them as a separate line despite being from a different show. Likewise, Star Saber, Soundblaster, and Lio Convoy were all from different shows too, but they as well were part of the main MP line. And even the likes of Ultra Magnus and Rodimus were from what was considered a separate show in Japan (G1 season 3 was treated as a separate cartoon called Transformers: 2010), and they too were part of the main line. And with the inclusion of MP-60 Ginrai, the main Masterpiece line consists of characters from seven different Transformers series in Japan, but all are counted as part of the same single MP line because all of these characters are from the same single continuity/universe. And had the separate-universe character Armada Optimus won the fan vote that Star Saber won, he too would have been part of the main MP line and not a separate line.
I get that, but even with all the stuff they're pulling from, the line feels mismanaged. It's been over 20 years, and they still haven't finished the season 1 Autobots. Really think about that. A person born the year MP-1 came out can legally drink now, and there still isn't a full cast done. That's INSANE.
MP Dinobot came out in 2018, and then a two year wait for MP Tigatron, and then another FOUR years for MP Rhinox. That's absurd. People have quit collecting in that kind of timeframe.
I know it's a whole other beast, but Generations has been pulling from multiple continuities for years as well and never had this problem. Could get the entire BW S1 cast within 2 years. The lack of focus on the MP side is staggering.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Emerje wrote:Sabrblade wrote:The G also stands for "Giant" and "Great".Emerje wrote:I'm still hoping MPG is being rebranded so the G stands for Generations instead of Gattai.
Either way, it's been known as the combiner line, now it may be known as something else if they change what the G stands for.
-Kanrabat- wrote:TF-fan kev777 wrote:First-Aid wrote:Okay, did anyone else notice that we all get a wonderful shot of Starscreams crotch anytime he sits in that throne? That's unnerving. Couldn't they have put n extra flap in there? It's....weird.
Its kind of like Basic Instinct, but not in a good way...
Goddammit, now I can't unsee it.
Box includes:
Jinrai Cab
Blaster x 2
Powermaster mini figure x 1
Blast effect x 2
Box includes:
Trailer x 1
Core Robot Blaster x 2
Super Mode Robot Blaster x 2
Powermaster Robot ( transforming ) x 1
Static Powermaster Robot x 1
Dual Cannon for Super Mode x 2
Blast effect x 2
Super Mode Lightning effect x 2
Super Mode Jinrai head x 2
Hands x 2
These items have a release estimate of January 2025 subject to delays.
Sabrblade wrote:Guess we can call it a testament of how poorly the MP line has sold over the years in Japan. Transformers is not as big in Japan as it is in the west, so it was always an uphill battle for the MP line to gain traction in the Japanese market (the line's primarily market). The number of new-mold MPs released each year has plummeted as the years have passed, with the bulk of releases each year being reuses of existing molds. 2022 and 2023 both saw only three new MPs released, and only one of those three each year was a new mold (Trailbreaker in 2022, Skyfire in 2023). This year we have five MPs, but only two are new molds and the rest are mold reuses.
Perhaps the declining sales were why they kept trying to reinvent it, to spark new life into it to keep it from going under (until now).Spider5800 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Guess we can call it a testament of how poorly the MP line has sold over the years in Japan. Transformers is not as big in Japan as it is in the west, so it was always an uphill battle for the MP line to gain traction in the Japanese market (the line's primarily market). The number of new-mold MPs released each year has plummeted as the years have passed, with the bulk of releases each year being reuses of existing molds. 2022 and 2023 both saw only three new MPs released, and only one of those three each year was a new mold (Trailbreaker in 2022, Skyfire in 2023). This year we have five MPs, but only two are new molds and the rest are mold reuses.
Probably does not help that they kept trying to reinvent the wheel with the line every couple of years. MP-1 vs MP-10 vs MP-44 don't look like they they're even from the same toyline, haha.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
-Kanrabat- wrote:TF-fan kev777 wrote:First-Aid wrote:Okay, did anyone else notice that we all get a wonderful shot of Starscreams crotch anytime he sits in that throne? That's unnerving. Couldn't they have put n extra flap in there? It's....weird.
Its kind of like Basic Instinct, but not in a good way...
Goddammit, now I can't unsee it.
Why wouldn't they simply put Godbomber in the MPG line when he's as much a combiner as MPG Super Ginrai?Gauntlet101010 wrote:And now Super Ginrai. And, I guess, if we want God Ginrai we'll have to go 3P.
For Skids, it was less about the character and more about his altmode, which is a car type that is a much bigger deal in Japan than the rest of the world. Honda made a big deal about it.Gauntlet101010 wrote:And the price. I mean it's one thing to say "Transformers isn't that popular in Japan", but how much is the average fan really going to pay for Hoist or Skids? I mean every TF is someone's favourite and all, but ... we got Skids and we didn't get Blaster. Or Jazz. I mean come on. There are some obviously popular characters and others that are less popular.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Sabrblade wrote:Why wouldn't they simply put Godbomber in the MPG line when he's as much a combiner as MPG Super Ginrai?Gauntlet101010 wrote:And now Super Ginrai. And, I guess, if we want God Ginrai we'll have to go 3P.
For Skids, it was less about the character and more about his altmode, which is a car type that is a much bigger deal in Japan than the rest of the world. Honda made a big deal about it.[/quote]Gauntlet101010 wrote:And the price. I mean it's one thing to say "Transformers isn't that popular in Japan", but how much is the average fan really going to pay for Hoist or Skids? I mean every TF is someone's favourite and all, but ... we got Skids and we didn't get Blaster. Or Jazz. I mean come on. There are some obviously popular characters and others that are less popular.
They only just revealed Super Ginrai. It's not like every Autobot leader's Magic Mushroom partner gets revealed at the same time. The original Godbomber, CR God Magnus, Armada Jetfire, Armada Overload, Energon Omega Supreme, Energon Wing Saber, Cybertron Leobreaker, and Cybertron Wing Saber all came out long after their respective wearers, and each of those wearers never advertised any of their upgrade partners upon their initial releases either.Gauntlet101010 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Why wouldn't they simply put Godbomber in the MPG line when he's as much a combiner as MPG Super Ginrai?Gauntlet101010 wrote:And now Super Ginrai. And, I guess, if we want God Ginrai we'll have to go 3P.
I guess they could, buy why would I assume they would at this point? They haven't advertised it and, lacking any info that it's coming or in production, I'm going to assume it isn't a thing.
Apparently enough to churn out three more separate-character uses of the mold as Reboost (who was boldly released on the same day as Skids), Crosscut (who saw release a mere four months after the first two), and Burn Out (just under a year after Crosscut).Gauntlet101010 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:For Skids, it was less about the character and more about his altmode, which is a car type that is a much bigger deal in Japan than the rest of the world. Honda made a big deal about it.Gauntlet101010 wrote:And the price. I mean it's one thing to say "Transformers isn't that popular in Japan", but how much is the average fan really going to pay for Hoist or Skids? I mean every TF is someone's favourite and all, but ... we got Skids and we didn't get Blaster. Or Jazz. I mean come on. There are some obviously popular characters and others that are less popular.
Was it a success?
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Sabrblade wrote:They only just revealed Super Ginrai. It's not like every Autobot leader's Magic Mushroom partner gets revealed at the same time. The original Godbomber, CR God Magnus, Armada Jetfire, Armada Overload, Energon Omega Supreme, Energon Wing Saber, Cybertron Leobreaker, and Cybertron Wing Saber all came out long after their respective wearers, and each of those wearers never advertised any of their upgrade partners upon their initial releases either.Gauntlet101010 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Why wouldn't they simply put Godbomber in the MPG line when he's as much a combiner as MPG Super Ginrai?Gauntlet101010 wrote:And now Super Ginrai. And, I guess, if we want God Ginrai we'll have to go 3P.
I guess they could, buy why would I assume they would at this point? They haven't advertised it and, lacking any info that it's coming or in production, I'm going to assume it isn't a thing.Apparently enough to churn out three more separate-character uses of the mold as Reboost (who was boldly released on the same day as Skids), Crosscut (who saw release a mere four months after the first two), and Burn Out (just under a year after Crosscut).Gauntlet101010 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:For Skids, it was less about the character and more about his altmode, which is a car type that is a much bigger deal in Japan than the rest of the world. Honda made a big deal about it.Gauntlet101010 wrote:And the price. I mean it's one thing to say "Transformers isn't that popular in Japan", but how much is the average fan really going to pay for Hoist or Skids? I mean every TF is someone's favourite and all, but ... we got Skids and we didn't get Blaster. Or Jazz. I mean come on. There are some obviously popular characters and others that are less popular.
Was it a success?
-Kanrabat- wrote:TF-fan kev777 wrote:First-Aid wrote:Okay, did anyone else notice that we all get a wonderful shot of Starscreams crotch anytime he sits in that throne? That's unnerving. Couldn't they have put n extra flap in there? It's....weird.
Its kind of like Basic Instinct, but not in a good way...
Goddammit, now I can't unsee it.
Sabrblade wrote:Guess we can call it a testament of how poorly the MP line has sold over the years in Japan. Transformers is not as big in Japan as it is in the west, so it was always an uphill battle for the MP line to gain traction in the Japanese market (the line's primarily market). The number of new-mold MPs released each year has plummeted as the years have passed, with the bulk of releases each year being reuses of existing molds. 2022 and 2023 both saw only three new MPs released, and only one of those three each year was a new mold (Trailbreaker in 2022, Skyfire in 2023). This year we have five MPs, but only two are new molds and the rest are mold reuses.Spider5800 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:It should probably be pointed out that all of the Beast Wars MPs are part of the same main MP line as the G1 characters, as Takara doesn't treat them as a separate line despite being from a different show. Likewise, Star Saber, Soundblaster, and Lio Convoy were all from different shows too, but they as well were part of the main MP line. And even the likes of Ultra Magnus and Rodimus were from what was considered a separate show in Japan (G1 season 3 was treated as a separate cartoon called Transformers: 2010), and they too were part of the main line. And with the inclusion of MP-60 Ginrai, the main Masterpiece line consists of characters from seven different Transformers series in Japan, but all are counted as part of the same single MP line because all of these characters are from the same single continuity/universe. And had the separate-universe character Armada Optimus won the fan vote that Star Saber won, he too would have been part of the main MP line and not a separate line.
I get that, but even with all the stuff they're pulling from, the line feels mismanaged. It's been over 20 years, and they still haven't finished the season 1 Autobots. Really think about that. A person born the year MP-1 came out can legally drink now, and there still isn't a full cast done. That's INSANE.
MP Dinobot came out in 2018, and then a two year wait for MP Tigatron, and then another FOUR years for MP Rhinox. That's absurd. People have quit collecting in that kind of timeframe.
I know it's a whole other beast, but Generations has been pulling from multiple continuities for years as well and never had this problem. Could get the entire BW S1 cast within 2 years. The lack of focus on the MP side is staggering.
First-Aid wrote:Sabrblade wrote:They only just revealed Super Ginrai. It's not like every Autobot leader's Magic Mushroom partner gets revealed at the same time. The original Godbomber, CR God Magnus, Armada Jetfire, Armada Overload, Energon Omega Supreme, Energon Wing Saber, Cybertron Leobreaker, and Cybertron Wing Saber all came out long after their respective wearers, and each of those wearers never advertised any of their upgrade partners upon their initial releases either.Gauntlet101010 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Why wouldn't they simply put Godbomber in the MPG line when he's as much a combiner as MPG Super Ginrai?Gauntlet101010 wrote:And now Super Ginrai. And, I guess, if we want God Ginrai we'll have to go 3P.
I guess they could, buy why would I assume they would at this point? They haven't advertised it and, lacking any info that it's coming or in production, I'm going to assume it isn't a thing.Apparently enough to churn out three more separate-character uses of the mold as Reboost (who was boldly released on the same day as Skids), Crosscut (who saw release a mere four months after the first two), and Burn Out (just under a year after Crosscut).Gauntlet101010 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:For Skids, it was less about the character and more about his altmode, which is a car type that is a much bigger deal in Japan than the rest of the world. Honda made a big deal about it.Gauntlet101010 wrote:And the price. I mean it's one thing to say "Transformers isn't that popular in Japan", but how much is the average fan really going to pay for Hoist or Skids? I mean every TF is someone's favourite and all, but ... we got Skids and we didn't get Blaster. Or Jazz. I mean come on. There are some obviously popular characters and others that are less popular.
Was it a success?
You can't tell me that the reason some molds were made and other weren't had nothing to do with repaintability. Why did they make Starscream MP1? Because they knew Thundrecracker and Skywarp would sell afterwards. Then they added the coneheads. Then Acid Storm and Sunstorm. Optimus? Regular colors, anime accurate, Nemesis Prime, Shattered Glass. Hoist? Trailbreaker at the least. Skids? 4 repaints. WHy no Jazz? Really only 1 repaint possibility and even that isn't going to be popular. Jetfire? You KNEW that was going to sell if done well. The rest? All dependent on how many times they can use the mold. I'm also convinced that's why we haven't gotten more Beast Wars characters....there's minimal repaint potential.
First-Aid wrote:You can't tell me that the reason some molds were made and other weren't had nothing to do with repaintability. Why did they make Starscream MP1? Because they knew Thundrecracker and Skywarp would sell afterwards. Then they added the coneheads. Then Acid Storm and Sunstorm. Optimus? Regular colors, anime accurate, Nemesis Prime, Shattered Glass. Hoist? Trailbreaker at the least. Skids? 4 repaints. WHy no Jazz? Really only 1 repaint possibility and even that isn't going to be popular. Jetfire? You KNEW that was going to sell if done well. The rest? All dependent on how many times they can use the mold. I'm also convinced that's why we haven't gotten more Beast Wars characters....there's minimal repaint potential.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
First-Aid wrote:I think it's also an EXTREME niche market. It's difficult to build a successful business model on niche clients, especially for larger companies who register success completely differently.
Sabrblade wrote:And even with regards to repaintability, the Skids mold still has at least three more options that haven't been made: The all-red Diaclone version (not to be confused with Reboost, who was the red and blue Diaclone version), Quantum Operative Skids (who is green), and Screech (who is orange with a silver Crosscut head).
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