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Bounti76 wrote:I'm assuming if this is correct, they're counting the recolors, Masterpiece 00+s, etc in that number? Because if Ginrai is only MP-60, and they're going to 100, that would still leave 40 more figures to release to hit 100. There's still SO many G1 figures that don't have an MP release- Jazz, Mirage, Cliffjumper (whatever happened to that prototype and eventual color sample? ), Warpath, Brawn,.... most of the "minibots", now what I think about it.... Galvatron, Cyclonus, Scourge, Springer, Blurr, etc...I just can't see (or understand) them just stopping with Ginrai, calling it a day, and only focusing on combiners.
Sabrblade wrote:They only just revealed Super Ginrai. It's not like every Autobot leader's Magic Mushroom partner gets revealed at the same time. The original Godbomber, CR God Magnus, Armada Jetfire, Armada Overload, Energon Omega Supreme, Energon Wing Saber, Cybertron Leobreaker, and Cybertron Wing Saber all came out long after their respective wearers, and each of those wearers never advertised any of their upgrade partners upon their initial releases either.Gauntlet101010 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Why wouldn't they simply put Godbomber in the MPG line when he's as much a combiner as MPG Super Ginrai?Gauntlet101010 wrote:And now Super Ginrai. And, I guess, if we want God Ginrai we'll have to go 3P.
I guess they could, buy why would I assume they would at this point? They haven't advertised it and, lacking any info that it's coming or in production, I'm going to assume it isn't a thing.Apparently enough to churn out three more separate-character uses of the mold as Reboost (who was boldly released on the same day as Skids), Crosscut (who saw release a mere four months after the first two), and Burn Out (just under a year after Crosscut).Gauntlet101010 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:For Skids, it was less about the character and more about his altmode, which is a car type that is a much bigger deal in Japan than the rest of the world. Honda made a big deal about it.Gauntlet101010 wrote:And the price. I mean it's one thing to say "Transformers isn't that popular in Japan", but how much is the average fan really going to pay for Hoist or Skids? I mean every TF is someone's favourite and all, but ... we got Skids and we didn't get Blaster. Or Jazz. I mean come on. There are some obviously popular characters and others that are less popular.
Was it a success?
Gauntlet101010 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:They only just revealed Super Ginrai. It's not like every Autobot leader's Magic Mushroom partner gets revealed at the same time. The original Godbomber, CR God Magnus, Armada Jetfire, Armada Overload, Energon Omega Supreme, Energon Wing Saber, Cybertron Leobreaker, and Cybertron Wing Saber all came out long after their respective wearers, and each of those wearers never advertised any of their upgrade partners upon their initial releases either.Gauntlet101010 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Why wouldn't they simply put Godbomber in the MPG line when he's as much a combiner as MPG Super Ginrai?Gauntlet101010 wrote:And now Super Ginrai. And, I guess, if we want God Ginrai we'll have to go 3P.
I guess they could, buy why would I assume they would at this point? They haven't advertised it and, lacking any info that it's coming or in production, I'm going to assume it isn't a thing.
They may have just revealed him, but they also just said the line was over. I guess Godbomber could be in the next line, but given the MP line's overall spottiness, I dunno. Like I really wouldn't assume it's coming. Victory Leo didn't come. An MP Megatron counter to MP-10 didn't come. Galvatron didn't come. No Blaster. There's a lot of MPs you would have thought were on the horizon given importance or their counterpart existing, but it just never happened.
There's something on their site or in the marketing materials that makes reference to this being part of the "God Ginrai project", and you need Godbomber for that, so it's pretty reasonable to expect it.Gauntlet101010 wrote:I don't think I'm being needlessly skeptical here. Their MP line has simply lost my goodwill and trust. I'm ... a little surprised at how much trust there is on the boards that they will actually pull through and actually release a Godbomber for this guy.
Sculyblast wrote:Why is everyone so surprised the Masterpiece line is ending?
When Studio Series Ultra Magnus came out, I was wondering who this toy was for. We already had a masterpiece Ultra Magnus and excellent WFC Kingdom Magnus.
The Studio Series '86 is already an excellent competitor for the Masterpiece series.
If you add the HasLabs releases, the annual "commander class" figures, and a long list of excellent third party releases, I can definitely see that the Masterpiece Line stops playing the role it played between 2004 - 2010 or 2011 - 2016.
I would have liked to see a logical conclusion to the line.
But for now I mostly want to celebrate the excellent toys this line has given us over the past 20 years.
chuckdawg1999 wrote: I just think the normal design evolution of the Generations lines has surpassed the need for the Masterpiece line.
Emerje wrote:As far as I'm concerned as long as people keep buying enough MPs to justify Takara Tomy making them then there's room enough for it to exist alongside the retail lines.
-Kanrabat- wrote:Emerje wrote:As far as I'm concerned as long as people keep buying enough MPs to justify Takara Tomy making them then there's room enough for it to exist alongside the retail lines.
I bet that a retail Super Ginrai would have no choice to be a HASLAB. One that would cost as much as Omega Prime I bet. At best, the HASLAB would include God Bomber.
Because the MP exist, would a HASLAB Super Ginrai ever be a thing? Star Saber says that odds are not zero.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
-Kanrabat- wrote:The fake chest is cartoon accurate.
Big Grim wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:The fake chest is cartoon accurate.
I really dislike that phrase. It's so often used to excuse poor design or various perceived flubs when the cartoon itself is notorious for being riddled with animation errors.
~ Grim
-Kanrabat- wrote:TF-fan kev777 wrote:First-Aid wrote:Okay, did anyone else notice that we all get a wonderful shot of Starscreams crotch anytime he sits in that throne? That's unnerving. Couldn't they have put n extra flap in there? It's....weird.
Its kind of like Basic Instinct, but not in a good way...
Goddammit, now I can't unsee it.
Red eyes = toy-Kanrabat- wrote:Which one is the "toon" head and the "toy" head?
Not the same cartoon. This is Masterforce, which wasn't error-ridden like the G1 cartoon was.Big Grim wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:The fake chest is cartoon accurate.
I really dislike that phrase. It's so often used to excuse poor design or various perceived flubs when the cartoon itself is notorious for being riddled with animation errors.![]()
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
First-Aid wrote:Big Grim wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:The fake chest is cartoon accurate.
I really dislike that phrase. It's so often used to excuse poor design or various perceived flubs when the cartoon itself is notorious for being riddled with animation errors.
~ Grim
Maybe this is why the Masterpiece line has really lost its luster for me. The designs are "cartoon accurate" but very, very boring. I feel like the Bee movie designs struck the best balance of detailing and G1 nostalgia (though I am one who rails constantly against the never-ending stream of G1 Redux we seem to continuously get any more).
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