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SW's SilverHammer wrote:Eat my ass funpub.
Burn wrote:And this is for taking Nemesis Maximo seriously.
*high fives Silly in the face*
carytheone wrote:I can't be assed to do any better right now.
SW's SilverHammer wrote:Eat my ass funpub.
Burn wrote:And this is for taking Nemesis Maximo seriously.
*high fives Silly in the face*
carytheone wrote:I can't be assed to do any better right now.
Seibertron wrote:I just don't get the Masterpiece line at this point. They are beautiful figures, but the line moves at an extremely slow snail pace. I was 27 when the first Masterpiece figures came out. I'm 47 now and they still haven't finished the first year G1 figures. Twenty years is an incredibly long time to wait for a toy to be released. Where's Jazz? Where are the rumored Insecticons and Perceptor and Blaster and the Autobot Cassettes and Springer and Kup and Blurr and Cyclonus, Scourge, Galvatron, etc????
The Masterpiece Beast Wars figures started coming out in 2016 and I'm pretty sure Primal was announced around BotCon 2015, but maybe I'm off with that. Either way, his figure came out almost 8 years ago in 2016. And here we are in a very similar pattern with Beast Wars that we are with G1. How has this line not been finished yet? Where is Tarantulas and Scorponok and Airazor and Terrorsaur and Inferno at this point? These seem like easy products to make because no licensing is involved. I just don't get it. I love the Masterpiece figures but the line is so slow and has so much "filler" that I'm kind of getting over this line at this point. The main line is doing such an amazing job with incredible figures and deep pulls and similar deep cuts that I feel like the relevancy of Masterpiece just isn't there any more ... and is hurt by its own incredibly slow release cycle.
Takara Tomy ... I want to give you more money. Here it is. Please release products faster so that I can give you more of my money. Thanks. Signed, Ryan.
Seibertron wrote:I just don't get the Masterpiece line at this point. They are beautiful figures, but the line moves at an extremely slow snail pace. I was 27 when the first Masterpiece figures came out. I'm 47 now and they still haven't finished the first year G1 figures. Twenty years is an incredibly long time to wait for a toy to be released. Where's Jazz? Where are the rumored Insecticons and Perceptor and Blaster and the Autobot Cassettes and Springer and Kup and Blurr and Cyclonus, Scourge, Galvatron, etc????
The Masterpiece Beast Wars figures started coming out in 2016 and I'm pretty sure Primal was announced around BotCon 2015, but maybe I'm off with that. Either way, his figure came out almost 8 years ago in 2016. And here we are in a very similar pattern with Beast Wars that we are with G1. How has this line not been finished yet? Where is Tarantulas and Scorponok and Airazor and Terrorsaur and Inferno at this point? These seem like easy products to make because no licensing is involved. I just don't get it. I love the Masterpiece figures but the line is so slow and has so much "filler" that I'm kind of getting over this line at this point. The main line is doing such an amazing job with incredible figures and deep pulls and similar deep cuts that I feel like the relevancy of Masterpiece just isn't there any more ... and is hurt by its own incredibly slow release cycle.
Takara Tomy ... I want to give you more money. Here it is. Please release products faster so that I can give you more of my money. Thanks. Signed, Ryan.
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Then of course is the other side of the conversation: the counterproductive buyer.
"I don't care if they complete the cast. I want Optimus Prime with better knees/more faithful decals/shiny smoke stacks etc"
It's counterproductive because the MP line has literally reset itself (a couple of times) to accommodate this attitude at this point. Takara should have at least completed a single season's cast before going into 2.0 figures.
You almost get the feeling that some people would be happy if every Transformer was just a colour variant of Prime/BB/Starscream.
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