Hi guys,
New 2 here but not 2 collecting. Just so you know, I can't spell to save my life... so sorry in advance.
I live in Quincy, but travel to Hampton, NH every other week or so.
In the pass couple of weeks, here is what I have seen (in no order):
Walmart N Hampton:
Altenators Skid, Ricochet
Leader class Brawl (1 with crush box)
Ultimate BB
Walmart Quincy:
Had 2 cases of Dlx class. Nothing good left
Walmart Raynham:
Metroplex $30
Walmart Seabrook:
Altenators of $10
Walmart Peabody:
Walmart Toronto Queensway:
NOTHING!!! Figures!
Hope these help
Wants: Alternators
Have: Dlx 08 Camaro BB,Long Arm, Tar Arcee, Mov Arcee
Have needs? So don't I (hehe) Let me know and I willkeep an 'i' out 4 ya.