Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

tattood-transformer wrote:
I wanted to list these pictures I just took of this new line of TF toys called bash bots. I'm in NJ but the NJ forum doesn't seem to be active.
I found these at the TRU in Burlington on RT 541. They are priced at $14.99 Megatron VS. BumbleBee and StarScream VS. Optimus Prime
Sorry if this is the wrong spot I'm new to these boards and was excited to post here.
Henry921 wrote:You can always be counted on to listen to reason, Pryme.
Dead Metal wrote:Have you ever, and i mean ever seen/read/heard something that is completely original and does not copy/homage/pay tribute to something else? Here's a hint: Nope. You never have and you never will.
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