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by Crankcase79 » Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:17 am
While not strictly a toy sighting while out shopping yesterday I found this Transformers The Movie t-shirt in Next, a chain of UK clothes stores. It was priced at £12 but annoyingly only appears to be in children's sizes.
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"Fighting the D.J.D." is just "certain death" with more letters! It's suicide with delusions of survival!

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by Kurona » Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:57 am
- Motto: "Don't forget to subscribe to the official Doctor Who youtube channel"
- Weapon: Temperature Variant H20 Gun
Courtesy of fellow board member
Crankcase79, a new Transformers t-shirt inspired by the 1986 Movie was spotted at UK Clothing Retailer NEXT for £12! Sporting the Movie's logo on the back and the iconic poster on the front; the t-shirt unfortunately appears to only be available in Children's sizes for now but keep your eyes peeled for it in sizes for more demographics!


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by Summoner » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:44 am
Are there any 9 year olds out there who's even aware of the greatest Transformers movie ever made?
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by Va'al » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:47 am
- Motto: "Till All Are Pun!"
Summoner wrote:Are there any 9 year olds out there who's even aware of the greatest Transformers movie ever made?

They might be once you buy them the t-shirt, and get them to watch it?

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Buy from Va'al on eBay
by steve2275 » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:25 am
- Motto: "it may not get better
but it wont get any worse"
make an 3 xl and im in
i come and go more than a hmw programmer
or a karma chameleon
im content
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by Carnivius_Prime » Tue Feb 28, 2017 3:00 pm
- Motto: "A cunning smile is more devastating than the fiercest weapon."
- Weapon: Anti-Thermal Cannon
Thought I saw one of these some years ago. Around the time of the first live action film. Or maybe it was a bootleg cashing in on the 2007 movie hype or they'd literally just put the wrong TF movie on the shirt? Looks neat anyways. Not for me. I'm still looking for a t-shirt with an all over print of movie Prime like with the chest windows and flames on the shoulders and such. If one exists please PM me. At moment I wear my 2007 Optimus Prime helmet with a Superman symbol shirt cos of the colours and cos I can be Super Optimus Prime.
I have anxiety, depression and aspergers syndrome so my behaviour can be erratic. I don't mean offense to anyone. Just very picky about my Transformers collecting. You're all cool! 
Likes: Bayverse, Marvel UK G1, Geoff Senior art, '86 movie (more for style/soundtrack rather than Star Wars plot)
Dislikes: Bumblebee movie (lousy rehashed dumb crud), TFA, G1 cartoon, IDW G1, BW/BM, MP. The entire concept of Autobot Megatron

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