Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Lucius Prime wrote:Autobot032 wrote:
Fortunately, I already nabbed a Turbo Falcon, but I am looking for the ever elusive Ninja Zord. If you find one in your travels, I want it.
Do you mean the Samurai Star? Or is there something else I'm missing? But i can definately help you out if I see him. New on the hunt today is Chase and Boulder from RBs. They are the mini guys like Blades and Heatwave were, but they're still cool. and they go good with the smaller size Optimus Primal. Good times... Evo BB is up here at N. Olmsted along with two Prowls. NO sign of the new GENs yet or the Legions. WM sucks. TGT sucks. KM sucks. TRU is the only one somewhat keeping up and now they're warming pegs and shelves. The latest shippment of Voyagers got put out and they were all the GEN Whirls and such. BUT.... I'll tell you what I find. As always.
TheMuffin wrote:Nothing all that interesting at Chapel Hill TRU or Target. Leader Jetfire. Tankor. No Rattrap. That's all I want is Rattrap then I can take a few more years off from buying again.
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