Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

iaconportland wrote:Hey TF fans, just wanted to follow up on an article I saw on the news page. Someone had posted that they were finding RTS figures at Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and Ross stores for as little as $7.00. Well, I followed up on that today and found a lot of delightful surprises.
First stop was Marshalls in Beaverton, OR, where I purchased RTS Deluxe Class Perceptor ($6.99) and HTFD Voyager Sea Spray (9.99). They also had ROTF Deluxe Arcee and ROTF Deluxe Bumblebee, both for $7.99. The TJ Maxx next door had pretty much the same selection.
Then I went to the Ross in downtown Portland. There I found an insane deal on HFTD Leader Class Optimus Prime and Starscream, both for $20 each. Unfortunately I didn't pick either of them up because I didn't have the money to spend.
The point is, if you're looking for figures that you missed out on from previous lines, hit up the discount chains like Marshalls and TJ Maxx. Unbelievable deals are to be had.
Eldorodimus wrote:TFAW in Beaverton has MP Megs, Encore Ironhide and Ratchet, and two music label Soundwaves... time to work overtime...
iaconportland wrote:Eldorodimus wrote:TFAW in Beaverton has MP Megs, Encore Ironhide and Ratchet, and two music label Soundwaves... time to work overtime...
TFAW?? Never heard of it...and I live in Beaverton...
Mkall wrote:I don't have much extra to contribute, but you have an AWESOME username
The Cactus wrote:Yep, the Rhino one is Cybertron Backstop. Perhaps they'd been released in new packaging - it happened to Cybertron Mudflap when the first movie line came out, though they recoloured him while keeping the same name.
Are you sure the others said 'mino-con' and no 'mini-con'? There were some minicon teams released as part of the Cybertron line too.
SW's SilverHammer wrote:So Has anyone seen Anything in the Downtown Portland Area?
buddhaquest wrote:Sounds like you live in my area of town, Herban Lejund. I'm sure I'll see you around when I start hunting again.
travicon wrote:i live in salem and just found: Longarm, dropkick, payload, dredwing and leader brawl... i still cant find 08 bumblebee, arcee or either of the g1 repaints so please post your oregon sighting here, im willing to drive at least an hour in any direction from salem to get these figures, please help!thanks and happy hunting!
Herban Lejund wrote:buddhaquest wrote:Sounds like you live in my area of town, Herban Lejund. I'm sure I'll see you around when I start hunting again.
for sure! I'll be the one using my kids as an excuse to pick through all the
Autobot Roadburn wrote:Is there anyone here in the Portland area? I'm new on the site, just wanted to see if there was anyone nearby so we could hang out/figure hunt/whatever.
SW's SilverHammer wrote:Autobot Roadburn wrote:Is there anyone here in the Portland area? I'm new on the site, just wanted to see if there was anyone nearby so we could hang out/figure hunt/whatever.
Autobot Roadburn wrote:SW's SilverHammer wrote:Autobot Roadburn wrote:Is there anyone here in the Portland area? I'm new on the site, just wanted to see if there was anyone nearby so we could hang out/figure hunt/whatever.
Hey! Sorry I took so long to reply. What area of Portland are you in? I'm in the Southwest area.
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