Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store


Autobot032 wrote:Since the sightings form won't work for my local Wal-Mart...I'll just post my findings here...
Bumblebee ('77) VS. Barricade ("First Encounter") 2-Pack x 18
(Yes, you read that correctly. EIGHT-FRIGGIN'-TEEN!)
Barricade x2
Blackout x2
Bumblebee x2
Frenzy x2
Megatron x2
Optimus Prime x2
Digital Dagger x1
Flash Bang x1
Quick Bow x1
Tight Shot x1
I'm impressed by the F.A.B.s
The T.E.C.H.s...not so much. Especially at $12.88 a piece.
AlienQuiksilver wrote:Autobot032 wrote:Since the sightings form won't work for my local Wal-Mart...I'll just post my findings here...
Bumblebee ('77) VS. Barricade ("First Encounter") 2-Pack x 18
(Yes, you read that correctly. EIGHT-FRIGGIN'-TEEN!)
Barricade x2
Blackout x2
Bumblebee x2
Frenzy x2
Megatron x2
Optimus Prime x2
Digital Dagger x1
Flash Bang x1
Quick Bow x1
Tight Shot x1
I'm impressed by the F.A.B.s
The T.E.C.H.s...not so much. Especially at $12.88 a piece.
umm, what town?
chiptimus_prime wrote:Date: 10/01/07
Time: 01:00am
Store(s): Wal-Mart Supercenter
City: Hermitage
State/Province: PA
Country: USA
The Hermitage Wal Mart had a slew of Movie deluxe figures, I counted atleast eight '08 Bumblebee's. The shelves were full of Longarms, Bonecrushers, Brawls, Dreadwings, Dropkicks, Scorponoks & Swindles.
There was also an end cap FULL of Cybertron Primus.
Tom_Servo wrote:The Walgreens on 9th and Market in Philadelphia is stocked up with knock-off G1 combiner sets. They have Devastator (in Green and Purple!), Bruticus (lost of tan and green), Superion (mostly white) and Defensor (in mostly red and white).
I would imagine that the whole chain has them, but this is the only one I've been to lately.
AND they're three for twelve bucks!
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