Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Grahf_ wrote:Has anyone else actually read what this Optimus Prime is best seller at?
It's number one for Wii games.
It's number one for PSP games.
And it's number eleven for all of video games, down from number eight yesterday.
The only actual video game to outsell Legacy Armada Optimus Prime is Zelda. Making it the number two best selling actual video game on all of Amazon. So that would also make it the number one XBox Series game, XBox One game, XBox 360 game, PS5 game, PS4 game, PS3 game, PS Vita game, Wii U game, 3DS game and DS game. That's rather impressive. Only a Switch game can outsell it and even then, only Zelda.
Is there a Webdiver or Daigunder feature to this release that hasn't been reported on yet to have it listed as a video game on Amazon? I mean, it's not that they took too long to get the listing up, it's just that I was checking in the action figure category and couldn't find it so I went to Pulse instead. If I had known to check the video games, I might have found it quicker. It's not on the featured Transformers search where it should be at the top above Cyber Commander Optimus Prime who's always up there for some reason along with Cyber Commander Bumblebee and the Cyber Battalion two packs and a bunch of Rescue Bots listings. Only the newest Generations figures make it up here like the newest wave of Armada Megatron, Devcon and the rest.
I just had a chuckle about it when I finally found the listing for it the other day and read what it was a best seller for. I realized why I hadn't found it before then after I read it.
I preordered not only due to the popularity of this figure but I watched a video from Nerdzoic the other day about a very unconfirmed rumor/speculation of Hasbro cutting back on production runs so as to not have so many figures left that go on sale. I mean, this was after a huge Black Friday sale and then still have so much old stock available after the warehouse sale only three months later. It's pretty crazy how many are still available for some figures after both those sales. So I wasn't taking chances with this one and snagged that preorder pretty quick.
Flashwave wrote:That rumor comes up ever so often, especially with the Titan Class figures. You have to remember though that "Hasbro Pulse" =/= "Hasbro". Pulse is a third party company working with Hasbro. They are basically the same as TFSource or BBTS just with a direct phone line. It is possible Hasbro Proper expected a Big Box retailer to make an additional order for stock that didn't pan out, or more likely that Meijer and Target are placing smaller orders based on previous sales numbers, but I wouldn't put a huge amount of stock into the rumor. At the end ofvthe day, I would stick with "does this look like a figurevthat is worth $89.99 to me? And if the answer is no wait for a sale
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Extra good back in stock today on Pulse.
I just snagged SS38 Voyager Prime. Legacy Brakedown, SG Soundwave and Slicer, ER Sky Lynx and a few MP's are also available for premium members right now.
chuckdawg1999 wrote:No Buzzworthy Bumblebee Studio Series Cliffjumper? Sighhhhh.
Micktrap397 wrote:Okay never mind about inferno I can find him online. But what about crasher? I never get a chance to get her in stores.
DeathReviews wrote:Whoa - blink and you'll miss it. Legacy (Evolution) Shrapnel was available on Pulse (05.01.2023) for about five minutes. But now it's sold out again.
Many have dissed this Shrapnel figure as being too simple. And yet, it's in such demand that they can't seem to keep it in stock. What's the deal with this one...?
Overcracker wrote:For those wanting Leader Primal outside of Pulse, he's up on Amazon: ... UTF8&psc=1
Still looking for Dreadwing, and the Volvo Prime.
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Overcracker wrote:For those wanting Leader Primal outside of Pulse, he's up on Amazon: ... UTF8&psc=1
Still looking for Dreadwing, and the Volvo Prime.
Dreadwing's preorder date is still TBD.
Volvo prime doesn't go up till Thursday
She's also loosely Unicronian in origin. She's a Herald of Shokaract (his highest-ranking one at that, bearing the title of "Herald Maximo"), who conquered Cybertron in the far distant future using Unicron's Dark Essence to make his own Matrix, the Matrix of Conquest.DeathReviews wrote:I did wind up pre-ordering "Antagony". A black ant appealed much more to me than a red one, for... obvious reasons.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Sabrblade wrote:She's also loosely Unicronian in origin. She's a Herald of Shokaract (his highest-ranking one at that, bearing the title of "Herald Maximo"), who conquered Cybertron in the far distant future using Unicron's Dark Essence to make his own Matrix, the Matrix of Conquest.DeathReviews wrote:I did wind up pre-ordering "Antagony". A black ant appealed much more to me than a red one, for... obvious reasons.
It's simple. The real Cyclonus was rebuilt from Life Spark.Bumblevivisector wrote:All the different versions of each of the 3 Insecticons I already have, and dangit if I don't want this one just as bad as the Legacy one I haven't gotten around to opening yet.
Though this announcement would've been a lot funnier if it was Bombshell and Skywarp.
"Spend another 4 million years arguing about which one Unicron turned into the real Cyclonus after the Battle of Autobot City!"
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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