Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

We introduced our product by offering our G1 Wheeljack labels for FREE.
Now, for the new MP version, we are doing the same sort of thing! Everyone can add it to their cart for just ONE CENT.
It is our way of thanking customers and inviting everyone else to see how far we've come.
And that's not all! We've got several other new sets to show you:
We've got a brilliant set for the new Windblade:
For Generations Crosscut:
The new Generations Jetfire:
Movie Hound:
And finally, TWO sets for Legends Acidstorm. The standard MP-inspired version:
And a more G1 inspired version:
And a direct link for the ONE CENT MP Wheeljack is here:
Yotsuyasan wrote:Huh... I cannot help but feel a bit strangely underwhelmed by the Jetfire set. It adds some nice detail, but the giant block of red it adds to the wings seems overkill. (Yes, I am underwhelmed by overkill. Go figure.) And the awkwardly executed white nosecone. (When Jetfire's nosecone is supposed to be red, anyway!) That isn't to say that I always feel I have to use every sticker in a Reprolabels set... but I like the ratio of used to unused to be a bit more in my favor for the purchase to be cost effective.
I do like some of what they added. But it is in the subtle detail. With the larger details, I really feel they rather missed the mark. For what I'd use from this set, I in no way feel I'd get my money's worth for $21.00. Disappointing, as I was looking forward to seeing what they did with Jetfire.
Also, just as a point of curiosity...
Holy hell, where did his forearm gaps go? Not that I want them to be there, but they are rather conspicuous with the sudden absence. Are they (oddly) using an obviously modded figure to show off stickers for a stock Hasbro toy? Or are the gaps covered by a sticker that wraps around the forearm, and they just forgot to mark that as one of the stickers? (If it is a sticker, while I applaud their effort, I can't see that as a sticker that will have a long durability unless one then treats their Jetfire with extreme care!)
RotorstormNZ wrote:I'm getting the Legends version so these will probably look awful...does anyone know if Reprolabels has done sheets for Japanese-retail figures before?
Check out this month's awesome new sets!
We've got a full set for Generations Brainstorm:
Bad Cube's Brawny and Backland get their own sets:
As does iGear's Duneraker:
The new Legends Cliffjumper:
Iron Factory's excellent Turrets and Manacle:
And our first set for the KFC cassettes, starting with Haymaker and Overslay:
Wrapping up our TF themed sets, is the much-needed missing details for Movieverse Hot Shot, which provide him with the cancelled Tracks flames!
And we haven't forgotten about our MMPR section either, bringing you this luxurious set for Legacy Dragonzord!
Finally, we've announced a new free give away set: With every $25 you spend on TF related sets, we're giving a giant set of these new holographic "glow" symbols... yes, they're ACTUALLY prismatic!
And fair warning: this is the FINAL day for the 1 cent set for MP Wheeljack. This will be going up to full price.
Happy hollidays!
prjkt wrote:Ever since the WFC/FOC game designs, cybertronian versions of the characters in the comics have had those glowing spots - so this'll make Branstorm more media-accurate atm, but iirc, the skids set had a more "G1" set of labels instead of the "glow" - s may happen here too?
Yotsuyasan wrote:Occasionally they advertise a set as containing alternate stickers without that detail, but that seems to be a minority. But even then, I feel like I'd be buying sets with an inflated cost because of all of the superfluous stickers!
We're very proud to show you this month's update, which is the result of an unprecendented amount of effort!
We've added game-changing sets for several Combiner Wars figures: Optimus, Skydive and Firefly!
New MP sets, including an inspired set for Ultra Magnus, and a great set for Bumblebee too!
We've also covered the new femmebots:
Third party toys Sigma-L and Warning Line:
An excellent alternate design for the new Jetfire:
Lots more Legends sets:
And last but not least, our excellent first set for the new RiD line is for Bumblebee:
SW's SilverHammer wrote:Eat my ass funpub.
Burn wrote:And this is for taking Nemesis Maximo seriously.
*high fives Silly in the face*
carytheone wrote:I can't be assed to do any better right now.
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