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RotorstormNZ wrote:Apologies if I've missed it, but has anyone here used the Gigawatt sheet? I'm seriously tempted by it...
SGMLordMirage wrote:That set does look good and much needed stickers for the inside part of the trailer.
Good job @Kanrabat
SGMLordMirage wrote:Hey why not, finish them all. Looking at this set, it is almost tempting to buy this Holiday OP. Another one that is tempting too buy is the sticker set to transform the Wreck n use Bulkhead into General OP. Of course i am retired Army, so i love Army vehicles but that set is pretty cool and what it adds to the figure itself.
My next set might be for Legacy Override. That set definitely gives Override that much needed look.
-Kanrabat- wrote:Speaking of conversion stickers, that Magnificus set is incredible.
But damn are those eye stickers hard to apply!
SGMLordMirage wrote:Nice new looks for all three, definitely love the set for Magnificus. I did buy the GEN OP conversion sticker set. I will say the stickers for the mace ball was a slight pain but not bad looking.
SGMLordMirage wrote:The next one i am considering is for Legacy Metalhawk.
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