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by Jason5billion » Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:28 pm
- Motto: "God bless,JasonScottIrelan"
- Weapon: Cyclone Cannon
I saw both of Scoop's Targetmaster guns for sale at Cliff's Books in DeLand, Florida. One of them is pictured in the last update on my want to trade Transformers thread, and they're ten dollars each if anyone wants them.

God bless, Jason Scott Irelan
- Banned
- Posts: 499
- Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:49 pm
- Location: Orange City, Florida
Buy from Jason5billion on eBay
- Alt Mode: Astarshipthatcancloakgowarp5billionVehiconstarTbirdStingrayXKEmore
- Strength: 10+
- Intelligence: 10+
- Speed: ???
- Endurance: 10+
- Rank: N/A
- Courage: N/A
- Firepower: N/A
- Skill: N/A
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