Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Hansolo wrote:Toys R' Us in North Charleston has one Optimus Prime MP available, the other went to me
GetRightRobot wrote:Hansolo wrote:Toys R' Us in North Charleston has one Optimus Prime MP available, the other went to me
SCORE! Congrats!
redoutlander wrote:Thanks for the Heads up GetRight. I haven't seen any IDW figs in the center of the state quite yet. I'm sure they will show up soon. I might hold off on them for a few weeks though. I've got to keep my wallet full for Charticon next weekend!
Cliff Jumper wrote:Got IDW Megs, Orion Pax, and Trailcutter(breaker) at the Woodruff Road Target. They have one IDW BB left and 2 Sandstorms. They also had one BH Arcee and Knock-Out, along with the Predacons Rising stuff.
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