Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store


redoutlander wrote:I've had a lot of bad luck lately. I never saw Generations Deluxe wave 10 or 11 yet in my local stores and I eventually caved in and bought Brainstorm from Amazon. The Sumter Walmart still has 30-40 movie figures on the pegs so that could be part of it.
I did find one Alpha Bravo, but it looks like I might have missed the rest. I was able to finally pick up Firefly and Skydive from Kmart. They were $17.99 so I'd check other stores first as Walmart figures are about $3.00 cheaper.
Good news take away: Wave 1 combiner wars is out there so keep your eyes sharp!
HA HA this is my 100th post!!
KnightAero wrote:I found Sky Lynx in Anderson SC Liberty Hwy Walmart a couple weeks ago. (Seems to be one to a case...)
They still have most of Bruticus/Combaticons.
Have not been to Toys R Us in a few weeks... And the Target over here is pretty useless in most regards.
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