Hello, I'm new to this forum, so please bare with me. My local Wallmart here in Southern California has recently started stocking the first wave of War for Cybertron Siege Mini-cons, Deluxes, Voyager and Leader classes.

Forgive the quality of the pics, I was in a hurry.
These figures started going fast within a week or so, but they should be restocked soon so no need to worry. Prices for Mini-cons fall in the $10 range, Deluxes are around $21, Voyagers are $30, and The Leaders go for about $48. I managed to get almost all the figures except Leader class Shockwave - he was gone.
There was also one single Re-issue G1 Optimus Prime left, priced at around $50!

I live in the city of Paramount and my store regularly stocks its toy aisle fairly quickly.
That's all I've got to report for now, I'll check back with any more new updates.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of the Seibertron community.