Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

EmoTim wrote:Yeah! Target really needs to secure more product for their online transformers stock.
EmoTim wrote:Awesome! I haven't been to Walmart in awhile, was there many Legacy United figures? Thanks!
Starseeker wrote:I got Legacy leader Sandstorm for $24.49 and Legacy deluxe Gears for $17.49 at a new Target that opened up at my local mall! No card or circle points either. Heck of a steal!
EmoTim wrote:Oh hey! I just bought this set on Secondipity. It was $14.49 (50% off $28.99) and free shipping. The coupon code is TOYS50 if anyone is interested. ... e-set-2pk/
Emerje wrote:We'll see what kind of condition they show up in.
Emerje wrote:Emerje wrote:We'll see what kind of condition they show up in.
Well, the condition was none at all, they cancelled my entire order today because one item out of the three was out of stock.It was the massive Flash Movie Batwing with Keaton Batman, I think it was originally a Target exclusive.
Seems to be a normal thing for them because they make it easy to select the items from the cancelled order and reorder, which I did and already got a shipping notice so I don't know why it took so long before to figure out one item was out of stock. Just glad the coupon still worked.
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Emerje wrote:Emerje wrote:We'll see what kind of condition they show up in.
Well, the condition was none at all, they cancelled my entire order today because one item out of the three was out of stock.It was the massive Flash Movie Batwing with Keaton Batman, I think it was originally a Target exclusive.
Seems to be a normal thing for them because they make it easy to select the items from the cancelled order and reorder, which I did and already got a shipping notice so I don't know why it took so long before to figure out one item was out of stock. Just glad the coupon still worked.
I think there's another Batwing coming FYI. This one is more '89 movie.
Emerje wrote:chuckdawg1999 wrote:Emerje wrote:Emerje wrote:We'll see what kind of condition they show up in.
Well, the condition was none at all, they cancelled my entire order today because one item out of the three was out of stock.It was the massive Flash Movie Batwing with Keaton Batman, I think it was originally a Target exclusive.
Seems to be a normal thing for them because they make it easy to select the items from the cancelled order and reorder, which I did and already got a shipping notice so I don't know why it took so long before to figure out one item was out of stock. Just glad the coupon still worked.
I think there's another Batwing coming FYI. This one is more '89 movie.
In what line? I was really only interested in the Flash one because it was big and cheap. If the new one is mass retail then I probably stand a better chance of getting it cheap later.
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