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Sowndwave76 wrote:I wouldn’t doubt it if this new Devastator is never released as a box set…
No matter which deco it involves, the fact is that it’s a $210-ish set when you consider the classes of the figures included. And sure, knock that down to $199 to make it slightly more appealing for some…
But even being Devastator, a $200 toy is not an easy sell.
-Kanrabat- wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:I wouldn’t doubt it if this new Devastator is never released as a box set…
No matter which deco it involves, the fact is that it’s a $210-ish set when you consider the classes of the figures included. And sure, knock that down to $199 to make it slightly more appealing for some…
But even being Devastator, a $200 toy is not an easy sell.
SS69 proved otherwise.
Emerje wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:I wouldn’t doubt it if this new Devastator is never released as a box set…
No matter which deco it involves, the fact is that it’s a $210-ish set when you consider the classes of the figures included. And sure, knock that down to $199 to make it slightly more appealing for some…
But even being Devastator, a $200 toy is not an easy sell.
SS69 proved otherwise.
Yeah, to me it would be strange if they did box sets like that, the SS86 Autobot set, the SS '07 movie Autobot and Decepticon sets and the Legacy Evolution Stunticon set, but not an 86 Constructicon set that's only $20 more but has six figures instead of five? I have strong doubts about that one.
Sowndwave76 wrote:Emerje wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Sowndwave76 wrote:I wouldn’t doubt it if this new Devastator is never released as a box set…
No matter which deco it involves, the fact is that it’s a $210-ish set when you consider the classes of the figures included. And sure, knock that down to $199 to make it slightly more appealing for some…
But even being Devastator, a $200 toy is not an easy sell.
SS69 proved otherwise.
Yeah, to me it would be strange if they did box sets like that, the SS86 Autobot set, the SS '07 movie Autobot and Decepticon sets and the Legacy Evolution Stunticon set, but not an 86 Constructicon set that's only $20 more but has six figures instead of five? I have strong doubts about that one.
A few of those sets you listed cost anywhere from $110-$150...
If Hastak makes a gift set of the SS86 Constructicons, that's 2 deluxes ($50), 2 voyagers ($70), and a CC release ($90)-- $210 before tax.
I bought that Autobot 5 pack for $119.73 total... On top of the Menasor giftset being exclusive, it's clearly targeted at collectors. No kid or non-collector even understands what "toy deco" means. So if a set like this (the toy version Menasor) is such a guaranteed money-maker, then why wasn't it released to mass retail?
But the main point, that some collectors don't consider or don't care about, is that the average, non-collecting person-- kid or adult-- isn't going to jump at spending $50+ on a toy.
Hell, there have been plenty of posts made on these forums over the years by people who are more into collecting than me that state something close to, "... I'll wait until it goes on sale...". Or, "...I'll consider it if I can get it on a sale..."
And weird, that's not just in regards to releases that are $100+.
Releasing the SS86 Constructicons in some exclusive, re-decoed giftset is of course possible.
But again, my point is that a $200+ set of toys is not an easy sell. If you think it is, and you're including the general public and consumers across the board, you've got your head so far up your collection that you're grossly out of touch with reality.
SS69 doesn't prove anything... For every one collector who bought that, there are literally dozens of collectors and non-collectors who didn't.
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Has anyone come across any QC issues with commander Optimus Prime, specifically on getting the neck plate to sit flush in truck mode?
I just can't seem to get it to flip all the way over. It seems like interference between the edge of the neck plate and the front of the truck.
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Thanks Chuck and Kanra, got it. Man that was an uncomfortable amount of force. He really comes together nice in truck mode.
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