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Bumblevivisector wrote:Indeed, they retained even the scale problems that ultimately put me off trying to fill the gaps in my Action Master collection.
And once we have Devastator to for Bumblebee to be the same size as...YES, wave 3 totally needs ReAction Unicron! And Spike.
Static Masters - got itEmerje wrote:Think of them like Action Masters, but with less articulation.
I might be wrong, but I think they started off using old Kenner molds of Alien figures, that may or may not have been released. But then went crazy and "ReActioned" every thing.JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:The ReAction logo is styled after Kenner's... Huh, neat.
Sledge wrote:Finally! Wheelie will get the credit he's due with a set of five Wheelies.
ScottyP wrote:Kid 1 "What did you get for Christmas?"
Kid 2 "Steve.........What did you get?"
Kid 1 "John Cena!"
Zeedust wrote:What's the appeal of these meant to be?
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:The ReAction logo is styled after Kenner's... Huh, neat.
carytheone wrote:Wow these look surprisingly good, with some sharp AF paint decos, but a little smaller than expected. Will be getting Soundwave for shrine reasons.
They are so G1 cartoon accurate, does that make these "Action Masterpiece" figures?
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