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Tyrannacon wrote:Why is Megatron transforming into Godzilla? More importantly why is Grimlock's body being used as Godzilla?! Should we refer to this as Mega-Grimzilla?!
Tyrannacon wrote:Why is Megatron transforming into Godzilla? More importantly why is Grimlock's body being used as Godzilla?! Should we refer to this as Mega-Grimzilla?!
-Kanrabat- wrote:Will these new X-Over figures be something-or-other exclusives, or wide releases?
Gauntlet101010 wrote:That Godzilla crossover hurts my feelings.
If Prime is supposed to be Kiryu
william-james88 wrote:Gauntlet101010 wrote:That Godzilla crossover hurts my feelings.
If Prime is supposed to be Kiryu
I'll stop you right there because after reading Takara's blurb on this set, turns out he isn't supposed to be Kiryu, he is supposed to be Optimus Prime. Same with Megatron. They are their transformers selves, but have taken looks and powers from Godzilla lore.
I'll do the write up now.
Rodimus Prime wrote:If the robot mode chest on that Megatron was silver, it would look so much better. Even so, I might have to pick this up just for the black t-rex mode. Pass on Prime and all the others.
Gearslide wrote:Zoids!?
Takara remembered that IP?
-Kanrabat- wrote:Tyrannacon wrote:Why is Megatron transforming into Godzilla? More importantly why is Grimlock's body being used as Godzilla?! Should we refer to this as Mega-Grimzilla?!
Grimlock is the perfect base for Godzilla. But the legs and arms should have been remolded to be much thicker, the tail should have been longer, a new dino head, plus the dorsal fins are missing. The remoldings on the bot are nice, but there's zero efforts on the dino.
That's why for me, that's just "Beast Megatron, G1 style."
NOT Godzilla.
william-james88 wrote:Tyrannacon wrote:Why is Megatron transforming into Godzilla? More importantly why is Grimlock's body being used as Godzilla?! Should we refer to this as Mega-Grimzilla?!
No, its just megatron.
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